Is there an easier way to like placing a plate on a table or placing a beer bottle in those wine racks thingies? Like this mod I used to have, Verona House it had a room with like alot of potions in those wine rack things, and I was thinking to myself that must have been a long time, did the modder use a quicker and specific methord or did he painstaking do it by hand?
As far as the wine racks go, you have to do it by hand. It can be time consuming at first, but once you get used to dragging, panning, duplicating (ctrl+D), Dropping (ctrl+F), and rotating in the render window, you can fill an entire wine rack in pretty good time. A few tips:
If you want a bunch of copies of the same object to fill a rack or table or whatever, instead of dragging a new copy into the render window and rotating, rescaling, etc, press ctrl+D to "duplicate" the object in the exact size and orientation as the original.
If you double click an object to see its properties window, you can copy its position coordinates or degrees of rotation and paste them into another object's properties instead of doing it by eye. This way, you can perfectly line up pictures on a wall or books on a bookshelf or bottles on a rack.