I’m currently learning quest scripting and have a couple of questions regarding using dialogue to advance quest stages… I’m looking at if it is possible to change the quest dialogue depending upon certain aspects of the PC.
I have 3 specific scenarios I have been investigating.
To explain these scenarios I’ll use the same leading question… when talking to the target NCP the dialogue the player has to click on to initiate the conversation says: “You sent for me”
Scenario One - Quest Dialogue depending on the PC race.
The NCP reply is either, “I was expecting a Redguard”
Or in the case of the PC being a Redguard, “Good, here’s what I want you to do……”
Scenario Two – Depending on PC factions.
Leading with the same question, The NCP reply is either, “Good, I see you are a member of the Fighters Guild”
Or, in the case of the PC not being in the Fighters Guild, “Are you any good at fighting?”
Scenario Three – PC is wearing an item of clothing like the Grey Cowl
The NPC reply is either, “I said I would only talk with the Grey Fox”
Or in the case of wearing the Cowl. “Finally I meet the Grey Fox, here’s what I need you to do”
I hope I’ve explained this well enough..any advice would be appreciated.