How is the Thieves' Guild any worse than the Brotherhood?
Maybe he killed off the Dark Brotherhood and that's why he counts it as a completed questline?
a good guy wouldn't do that either.
you should get the dragonborn dlc. too good to be left out, but after that.... explore or make a new character.
He can do some. Meridia, Vaermina, Sheogorath, Sanguine, maybe Malacath and Clavicus Vile. Some of them aren't considered particularly evil (at least not by daedra standards), some quests you can start without even knowing it, so even when you discover who's behind them you just go on and try to make the best of it,
That's what I'm thinking, Ms Kitty.
I mean he could be a supporter of the Vigilance of Stendarr and quest to obtain the artifacts to put them away or even destroy them so they can't be used again.
And I would look at completing Dawnguard as well. The Dawnguard side is considered to be the "good guy" route, anyway.
Of course you can't go wrong with Dragonborn. Besides, there are and will always be tons of Bounties and side quests to do just by talking to people. I'd' imagine you have only experienced about a third of the game's content only being level 30, unless you have capped your character.
That kind of goes along with my comment. however, I look at things a little differently. I never seen.. well, I guess the better would be... I never had the desire to achieve a given level. i don't look at playing TES on a "level' basis.
It's more of an... IDK., a point of maturity for the character as a whole. I play based on the story my character is telling me and not on a level reaching quest.
I understand there are a lot of people that look forward to excelling in leveling and that is perfectly fine. For me and my character, I have no issue with capping them and continuing with 70% of the content left to explore.
A Sword and Board character can easily cap out around 30 or so because they only increase a limited set of skills. 1H, Block and Heavy Armor is all that character actually needs. Of course you can add in Speech and Lock[pick as uncontrolled skills but essentially that's it. Even throwing in Smithing doesn't get you far into the 30's.
While I was running on assumptions, as most people don't play that way, I can see how the OP could run the entire game with that character. Nonetheless, I guessed that he / she had more of an "adventure game" playstyle. I could have been totally wrong with that assumption.
Exactly. Im sure a jack of all trades character could easily get into the 80s or higher. But I, like you play as long as my character's story is just. Whether Im done at level 20 or 80 doesnt matter. If theres more to be told, I keep going.
What if gets the artifacts to use for the greater good? Good guys can use Daedric artifacts to help with their heroic antics I'm sure, unless there's some unwritten law against that.
Depends on if you make your character is strong willed or not. My character is like me, so his willpower is infinite and unbreakable.
At some point, if you want to continue with a character, you have to get comfortable with focusing less on quests and more on just living in the world. Skyrim's radient quest system makes that a little easier to do than in prior games, but the concept is the same. A lot of folks who still play Oblivion after six years play that way. Just roleplaying your characters actions and what they would do in the world without worrying too much about "quests."