Quick Question -- Quick Answer, Part Fourteen

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am


Would that let the npc knock back the player and other npcs?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 am

I feel like this is a really stupid question because if hours of google, forum and wiki searching mean anything, no one but me has ever had a problem figuring this out. I want to write a script using OBSE commands, but whenever i write them in the TESCS script editor, i get an error that says "command "x" not found" and i can't save the script. I read some people like to use notepad ++ to write scripts, so i downloaded that, but I cant figure out how to get the scripts I write there into the construction set so I can use them. Does anyone know what to do? I must be missing something obvious, since so many mods use OBSE but I can't find an explanation anywhere.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:48 am

I feel like this is a really stupid question because if hours of google, forum and wiki searching mean anything, no one but me has ever had a problem figuring this out. I want to write a script using OBSE commands, but whenever i write them in the TESCS script editor, i get an error that says "command "x" not found" and i can't save the script. I read some people like to use notepad ++ to write scripts, so i downloaded that, but I cant figure out how to get the scripts I write there into the construction set so I can use them. Does anyone know what to do? I must be missing something obvious, since so many mods use OBSE but I can't find an explanation anywhere.

You need to launch the CS via OBSE in order for the script compiler to recognize OBSE functions.

The easiest way is to launch the CS from Wrye Bash with the OBSE box ticked. There are also instructions for setting it manually on the OBSE website, if I recall correctly.

Edit: Actually, http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Oblivion_Script_Extender.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 am

thank you, I dont have wyre bash but the manual setup worked great. i had been to that page but i think i skimmed over that thinking it was just OBSE installation info
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:42 am

Oh boy... I got NifSkope and now I've opened myself to an entirely new set of headaches, not to mention a real good way to forget my bedtime... and/or eating. My very first project? Retexturing a bed.

I swiped the bedspread texture of Middle Class Bed 05 (the purple one) from Kal's Custom Beds, and the Mahogany and Mahogany Details textures from Xiamara's Manor Bedset. I decided that I would then add those to JDFan's bunkbeds resource. Lots of clicking later, and in my NifSkope render window all the wood parts look wood-y and the bedspreads look all right, and I saved it with a new object name and then loaded the .nif in the CS... and in the CS render window it was all-over pink.

But... but... It's textured in my NifSkope window, and I followed the online tutorial! What step did I miss? And what are the texture_n.dds files for? Do I do anything with those?

EDIT: Oh, and while I'm at it, what is the "Material" function for? I get why, when I changed the material of one bedspread to the same one Kal's bed used, the other one changed as well, but why would it also change the bedposts to match? And when I tried to put the bedposts back, it also changed the bedspread. Why? And how do I make it stop?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am

Oh boy... I got NifSkope and now I've opened myself to an entirely new set of headaches, not to mention a real good way to forget my bedtime... and/or eating.

That's how you know you found a part of modding you really like.

My very first project? Retexturing a bed.

I swiped the bedspread texture of Middle Class Bed 05 (the purple one) from Kal's Custom Beds, and the Mahogany and Mahogany Details textures from Xiamara's Manor Bedset. I decided that I would then add those to JDFan's bunkbeds resource. Lots of clicking later, and in my NifSkope render window all the wood parts look wood-y and the bedspreads look all right, and I saved it with a new object name and then loaded the .nif in the CS... and in the CS render window it was all-over pink.

But... but... It's textured in my NifSkope window, and I followed the online tutorial! What step did I miss?

Two things: Make sure the root folder in the texture path is "textures\" in nifskope, and not the actual full path, particularly if you have your game installed outside of its default install location. Also, make sure the texture paths use backslashes "\" and not slashes "/" - the CS doesn't like slashes, even though nifskope tolerates it.

And what are the texture_n.dds files for? Do I do anything with those?

Those are normal maps. There should be one *_n.dds for each *.dds, though sometimes textures will share one normal map if they are recolors of the same texture. Just needs to be named accordingly and in the same folder with the texture to which it belongs.

EDIT: Oh, and while I'm at it, what is the "Material" function for? I get why, when I changed the material of one bedspread to the same one Kal's bed used, the other one changed as well, but why would it also change the bedposts to match? And when I tried to put the bedposts back, it also changed the bedspread. Why? And how do I make it stop?

