How can i play shaders on different parts of the body, like only on the face or on a leg?
Can't be done using effect shaders. One method would be to apply your particle effects and whatnot to a dummy mesh in NifSkope and equip it over the appropriate body part.
What tool would you recommend for removing an *.esp's dependancy on another *.esp?
Specifics: I was making a custom race with the RBP's esp active but I now want to remove that dependacy.
You can use TES4Gecko to do that.
Is there a nice simple way to turn on and off the Nighteye and Detect Life shaders without having to remove the spells themselves?
I'm looking for a toggle for enchanted items, basically.
With Nighteye, I was wondering about using Scanti's Night eye shader switcher, but was wondering how you'd tell it to use no shader, or a blank shader for when you want night-eye turned off.
Detect Life I really don't know about, unless Scanti's plugin can be adapted to it.
As an alternative, can you Removespell a constant effect from an enchanted item?
Detect life, perhaps but Nighteye gets a "No". The latter might be possible by temporarily playing a dummy particle shader on every target in the cell. I haven't looked into scanti's plugin, but if he lets you write your shader, you can use this:
texture thisframe;sampler smpThisFrame = sampler_state{texture = ; AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR;};half4 dummy(float2 tex : TEXCOORD) : COLOR0{ return tex2D(smpThisFrame, tex);}technique t0{ pass p0 { PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 dummy(); }}
That should, in effect, nullify the shader. Might require changes depending on the semantics the plugin exposes.