Nothing stays in the air when I play. NOTHING! If I have to suicide to get more rockets to take down your planes/helis I will kill sit on my grenade or jump off the edge of the map.
I get real proud whenever I shoot down chopper gunners on nuketown.
One time I was playing nuketown and aiming up at the chopper gunner, guy runs out of the house with this gun pointed at me and I yelled "Don't shoot me", he stoped, said "What", I got my shot off and then he killed me lololo (FFA match) Was jokes.
HA! That's too awesome. I love players like that. I like the guys who let you have fun.
I've been pretty consistent with all the CoD games I've played. I did best at MW2, since I got the most time with it, but I'm not particularly ashamed of any games. I do miss quick-scoping (yeayea, I did, I like the challenge, so don't nag and keep your cookie-cutter AR class), though. CoD 4 was the most fun for me, though. I didn't quick-scope that much since I had a BLAST just running around throwing C4 at people. Nine times out of ten, we'd both die, but I laughed every time. C4 is just more reliable in a pinch than C4. :/