The material properties lets you adjust things like light emission, transparency, reflectiveness, etc... for each part of the mesh that is using the same texture. I don't know why changing it for the bedspread would change the bedposts, as those are two separate sections - but in any case, you can restore them easily. Open a vanilla bed mesh in Nifskope, right-click on where it says "Material #N" on the left, and click Branch --> Copy. Then go back to the corresponding material in your mesh (keep both Nifskope windows open), right click it, and select Branch --> Paste Over. Then save your mesh, and all that material will be restored to its original settings.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 am

Is there a way to nullify Sun Damage through scripting?
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

EDIT: Oh, and while I'm at it, what is the "Material" function for? I get why, when I changed the material of one bedspread to the same one Kal's bed used, the other one changed as well, but why would it also change the bedposts to match? And when I tried to put the bedposts back, it also changed the bedspread. Why? And how do I make it stop?

The reason for it doing that is that I optimized the NIF so it now treats all instances of a texture as a single piece for all the nodes using it (same for the various material settings, etc.) - If you want to change just one part you need to go to the Spells option at the top and run Optimize - Split Properties (this splits the nodes up and will allow changes to individual properties on them) - make your changes and then run the Spells - Optimize - Combine properties Again - this will recombine the various properties so that the Nif only loads things Once for the entire Nif instead of reloading the same textures etc. many times wasting Memory ! (A good habit to get in so that your NIfs run at optimum effeciency !)
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 am

Ok, I'm stuck... again. This time I'm pretty sure I got my references and ObjectIDs in the right order but it doesn't work.

Set ObjName to GetName NCuirass			Set NewName to GetName NewObj

For some reason this two lines in my script do not work. I've put a "PrintC '%n %n' ObjName NewName" after and the console only spits out . The NCuirass and NewObj ARE base objects because they are derived from GetEquippedObject calls. And I know they are valid references because later I use "Player.UnequipItem NCuirass" and "Player.UnequipItem.NewObj" and they both work...

I also tried using Let and := but it didn't work either...
Let ObjName := GetName NCuirass			Let NewName := GetName NewObj

EDIT: I used CompareName NewObj NCuirass to do what I wanted and it worked :shrug: I have no idea why GetName didn't work, but I have my script working now so I'm happy :D
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

I got question about the escort package, what exactly does it do when you give an NPC that package? I will post what I am talking about, (posted this in the funniest moments thread)
See I gave Antiontta Marie (The DB member) a new package to go wander in front of the Wawnet Inn with Jeanne Fransoric, Milliona Umbraonox, Eilonwy and some other characters. So in addition I created a new NPC named Destiny right and gave her a package to escort Antionetta to the area, but I might have not realized that the escort package doesn't work that way. So I am in Cheydinhal Mages Guld Basemant and Destiny's just standing there, it's the first of a month which is when those girls go out so Destiny should have been following Antionetta by now, so I resurrected her by console and looked what it says under resurrect and she's supposed to be escorting (I think I can see that because of Toaster's mod).

So suddenly Antionetta comes running into the basemant and then Destiny starts running around as well and the two leave the Mages Guild so I run after them well Destiny actrually because Antoinetta got so far and already arrived, so Destiny and my character Samantha are running down the path from Cheydinhal and all the way to Wawnet Inn, I thought it would end there but suddenly Destiny and Antionetta were running around in a circle and took off, I was laughing as I chased the both of them all the way from Wawnet Inn and back to Cheydinhal's Mages Guild, it was like chase, Destiny was in front and Antionetta ran after her with me towing behind, and Destiny kept making that gesture to follow them like Baurus does in the beginning of the game (Or Glenroy whichever when they are close to the end).

So is that what the esort package does? Like Destiny leads Antionetta back to the Cheydinhal Mages Guild? Would it be just better to set Destiny's AI Package to Follow instead of Escort?

I am not the best one to clarify, as my experience with packages is limited.

As I understand it, a better name to the Escort package would be "Lead" package.
When applied to an NPC1, with NPC2 as the Target and the Anvil main gates as location, NPC1 will go to Anvil, NPC2 will follow NPC1. If NPC2 falls behind, NPC1 will gesture and wait.

You could also give both NPCs a "Travel to Anvil" package and they would go there.

If you want them to travel together, you could give NPC2 a "Follow NPC1" package, but if NPC1 is faster, NPC2 will fall behind.

Should not be anything more complex that, but packages are strange entities and always reserves surprises.

@Critterman ObjName and NewName must be string_var's. Printed with: PrintC "%z %z" ObjName NewName
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:12 am

Quick question.

How do I force em' guards to whip out their torches. I've placed them in their respectable inventories, but they seem to put them away the second the cell loads. :)
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:50 am

Is there a way to nullify Sun Damage through scripting?
Yes. Check if the player is under its effect and switch a restore health ability. Or up the health of the player every second - Use OBSE's http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude to get the magnitude.

