Then again I'm no fan-fic expert. *summons BSparrow* Let her reply

Ack! I thought Fubb was the only one who knew that spell! :ahhh:
I like "what if" questions. They're fun and interesting to read about.
TES Lore is a monster to master. I've tried, and fallen far short on many occasions. There are years and years of falling and rising empires, shifting borders, court intrigues, assassinations, wars, myths... the list goes on and on. If you ever want to master Lore, be prepared to spend at least a month reading through the Imperial Library website.
Yeah, I don't know many people who'd do that, either. Which makes the folks over at the Lore forum all the more amazing, in my eyes.
That said, most of us really picky readers (read: me) are aware of just how difficult lore can be to grab onto. We usually won't jump down your throat if you wander a bit outside it. You're free to add a secret organization, mess with magical mechanics, expand upon Daedric rituals, add legends and people... As long as you don't add a Daedric Prince or erase an established guild from existence with no explanantion, you're generally okay. The only thing you should be careful about is if you're doing a history fanfiction (Like Moroni's "Tales from Lore")... in that case, you'll want to check the timeline at the Imperial Library website and see what was happening that year. But most people unfamiliar with Lore wouldn't really want to do that anyway.

So my advice is to just go for it. Write because it's fun, and you want to test out a new fandom. People like me... we're here to try to help others improve, but that doesn't mean our word is law. The pickiest of us (again, read: me) are turned off by massive deviations from lore, but that doesn't mean others will be. Many find stories too tangled up in lore to be intimidating anyway. So just write what you enjoy, and others will enjoy it too.
And if you don't want to be called on what you feel might be a lore break, just include a note at the beginning of the story saying so. I, for one, will respect that decision. :twirl:
On another note... Rohugh doesn't like grammar cops and redsrock doesn't like lore-restricted fanfiction? Oh boy, are my ears burning.