Quick Question -- Quick Answer, Part Fifteen

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 am

Is it possible when you shoot arrows, for a script to run constantly to produce the enchantment effect even while in flight?

And the syntax for making scripts that have fire damage, with a radius and duration that are activated when the arrow hits anything, not just a person/creature!

There's a mod out (recently) that supports flaming arrows (and other effects)

There is no support in the game for damage to anything but people and creatures. I suspect because there's also no way to repair it, whereas people and creatures can heal themselves. You'll also notice that a creature that has just been killed by fire doesn't look burnt, just dead.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am

Is it possible to have a script running that would allow the PC to beat up on a person, and instead of killing him, when the person gets down to around 20% health, would fall or collapse, kind of like being unconscious for a while, but not be killed? You can do that with special people, but what about normal people?

Maybe if they fall over unconscious or hurting, but then the PC has the option of "finishing" them off while they're on the ground. They would have to collapse when getting low on HP.
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D LOpez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 am

Is it possible to have a script running that would allow the PC to beat up on a person, and instead of killing him, when the person gets down to around 20% health, would fall or collapse, kind of like being unconscious for a while, but not be killed? You can do that with special people, but what about normal people?

Maybe if they fall over unconscious or hurting, but then the PC has the option of "finishing" them off while they're on the ground. They would have to collapse when getting low on HP.

Yes, that is possible.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 am

I would like some clarification on the description of the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/AddToLeveledList function.

"You can add any item to a list, but the engine will probably go haywire if you add abnormal items to a leveled list that is actually used in the game world."

Does this mean that it doesn't like things being added to lists are placed into the game world. (All I can think of is LevelCreatures) IS it safe to add items to leveled item lists? What about adding a leved item list to another list in this way?

It means it's fine to use leveled lists to store lists of items of any type - for instance, sticking references and activators in a leveled spell or item list. Some people did this to simulate arrays before OBSE had a real array datatype. However, problems will arise if the game tries to use that list. e.g., your script calls player.AddItem yourLeveledList, or you add things to a leveled list which is already in use by other game objects (for instance a leveled spell list that exists in some NPC's spellbook).

In any case you're probably better off using OBSE's array variables instead of leveled lists.
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Quick draw II
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:36 am

Yes, that is possible.

Do you think it's possible with stock Oblivion script, or OBSE would be needed?
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 am

It means it's fine to use leveled lists to store lists of items of any type - for instance, sticking references and activators in a leveled spell or item list. Some people did this to simulate arrays before OBSE had a real array datatype. However, problems will arise if the game tries to use that list. e.g., your script calls player.AddItem yourLeveledList, or you add things to a leveled list which is already in use by other game objects (for instance a leveled spell list that exists in some NPC's spellbook).

In any case you're probably better off using OBSE's array variables instead of leveled lists.

Well I was only thinking of adding some custom armor to the leveed lists.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:33 pm

A "pose" animation has no time component - the whole idea is that the character does not move. I suspect you don't really want your player to freeze up when equipping a weapon.

mmm,and would it be difficult to convert a pose into an idle?
If anyone would know a guide to creating idles,it'd be welcome.
There a lot of nice idles out there,but they just dont suit my gameplay style.
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Isabella X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:57 am

Trying to edit a mod and it's not letting me save any scripts, I'll even open one of his similar scripts and try to save it without touching anything and it makes the same complaint, OBSE - Invalid Begin/End Block on line 11. Any help?

My WIP edit.

ScriptName CPTTriggerTAnvilScriptShort KLShort KLAShort ButtonBegin OnTrigger PlayerPVEfectosLAnvilRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLife 5PVEfectosLAnvilRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectReflect 5SetQuestObject CPTVitali 1ElsePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectEndifEndBegin OnTrigger PlayerIF CPTSound == 0Set CPTSound To 1PlaySound CPTPortalFXSet KL To 1EndifIf KLA == 1MessageBox "To where would you like to travel?", "Bravil", "Bruma", "Cheydinhal", "Chorrol", "Imperial City", "Kvatch", "Leyawiin", "Skingrad", "Cancel"Set KLA To 2EndifEndBegin GameModeIf KLA == 2Set Button To GetButtonPressedIf Button > -1If Button == 0PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTBravilRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDBravilRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 2Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBravilPCEndifIf Button == 1PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTBrumaRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDBrumaRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 3Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerBrumaPCEndifIf Button == 2PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTCheydinhalRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDCheydinhalRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 4Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCheydinhalPCEndifIf Button == 3PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTChorrolRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDChorrolRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 5Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerChorrolPCEndifIf Button == 4PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTCIRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDCImperialRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 6Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerCImperialPCEndifIf Button == 5PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchHorseRRefEndifCPTTriggerTLeyawiinRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDLeyawiinRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 7Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerKvatchPCEndifIf Button == 6PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTLeyawiinRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDLeyawiinRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 7Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerLeyawiinPCEndifIf Button == 7PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 0If Horses.OwnChorrolChestnutHorsePCChestnutChorrolRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBrumaPaintHorsePCPaintBrumaRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnLeyawiinPaintHorsePCPaintLeyawiinRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnAnvilWhiteHorsePCWhiteAnvilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnCheydinhalBlackHorsePCBlackCheydinhalRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnBravilBayHorsePCBayBravilRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf Horses.OwnSkingradBayHorsePCBaySkingradRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseRRefEndifIf ShadowmereRef.GetDisabled == 0ShadowmereRef.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseURefEndifIf Horses.OwnPriorMaborelsHorseWeynonHorsePlayer.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradHorseURefEndifCPTTriggerTSkingradRef.DisableCPTTriggerTDSkingradRef.EnableSet CPTViajeC To 8Player.MoveTo CPTXMarkerSkingradPCEndifIf Button == 8PVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDetectLifePVEfectosLAnvilRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectReflectSet KLA To 0Set KL To 1EndifEndifEndifEndifEndifEndBegin OnTrigger PlayerIf KL == 1If IsKeyPressed2 25Set KLA To 1Set KL To 2EndifEndifEnd

