allright im going to try it now, i think i declared variables correctly (im pretty new to scripting) brb (:
edit: Worked perfectly

edit2: i really want to learn scripting, and i've done alot of tutorials and stuff and i know much of the basics and i just wanna script script script but i dont have any ideas on what to do, could you please give me some ideas?

not too hard stuff, but still something to work on
dont have to be something useful as long as i can get into it more and get some more scripting experience,
Yeah, ideas are hard =-) But do as I did.
First I started with the very standard
player.additem gold002 10000
if you then understand the base of a script, move on.
I myself started on IF-Statement and Message function.
if player.getitemcount gold002 >= 10000 player.RemoveItem gold002 2500else player.additem gold002 10000
I fiddled around with that. Making "Conjure gold" "Conjure LockPicks" "RemoveAllItems" " Ressurect", stuff like that. I followed the tutorials on Wiki to find some usefull and fun tutorials there.
THEN I moved on to MessageBox. So I could make my first spell tome XD maan! 300 lines script - second day I scripted. Heck I was proud!
well, it took me some houres to get down Mesagebox. But when I did it, I made my spelltome.
Right after that I used common sense to make the player need a key to open the book. Later that evening I heard about the use of "DoOnce" which was perfect! Thus The player only needed the key once.
From there I tried making a quest. Which is about 80% scripting. Messing aroun with QuestScripts and Gloal Scripts. It went to hell =/ I managed to fix it after 3 days =)
Now, from here on I asked around the forum for help on scripts. Like Dawnfang's or whatever, script. Took me an hour to figure this out. Using Global Variables isn't my strong side =P but, after 10 kills my sword changes to.... another sword.
After a break from scripting I started making teleports. Meh, took me some time to find my error. Messagebox in ScriptEffectStart isn't smart =)
on, and on and on.
Untill FInally I came to timers. Heck, this wasn't easy o,O but I managed to learn, thanks to that tutorial from.. Shade-something I believe. ( Sorry, forgot name XD don't hate me!)
and this day I am having a break from scripting.
So, you see the point. Learn stuff - fiddle with fun stuff.
basically, Make spells for everything. Script Everything. Learn If,Return,set-Statement. Then learn Messagebox. Then go from there. But trust me, making just one quest made me twice as good to READ a script - which is really usefull when writing them.
Hope you, and anyone else, enjoyed my life-story!