How do I force em' guards to whip out their torches. I've placed them in their respectable inventories, but they seem to put them away the second the cell loads. :)
Use getIsEquipped and equipItem.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:29 pm

Use getIsEquipped and equipItem.

Hmm, won't work in this case since there's already a script on the actor with which I cant mess with. I guess I'll plop some ring of Nighteye in their inventories, for immersion sake. Being effectively blind won't bother their AI with normal combat/patrol behaviour, right?
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

Hmm, won't work in this case since there's already a script on the actor with which I cant mess with. I guess I'll plop some ring of Nighteye in their inventories, for immersion sake. Being effectively blind won't bother their AI with normal combat/patrol behaviour, right?
Use a http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Unplayable_Items. And, no.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

Thanks, will try :)
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:54 pm

Is there any way to make something follow the cursor? (e.g. The player moves the cursor upward and the object moves up into the air.)
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

Is there any way to make something follow the cursor? (e.g. The player moves the cursor upward and the object moves up into the air.)

You mean like a grab or telekinesis kind of effect, where the object is always in front of you? Or something else?
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:08 pm

Long shot here, but wth:
Is there any formatting possible with the text in a MessageBox? Like left, center, or right alignment?

Is there any way to make something follow the cursor? (e.g. The player moves the cursor upward and the object moves up into the air.)

I believe there might be a way to do it, but it would involve a ton of Trig in the script, and I just was not that good enough at it back in my old college days to be able to help you there. Have a look at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Summon_Object tutorial for summoning objects that always appear right in front of the player, and see if you can gleen something from it to make a script that constantly updates your object to move to the center of the player's view. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetHeadingAngle page may also help. Good luck. I hope I could at least point you in the right direction.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:57 pm

does anyone know what it means when you load up the cs to work on your mod and then the cs gives you this message

"bandit (version of bandit here) exists in both "my mod" and "mmm mod". continue playing? yes to all will disable all warnings this session."

when i used the bandits i duplicated and renamed them all. i wasnt even aware i had used any that were specific to mmm.

thanks XD
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

Two things: Make sure the root folder in the texture path is "textures\" in nifskope, and not the actual full path, particularly if you have your game installed outside of its default install location. Also, make sure the texture paths use backslashes "\" and not slashes "/" - the CS doesn't like slashes, even though nifskope tolerates it.

Changed all the / to \. I have three places it's supposedly looking for textures, the first being simply "textures\", the second being the full path of Oblivion\Data\Textures, and then for the third one I told it to auto-detect the game settings. Still not working. It's textured in my NifSkope but eyeball-vibrating pink in my CS. WHY?????????
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:39 pm

Is there any way to make something follow the cursor? (e.g. The player moves the cursor upward and the object moves up into the air.)

There is a script that does this in a test mod I did some time ago (check the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19980 file)

The script places an object at the cursor. But at a variable distance. You would have to adjust it to a fixed distance.
But it is not an easy script to follow if you don't have experience with the script language.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:55 pm

Changed all the / to \. I have three places it's supposedly looking for textures, the first being simply "textures\", the second being the full path of Oblivion\Data\Textures, and then for the third one I told it to auto-detect the game settings. Still not working. It's textured in my NifSkope but eyeball-vibrating pink in my CS. WHY?????????

This could be a culprit:
the second being the full path of Oblivion\Data\Textures

You want to have them all start with simply "textures\".

But in any case, let's go step by step. Change paths and filenames to suit.

Your mesh is ~Meshes\YourName\YourModName\YourMesh.nif.

In Nifskope, your mesh has three texture paths:

So make sure those three files are physically there, and that there is also:

If they are, click View --> Settings, and go to the Rendering tab. Remove all folders from the "Custom" list, and go back in and manually add ONLY your Data folder.

Make sure you are saving your NIF after changing the file paths.

Make sure you are updating the NIF file path in the CS for the object in question. Perhaps you still have it pointed to another NIF where the texture paths are wrong.

Remove all "backups" or "old versions" or "attempts gone wrong" from the folder to prevent mix-ups, or append their file names.

Hope you get it straightened out.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:59 pm

How do you make custom maps for custom wolrdspaces??? I got my texture and all in but it looks really stretched in the CS.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:26 pm

Hi guys :D

I'm looking for a tutorial to make a custom helmet i tried the wiki and google but i can't seem to find it, does anyone have a link?
A tutorial to make custom armor would also be great :D
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:50 pm

How do you make custom maps for custom wolrdspaces??? I got my texture and all in but it looks really stretched in the CS.
IIRC, there was a map making tutorial on the TES Alliance forums.
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