I have to be honest this game looks incredible and potentially one to be added to the greatest list, I played oblivion and that game was a fun experience for me and I hope this game can do the same.
Q.1 In Today’s modern gaming community we find that the majority of games are online MMO's or at the very least online for multi player, is this something that has been/is or could be considered for Skyrim. I personally fell that if a game like this was MMO it would be the greatest MMO out there. If this game online would/would there be a realm or place one can travel to for open PVP and potentially full loot?, I ask this as Darkfall online (considerable the best MMO atm) has a very similar style of game play and that is what makes that game greater than the others (it’s not click auto hit, its real player skill aim and shoot) the only thing letting that game down is the content, something that this game seems to be very rich in.
Q.2 Oblivions crafting system was great, will this be something that will be further developed in Skyrim, armour made from materials only gathered from the rarest dragons or beasts alike. If this game were MMO would there be some kind of personalisation for players to make their armour stand out above the others, dies for example or tabards.
Q.3 Can we fly the dragons >.<, mounted aerial combat???
I fully appreciate any comments made, and apologise if these questions are a little farfetched.