hai i just wanted to make a post asking for you developers to add those good daedric quests for weapon and armor rewards that have storys behind em like goldbrand etc. was loads of fun hunting down all items i could in previous games of yours allbeit fallout vegas was very short but had a load of weapons to hunt down same as elderscrolls 3 had loads of weapons and some armor to hunt down its realy nice to get these rewards as a enchanted blade is ok but a goldbrand sword is imba cause of its name and where it comes from i reckon the quests for em should be hard tho realy hard witch makes it more fun plus a load of enemies like 50 in a dungeon its no fun running into dungeon killing like 20 enemies then exiting dungeon 15mins later and thats it but thats just my thoughts i like games with challenges and lots n lots of enemies.
also i would like houses witch we can buy and set em up proper with vaults for displaying weapons and armor witch would be super cool going semi afk in vault room surrounded by a arsenal of weapons make them suit type things that you can put your armors on now that would be neat maybe a open safe for gold witch grows as you store more gold its these kind of things that makes games stand out to me and is rewarding to the players.
i use to takeover mansions in elderscrolls 3 and set up all my weapon sets etc on the tables was mad fun thanks for reading