If you mean while you're in sneak mode, I've read from several sources that the NPCs own Sneak skill determines this. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk:Sneak#NPC_detection_factors
I think this is correct. The advanced sneak trainer Mariana asks you to pickpocket her and in the stats she is given a very high sneak score, so presumably this is meant to make the sneak challenge harder.
Ok so all i want to do is use the construction set to add 1 weapon to the game and use the files in the BSA folder for meshes for the graphics. I used OBMM to unpack the BSa file for meshes and saved it to my desktop. when i click on the button "add NIF file" i find the one i wand click it and it says "invalid directory". so my question is
do i have to save the folder in a certain place or am i just doing something wrong. I a complete begginer with mods/construction set stuff so any advice would be helpful
also what do i need to do for the add icon image
I unpacked my bsa to a spare folder. When I need an address for a vanilla item, I just make a matching directory in my data folder and drop in the item.
E.g. One you will often need is the folder--
Which has all the icons for items and quests, etc.
Since you want the cheap pottery, just copy and paste the Meshes/Clutter/LowerClass/ to your data folder.