I'm in the midst of another of my tedious personal projects. I'm cleaning up (and hopefully SPEEDING up) PumaMan's Wilderness Mod. I've already jettisoned a huge amount of unnecessary (IMO) material, and fixed a large number of problems (with help from Abot and Eisenfaust's work), but I'm still seeing a fairly substantial FPS hit. I've gotten rid of the rogue real-time scripts and the invisible pet keepers, though there are several critter scripts I still need to work on.
Question #1: There are (at this point, in my copy) four main types of things left in this mod. LOTS of creature defs, many nested leveled lists, lots of spawn points, and quite a few sound generators. Of those things, which is the most likely to be killing FPS?
Question #2: I'm thinking of modifying the day/night disable scripts to actually DELETE ( with Disable and SetDelete 1 ) the inappropriate spawns. To my mind, that should help free up some resources, AND possibly allow a new appropriate spawn to occur. Or would that be a bad thing? Since most of the high-impact spawn lists are heavily gimped, respawn chance should, in theory, be pretty low, and hopefully less than the load of maintaining an invisible critter.
Thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated, as scripting is an area where my skills are VERY weak.
Rochndil, who is a technical writer, not a programmer...