Questtion to Crytek About Cry Engine 3

Post » Sat May 21, 2011 4:36 am

Hello i have been thinking will crytek ever publish version of cryengine 3 like cryengine 2 i mean you can download it but you must have the game itself (cryengine 2 crysis and Cryengine 3 crysis 2) because there are all textures and stuff like that in game so will it ever be published and if will does anybody know when?

Srry for bad english
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 7:38 pm

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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 2:17 am

I want to know are you going to enhance the in house physics of Cry Engine 3.
Question: does your "PHYSICS" support Nvidia Graphic Cards because they have physx!

Question: In your "IN HOUSE PHYSIC" when you through something at water, could you make the water splash!
I play "Crysis Wars" and when you drive a vehicle off the edge into the water there is no splash, could you improve your "IN HOUSE PHYSIC" on your upcoming video games, that would be nice! I play on a PC!

Is your "IN HOUSE PHYSIC" going to utilize all 4 to 6 cores of the i7 Processor, If your physic is CPU Based!
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