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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 am

I know this might be a noob question but I'll go ahead anyway (I have searched the forums and the wiki for anything similar but to no avail).

I'm making a mod which has a boss deamon at the end. I want him to appear when the player enters a room. I've got the boss to appear and a sound to play but I cant work out how to get a fire effect to play when the deamon appears. I was hoping for some effects similar to when the player takes the sigil stone form an oblivion interior in the main game. I've looked at the sigil stone script in the CS but I cant make head nor tail of it.

If anyone could point me to a tutorial or give me a basic outline of the steps to make this happen.

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm

Is there a significant downside to adding about 5-6 factions to (almost) every NPC/creature via a script?

I want to use the factions to carry information about the type of NPC. The factions are only used for this purpose - they are not "real" factions. Think CM_Partners mod, for example. I understand that the factions are applied to the base object and that is okay because the data is associated with the base object (i.e. all references to the same base object are supposed to have the same values and the values do not change). These factions will be on almost every non-unique NPC and creature in the game, sort of like a global CM_Partners except that the faction ranks do not change once assigned.

The alternative method would be to use tokens. I am not sure where the current thinking is on tokens, but I believe adding 5-6 tokens to every PC on top of those already added by other mods (e.g. MMM) would be more of a resource hit and more unstable than messing with factions. But I am no expert, so advice appreciated.

Also, any gotchas to look out for? I have read about two:
1. Faction rank is not instantly updated. Allow a couple of cycles to pass before accessing the values.
2. Set the factions to be "evil" so that they will not make an NPC who only has evil factions register as non-evil (not sure about this one).

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 am

I know this might be a noob question but I'll go ahead anyway (I have searched the forums and the wiki for anything similar but to no avail).

I'm making a mod which has a boss deamon at the end. I want him to appear when the player enters a room. I've got the boss to appear and a sound to play but I cant work out how to get a fire effect to play when the deamon appears. I was hoping for some effects similar to when the player takes the sigil stone form an oblivion interior in the main game. I've looked at the sigil stone script in the CS but I cant make head nor tail of it.

If anyone could point me to a tutorial or give me a basic outline of the steps to make this happen.


Either use the command .playMagicShaderVisuals or look into the activator and static items sections in the CS. There under effects you will find a couple of placeable animated fire columns etc. Use the preview window to see how they look.
You may also download my http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26687 and look into the script "StygianSummonRitualScript" how I did the 20 second summoning sequence effects, if you can figure out my messy coding, that is. ^^
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am

I know this might be a noob question but I'll go ahead anyway (I have searched the forums and the wiki for anything similar but to no avail).

I'm making a mod which has a boss deamon at the end. I want him to appear when the player enters a room. I've got the boss to appear and a sound to play but I cant work out how to get a fire effect to play when the deamon appears. I was hoping for some effects similar to when the player takes the sigil stone form an oblivion interior in the main game. I've looked at the sigil stone script in the CS but I cant make head nor tail of it.

If anyone could point me to a tutorial or give me a basic outline of the steps to make this happen.


If you look up casting spells from an activator on the wiki you might get some ideas. For example, you could move an activator above (or below) the demon and have it cast one or more huge fireballs at the demon. Of course, the demon would have to be resistant to the effect of the spell - but how many demons do you know that are harmed by fireballs. Besides, it does not have to be a powerful fireball, just a wide area one. Or you could have several activators in a circle above the demon cast shock at another activator near the demon's feet. Just make sure the player will not be within the AOE.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:48 am

If you look up casting spells from an activator on the wiki you might get some ideas. For example, you could move an activator above (or below) the demon and have it cast one or more huge fireballs at the demon. Of course, the demon would have to be resistant to the effect of the spell - but how many demons do you know that are harmed by fireballs. Besides, it does not have to be a powerful fireball, just a wide area one. Or you could have several activators in a circle above the demon cast shock at another activator near the demon's feet. Just make sure the player will not be within the AOE.

