Actually one of the reasons I'm so interested in writing a fan fic here, is because of the detailed criticisms people receive. I've only ever received one, done by Ambrose. I think they are great ways to improve. Thanks for the Aussie slang, makes me feel more at home :touched: .
I must have missed yours, when did you post it

Of course it's easier, but it's not nearly as fulfilling. That's the problem (IMO!!!) with fan-fiction. People will write stories on specifically the questline of their favorite guild, using only the lore that's already been established. It tends to be very boring because the authors don't offer anything new. And it's not just guild stories, it's a majority of the fanfictions out there. Why not add to the lore? It's fanfiction, so it's not as if it's illegal. It makes for a FAR more interesting read.
:shrug: Different strokes for different folks. Some people like the idea of basing a story off already established lore (in my opinion it keeps a lot of amateur writers from making space ninjas :ninja:) while others enjoy making their own world up. My advice is to keep to fan fics until you are confident you can handle your own entire story.
First of all, lore is a thin line to walk when writing fan fics. You have more than the "stick to lore vs. don't stick to lore" black and white look at it; the best idea is to either make a story about a lore event and adding detail to a legend or to add in one (more than one can be a bad idea) lore deviation. The best example I can think of is, say, adding a new faction; it is not necessarily lore, but it is not against lore. Don't rub any existing lore the wrong way and you can make up whatever you like.
I would apply the same idea to guns: so long as it is realistic and tasteful, guns can be a good thing. Gunpowder is sure to exist in Tes, and, as said, people have use for it; so there would be no reason not to put in muskets or pistols. However, if you go completely against Tes and add in tanks or something equally ridiculous, you are no longer writing a Tes fan fiction. I'm pretty sure some of the pirate ships out west have cannons (I still hold that cannons are canon)
And if you want to know anything about lore, ask the lore section, the imperial library, or the uesp wiki. One thing to keep in mind though is that, as has been said, most lore are legends and myths, easily manipulated by the informed author. For example, one thing I researched for a story was the Alessian Rebellion (when Alessia and Pelinal overthrew the ayleid and conquered Cyrodiil); I made sure to keep within most lore, but one thing I always kept in mind was that most all of the sources had been altered over time (ie the Song of Pelinal), which gave me a lot of leeway.
So, ask us before you do anything drastic, but so long as you use common sense you should be fine. Good luck, I'll try to critique your story when I get the chance :goodjob:
PS No, Peleus, I didn't forget about your hand in that, and I'm still too busy to partake right now