Got a few questions, made an item but can't seem to add it to inventory only into the world. Tried dropping one on the ground, using player.additem of the number in the console I see when selected and also the FormID, I keep getting a message saying, not a valid item/number.
Do I need a script or is there a way to add House Fast Travel Point to the map? I tried typing HouseICTravelMarker.Enable in the console, with no luck or would this work as a script?
To add items to a container, you have to edit the container's base (meaning all instances of this container in the world will reflect this change, so make your own containers pretty please). Once you have the edit base window open, you will see the container's starting inventory. You can drap and drop items from the item list into it, and then delete or adjust qty afterwards to suit your tastes.
To add fast travel points anywhere, you need to add a MapMarker, which can be found under Statics. Checking or unchecking the boxes "visible" and "can travel to" will determine if the player can automatically see and/or travel to it without having discovered it first.
Does anybody know the name of the male body textures? I'm using the OBMM bsa browser but there are hundreds and I have no idea what I'm looking for?
Look in ~Textures\Characters\Imperial\male\. Non-beast races all use those textures as far as I know by default.