Quick Question -- Quick Answer, Part Fourteen

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 am

Quick question about custom audio dialogue: Do I HAVE to have a lip sync file for my NPC just to be able to include my spoken dialogue. My situation is this: I have some new NPCs with new dialogue and the audio files already recorded. But here's the catch, the NPCs are of a new race that don't have faces. They're just apparitions in fake clothing, so they obviously don't have mouths either. So is it absolutely necessary for me to go through the trouble of making lip sync files for them if you're not even going to see any lips on them?
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:41 pm

Quick question about custom audio dialogue: Do I HAVE to have a lip sync file for my NPC just to be able to include my spoken dialogue. My situation is this: I have some new NPCs with new dialogue and the audio files already recorded. But here's the catch, the NPCs are of a new race that don't have faces. They're just apparitions in fake clothing, so they obviously don't have mouths either. So is it absolutely necessary for me to go through the trouble of making lip sync files for them if you're not even going to see any lips on them?

I would think not - though you will probably have to include dummies.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 am

thanks for the help on making new factions. i was just reading that, and tryin to do it in mod now. i duplicated/renamed the goblin i was using and then went into edit mode on it to find where to add new factions. i didnt see anything at all about factions in the edit window or the base object window for the goblin. so i went to the wiki to see if i could find where it is. i found a page on factions, but it only explained how to create a new faction icon in textures and what the options in the new faction window are for and what they do etc. didnt show me where the faction section of the cs is. could someone please point me to where in the cs i need to go to bring up the new faction window to add a new faction to an enemy? thanks XD
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 am

thanks for the help on making new factions. i was just reading that, and tryin to do it in mod now. i duplicated/renamed the goblin i was using and then went into edit mode on it to find where to add new factions. i didnt see anything at all about factions in the edit window or the base object window for the goblin. so i went to the wiki to see if i could find where it is. i found a page on factions, but it only explained how to create a new faction icon in textures and what the options in the new faction window are for and what they do etc. didnt show me where the faction section of the cs is. could someone please point me to where in the cs i need to go to bring up the new faction window to add a new faction to an enemy? thanks XD

Click on Character in the menu at the top, then Factions.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 am

thanks XD

urrr....now how do i link each goblin and bandit i want affected to the faction i created?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 am

thanks XD

urrr....now how do i link each goblin and bandit i want affected to the faction i created?

Just drag the faction from the list of factions to the factions tab of the NPC window. :)
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Heather M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 am

sorry...apparently im failing somewhere along ther lines here... im lookin in every window i can bring up on my goblin and do not see a npc or faction tab. i did go to character on the main tool bar above and find a fasction tab. i did create a new faction. i also did duplicate and rename the enemies im wanting to use for this. i also went to the npc tab in the objects window and saw the npc there all have a tab for faction in thier edit windows. is that the tab you meant? cuz my gobnlins and bandits are leveled creatures and do not have the same tabs.

do i need to use npc goblins to make this work? or can i still use the leveled enemies from the leveled creatures tab in object window? and if i can use the leveled ones, where is thier faction area?
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 am

sorry...apparently im failing somewhere along ther lines here... im lookin in every window i can bring up on my goblin and do not see a npc or faction tab. i did go to character on the main tool bar above and find a fasction tab. i did create a new faction. i also did duplicate and rename the enemies im wanting to use for this. i also went to the npc tab in the objects window and saw the npc there all have a tab for faction in thier edit windows. is that the tab you meant? cuz my gobnlins and bandits are leveled creatures and do not have the same tabs.

do i need to use npc goblins to make this work? or can i still use the leveled enemies from the leveled creatures tab in object window? and if i can use the leveled ones, where is thier faction area?

You don't have to make it an NPC. Double-click on your goblin from the creatures list so that you are editing its base. The second tab in from the left is the Factions tab. It's the tab to the right of Stats and the left of Inventory.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 am

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! thankyou!!!

i was using enemies from the "leveled" list cuz the wiki tutorial for "my first dungeon" says to use that list. they are the ones when u drop in render window they just appear as a giant pink letter "M". they did not have the same tabs options. when i went to the plain old "creatures" list and used the gobnlin from there, i could finally find that sneaky old faction tab. yay! XD
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:55 pm

How do you change an actor's chance to be staggered when hit?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 am

"An actor staggers when the opponent hits them for a certain amount of damage. The chance of being staggered is modified by the amount of agility an actor has."

