I have tried Realistic Combat... and Depth Perception... and GV... as well as fiddling around with console commands to get 100% hit chance as simply as possible, and lately I have even been making minor edits to the scripts and spells of Realistic Combat.
Here is what I see as the downsides to these mods in their current states (which is not to discount the awesomeness of what they are attempting to do, the people working on them ROCK! It takes a lot of work to get everything balanced).
1. All of them lack 100% hit for creatures, or any means to enhance the creatures defense/attack to make up for your 100% hit chance. Basicly creatures = butter at the moment. I have been hoping Casey Tucker would show up so I could discuss what I was able to do with his Realistic Combat to help address this. Wolvman, the Author of GV is in the process of enhancing creatures to address this issue, but it may be a few realeases before we see it.
2. Realistic Combat (beta) and Gratuitous Violence (1.3) both have some bugs right now:
in RC sometimes spell effects needed to boost skills for the enhanced combat can either get stuck on you on rare occasions (messing with your stats) or allow you to carry more then you should be able to by swinging your weapon to get a strength boost. With GV the biggest issue right now is CTDs, especially on reloading a previous save game (I have been getting around this by using the ToggleScripts Console Command, to turn off scripts before loading a save and then turn them on again after it loads). Wolvman has said he is working on fixing this issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has it fixed soon.
Depth Perception causes battles to take longer by reducing damage dealt based on weapon skill, so that the is a reason to increase your weapon skills again, the problem I find with that is that the battles once again become a Click Fest (as Casey Tucker called it) but now for a different reason, not that you miss but that you hit for less meaning lots of clicking, also I wonder about your leveling since I believe there is a possibility of hacking at somebody for long enough to go up levels (especially if you use GCD or Madd Leveler).
3. I believe RC and GV currently can cause some issues with alternate leveling systems like Galsiah's Character Developement and Madd Leveler, more testing is needed before I can say for sure though.
If you want to use the "Welcome to the Arena" mod I would not recommend RC at the moment, the npc blocking was insane in the arena wirh RC. GV, and Depth Perception both seem to work well with this mod)
If you want to go the simple route, using the console commands: Player->SetAttackBonus 100 and Player->SetDefendBonus -100
Will give you, NPCs, and creatures 100% attack, but creatures are still pretty defenseless, though. (you can also use the defend bonus part to give creatures 100% hit chance in any of the above mentioned combat mods).
One last note, everything I have brought up balancing issue wise and more are planed to be addressed in future versions of GV. So, That's the mod to keep an eye on right now

I would love to see Realistic combat get some more polish as it is the only one of the group to not require MWSE which could be a nice option for some people who don't want to or can't run extra programs alongside Morrowind.
Sorry for the wall of text, hope this is of some help to you