Questions for Crysis 2 PC

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:20 pm

I've been waiting for Crysis 2 for a while but to be honest, I was expecting a whole different game. I'm really enjoying the demo, but I was hoping for a true sequel to Crysis's unique gameplay unlike this futuristic COD gameplay, there's really no other way to describe it.

My pre-order is on hold until March 15-16th to have a look at Homefront's retail MP. But these are some questions I really have to ask to know how much it's worth it favouring Crysis 2.

1- Graphics settings expanded like normal, or will they still be these basic "Gamer, Advanced, hardcoe" presets? I've seen people saying no, others saying yes, couldn't find any kind of info pointing towards the latter, so what's the word?

2- Mod tools confirmed, or at least, winked at by some developers towards the community? It'll be a huge factor in the game's life span. I know Crytek has always been very supportive of this, but companies change. Just look at the 180o done by IW from MW to MW2.

3- DX11 on a day one patch or only "later"? Again, I've seen conflicting statements from multiple people.

4- What's your opinions on the Nanovision? I never payed much attention to it before, but now that I've starded using I feel it's absolutely mandatory to keep on using it given the tremendous advantage it gives to players. And the way I've seen some people abusing this coupled with stealth I'm seriously worried that it might be a future balance issue, more than it might be now.

5- Is it just me, or is Air Stomp messed up in the demo? I can come down directly on top of an enemy's head and he just looks at me and hits me with the butt of his weapon, wth.

That's all I got for now, thanks for the answers.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:59 pm

1. I'm pretty sure it will be expanded and I heard that there will be a higher setting that wasn't included in the demo
2. SDK tools will be released for free in the summer. I think the sandbox will come with the game.
3. I believe its day 1 but it could be later. Expect anywhere between day1 and 1 week. Crytek hasn't even confirmed that dx11 wont come with the game yet though. I honestly think I can wait cus there will still be dx10 coming with the game.
4. I think its a little OPd. I think they should make it into a suit module and make it drain more energy.
5. Ya, I think they should slightly increase the radius. It seems slightly underpowered. But I heard that there is a suit module which does that so it might be ok in the end. It is super badass when you kill someone with it though. On skyline, I leaped off the tallest building and pulled off a kill from that little metal bridge that goes into the building :) It was sooo epic.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

I think the sandbox will come with the game.

I′m not very pro about these things:P
Does this mean we will be able to make and share our custom maps day one? Or will we have to wait for some other tool to be released, before we can download epic, user-made maps?(I Mean maps like Amazonia & GDC06CL)

Also, what are SDK tools?
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:24 pm

I think the sandbox will come with the game.

I′m not very pro about these things:P
Does this mean we will be able to make and share our custom maps day one? Or will we have to wait for some other tool to be released, before we can download epic, user-made maps?(I Mean maps like Amazonia & GDC06CL)

Also, what are SDK tools?

I'm not very up-to-date with this kinda stuff either but from what this one guy said, it means you can make custom maps for the game day1. The SDK tools are for making mods/your own game. Its like the Unreal Engine.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:28 am

Thanks for the replies. At least we'll be seeing new maps rolling in, but I was hoping for mods to fix some shortcomings in the game itself.

Q: does that mean the dedicated server files will be public and fully modable, or at least, the 2nd? Unlike BC2 for example where they're restricted to the GSPs. I wouldn't think that mods could be implemented without having full acess to the files.

Also, do we know if there'll be a proper benchmark tool in the game like Crysis?
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