» Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am
I got question about the escort package, what exactly does it do when you give an NPC that package? I will post what I am talking about, (posted this in the funniest moments thread)
See I gave Antiontta Marie (The DB member) a new package to go wander in front of the Wawnet Inn with Jeanne Fransoric, Milliona Umbraonox, Eilonwy and some other characters. So in addition I created a new NPC named Destiny right and gave her a package to escort Antionetta to the area, but I might have not realized that the escort package doesn't work that way. So I am in Cheydinhal Mages Guld Basemant and Destiny's just standing there, it's the first of a month which is when those girls go out so Destiny should have been following Antionetta by now, so I resurrected her by console and looked what it says under resurrect and she's supposed to be escorting (I think I can see that because of Toaster's mod).
So suddenly Antionetta comes running into the basemant and then Destiny starts running around as well and the two leave the Mages Guild so I run after them well Destiny actrually because Antoinetta got so far and already arrived, so Destiny and my character Samantha are running down the path from Cheydinhal and all the way to Wawnet Inn, I thought it would end there but suddenly Destiny and Antionetta were running around in a circle and took off, I was laughing as I chased the both of them all the way from Wawnet Inn and back to Cheydinhal's Mages Guild, it was like chase, Destiny was in front and Antionetta ran after her with me towing behind, and Destiny kept making that gesture to follow them like Baurus does in the beginning of the game (Or Glenroy whichever when they are close to the end).
So is that what the esort package does? Like Destiny leads Antionetta back to the Cheydinhal Mages Guild? Would it be just better to set Destiny's AI Package to Follow instead of Escort?