Thanks I'll try that. :chaos:
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 am

Is weapon speed linear or is it some sort of exponential? Do weapon speeds have a min or a max?

Does a sword with a speed of .5 take exactly twice as long to attacka as a sword of speed 1

I can't find the answer on the CS wiki, I tested some weapon speeds but its hard for me to judge

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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:26 pm

http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Talk:Weapon and http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Talk:FPowerAttackDelay are the only sources of information that I am aware of for this. You might ask Qazaaq how he looked up that information, so you might be able to get it for the rest of the attack animations. Won't help with alternate animations, though...
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:37 am

I'd like to make a sword (the fine steel short sword) mountable on the wall. Is it just a matter of making a new static object with the sword's nif file, or do I have to tweak the nif's havok properties myself, then make a static object of it to get it to stick to the wall without falling?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:20 am

I'd like to make a sword (the fine steel short sword) mountable on the wall. Is it just a matter of making a new static object with the sword's nif file, or do I have to tweak the nif's havok properties myself, then make a static object of it to get it to stick to the wall without falling?

Just do this:

If it is really a static apple that you want, I mean, a static like a wall, you can do the following:
go for NifSkope 1.0.16 and load apple NIF file
in Block List expand all nodes
search for: 4 bhkRigidBody and left click on it
press F3 or go to menu View -> Block Details
in Block Details search for "Motion System" and change it to MO_SYS_FIXED
in Block Details search for "Quality Type" and change it to MO_QUAL_FIXED
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer" and change it OL_STATIC
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer Copy" and change it to OL_STATIC
save the NIF file in Oblivion\Data\meshes\your_mod_name (or sth like that) and close the NifSkope
open CS, load your plugin, make a new Static and as a model choose the NIF file that was just created in NifSkope

"Not necessary" steps are only for a proper color of a layer, that can be seen in CS and in game, when you toggle collision geometry. Now you should have a static apple.

(I didn't write that, forgot who did, copied & pasted from my personal stores o' snippets.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 am

I would like to add some some images for my custom classes. What folder are these files kept in?
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:12 am

I would like to add some some images for my custom classes. What folder are these files kept in?
Anywhere inside the Data\Textures\Menus directory.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am

So I just finished my little patch mod, and it seems to be running flawlessly, except for the the fact that if I reload a save I get a bunch of duplicate doors in Bruma, and a few other places as well. I've checked and rechecked in TESEdit, my patch doesn't edit any cells/doors in a city at all, and I'm fairly certain his doesn't either, possible suspects that otherwise needed to be cleaned anyway from his, I cleaned, and still no dice. It's weird because when I first load the (clean) save after starting Oblivion, it's fine, but if I reload the save and step out of the Inn I'm greeted with the back of a door clipping in front of me. Any help? I think it has to do with weOCPS preventing a crash on load, this is there error message

Thu Aug 27 00:48:21 2009 OCPS build 2009-03-28 prevented crash at offset 0x000dfa7f (eip: 0x004dfa7f, TESObjectREFR::DoPostFixup). Link to 0x00000004 is faulty!
eax=00000000 ebx=19384501 ecx=1da6bd00 edx=004d9b40 esi=1da6bd00 edi=00013a3e esp=0012f1dc ebp=1da6bd44

Does that mean anything to anyone?

Also completely unrelated, how would I go about checking to see if there are filled soul gems in someone's inventory when they cast a spell (Invisibility) and cancel the spell if they don't have one, consuming it if they do, without attaching scripts to individual spells (for compatibility)?

VVV Thanks for the quick reply.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 am

You can check if the player is casting a spell by http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsCasting, and then you can find out what spell they're casting using http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetPlayerSpell. When you have the spell, you can check if it includes Invisibility by using http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/MagicItemHasEffect. So that handles determining when they cast the spell.

Getting the soul gems is trickier. Use http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetInventoryObject to walk through the player's inventory (use a http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#Flow_Control_Functions to check each one in turn), and check each with http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetSoulLevel.

The tricky part becomes removing that particular soul gem, and not another one of the same kind. I'm... not actually sure that you can. At least, not until v0019 comes out with the inventory ref functions. Anyone got a better answer than that?
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 am

I'm so sorry for asking for this but i just can't seem to find the link to the tutorial of how to desolate a mod, I know people has given the link a lot of times but as i said i just can't find it.

thanks in advance
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:34 pm



There are a few options to choose from.
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Is it possible to add another Music Type with folder to the game, in addition to the standard ones Default, Dungeon and Public? Or are these Music Types hard coded into the game? . . . I've looked around but can't seem to find anything in the CS which lets you add a new choice to the Music Type drop-down menu for cells and regions.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:22 pm

Is it possible to add another Music Type with folder to the game, in addition to the standard ones Default, Dungeon and Public? Or are these Music Types hard coded into the game? . . . I've looked around but can't seem to find anything in the CS which lets you add a new choice to the Music Type drop-down menu for cells and regions.

unfortunately not, I've been looking for the same, but as far as i know or anyone else i've been writing with, it's not possible :(
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