I'd like to make a sword (the fine steel short sword) mountable on the wall. Is it just a matter of making a new static object with the sword's nif file, or do I have to tweak the nif's havok properties myself, then make a static object of it to get it to stick to the wall without falling?
Just do this:
If it is really a static apple that you want, I mean, a static like a wall, you can do the following:
go for NifSkope 1.0.16 and load apple NIF file
in Block List expand all nodes
search for: 4 bhkRigidBody and left click on it
press F3 or go to menu View -> Block Details
in Block Details search for "Motion System" and change it to MO_SYS_FIXED
in Block Details search for "Quality Type" and change it to MO_QUAL_FIXED
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer" and change it OL_STATIC
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer Copy" and change it to OL_STATIC
save the NIF file in Oblivion\Data\meshes\your_mod_name (or sth like that) and close the NifSkope
open CS, load your plugin, make a new Static and as a model choose the NIF file that was just created in NifSkope
"Not necessary" steps are only for a proper color of a layer, that can be seen in CS and in game, when you toggle collision geometry. Now you should have a static apple.
(I didn't write that, forgot who did, copied & pasted from my personal stores o' snippets.)