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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

Any more details on that stagger? Your quote is all I've seen regarding it. I'm wondering if there's anything I can change in the CS which could reduce (or completely remove) the chance to stagger, or if I can make it dependent on a different attribute.
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

I got question about the escort package, what exactly does it do when you give an NPC that package? I will post what I am talking about, (posted this in the funniest moments thread)
See I gave Antiontta Marie (The DB member) a new package to go wander in front of the Wawnet Inn with Jeanne Fransoric, Milliona Umbraonox, Eilonwy and some other characters. So in addition I created a new NPC named Destiny right and gave her a package to escort Antionetta to the area, but I might have not realized that the escort package doesn't work that way. So I am in Cheydinhal Mages Guld Basemant and Destiny's just standing there, it's the first of a month which is when those girls go out so Destiny should have been following Antionetta by now, so I resurrected her by console and looked what it says under resurrect and she's supposed to be escorting (I think I can see that because of Toaster's mod).

So suddenly Antionetta comes running into the basemant and then Destiny starts running around as well and the two leave the Mages Guild so I run after them well Destiny actrually because Antoinetta got so far and already arrived, so Destiny and my character Samantha are running down the path from Cheydinhal and all the way to Wawnet Inn, I thought it would end there but suddenly Destiny and Antionetta were running around in a circle and took off, I was laughing as I chased the both of them all the way from Wawnet Inn and back to Cheydinhal's Mages Guild, it was like chase, Destiny was in front and Antionetta ran after her with me towing behind, and Destiny kept making that gesture to follow them like Baurus does in the beginning of the game (Or Glenroy whichever when they are close to the end).

So is that what the esort package does? Like Destiny leads Antionetta back to the Cheydinhal Mages Guild? Would it be just better to set Destiny's AI Package to Follow instead of Escort?
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 am

Any more details on that stagger? Your quote is all I've seen regarding it. I'm wondering if there's anything I can change in the CS which could reduce (or completely remove) the chance to stagger, or if I can make it dependent on a different attribute.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am


Yup, searched it again, with no luck. On a positive note, at least I know that I already checked the right places before asking this question. :) Thanks for the suggestions, Qazaaq and shadeMe.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 am

Yup, searched it again, with no luck. On a positive note, at least I know that I already checked the right places before asking this question. :) Thanks for the suggestions, Qazaaq and shadeMe.
You can write a script to override staggering if you want to :
set rActor to zzActorif ( rActor.getIsAnimGroupPlaying Stagger )   rActor.playGroup idle 1endIf
Should work ... theoretically.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:09 am

You can write a script to override staggering if you want to :

Hmm that's true. With that kind of script I could possibly circumvent the whole the vanilla stagger (with the damage, agility, and whatever else modifiers) and apply my own stagger when my conditions are met. Thanks for the tip.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 am

How can I set it so that the enemy being hit is the victim target in:

scn aaFBElsweyrBossAxeScript

ref myself
ref victim

begin scripteffectstart
set myself to getself
myself.pushactoraway victim 50

Like how do I set the person being hit to the victim ref? If I don't have that set it just hurtles straight into the air.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:27 pm

I'm trying to use OBSE's CloneForm function but for some reason it is not working no matter what I do...

Here's the exerpt of code that is failing. I know it is running couse the cuirasses are being removed but I do not have a new cloned cuirass. The part thats not working is "Set NCuirass to CloneForm Cuirass" The Cuirass is a reference of the cuirass the player has equipped.
if ItemNum > 1
Set ArmorAR to Cuirass.GetArmorAR
Set ArmorAR to ArmorAR * 1.2
Player.UnequipItem Cuirass
Set NCuirass to CloneForm Cuirass
NCuirass.SetArmorAR ArmorAR
Player.RemoveItemNS Cuirass 2
Set Choosing to 0

Have any ideas why it's not working?

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out...
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

How can I set it so that the enemy being hit is the victim target in:

ike how do I set the person being hit to the victim ref? If I don't have that set it just hurtles straight into the air.
pusher.pushActorAway pushed

@critterman, you've got your objectIDs and objectReferences mixed up. NCuirass is set to the objectID returned by cloneForm. So your setArmorAR call should look like this : setArmorAR nCuirass 12
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

Oh jeese the answer to my own question just occured to me...

I needed Player.AddItem NCuirass so that I would have the new cloned cuirass. I just assumed that it would add it to the player automatically :lmao:

@shademe: are you sure? the OBSE command doc says the syntax is:

(nothing) reference.SetArmorAR nuArmorRating:long objectID:ref

I'm trying to set the NCuirass' AR rating to times 1.2 that of the old Cuirass.
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:27 am

No I mean how to I get it to set the pushed to the NPC I'm hitting????
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:01 am

player.pushactoraway myself 50

use that instead :goodjob:
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

player.pushactoraway myself 50

use that instead :goodjob:

Yes but an npc will also be using it against the player and other npcs. (Probably should have said that in the first place)
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

@shademe: are you sure? the OBSE command doc says the syntax is:
Yup. THe doc shows the correct syntax. I suggest you read this article - http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Modding_Terminology.

Yes but an npc will also be using it against the player and other npcs. (Probably should have said that in the first place)
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