So, i'm playing Skyrim for TECHNICALLY the first time (The last time I played it, I rushed and didn't remember 90% of the stuff).
I want Shadowmare, the horse you obtain from the Dark Brotherhood- so I began their quest. I obtained some armor, Shrouded Light Armor to be exact. On the boots, it says "Wearer is muffled and moves silently". Can I wear Dwarven armor, Gauntlets, and a helmet and still be quieter; or do I have to wear full Shrouded Armor. (The armor rating for shrouded is rather... low... in my mind... Unless I wont be getting into many fights with blades, I want to be prepared if needed.)
Right now, my armor rating is 99 with:
- Dwarven Armor (Superior)
- Dwarven Gauntlets (Superior)
- Shrouded Boots
- Shrouded Cowl
Any help would be amazing