I'm not sure if my writing wasn't clear enough and you misunderstood me. I have the player perform a 20sec animation sequence (priestactivate from SI) while casting a spell, but that spell is set up so it may be interrupted. I need the player to stop playing the animation if the spell fails. If it's not possible to stop an animation sequence before its end then I will have to discard the long sequence and use several short ones.
My bad - I pick up on "running" and ignored "idle animation"

Using playGroup idle 1 should work for most of the time. As an alternative, you could create a reset idle animation ( that uses the vanilla
idle_facegen.kf file ) and add a
pickIdle call to play it. That should effectively stop any running idle. It's quite infallible - I use it alot.
is there a way to do it without having to use OBSE`? i really don't want to make my mod required of OBSE