They will need the obse plugin as well.
scn CustomPlayerSummonGenericScriptfloat timerfloat fadeshort playonceref SUMNBegin ScriptEffectStart set SUMN to SummonRefID ; The refernce to summon SUMN.disable SUMN.moveto PLayer 30 30 10 ; here comes the Summon SUMN.enable set fade to 1EndBegin ScriptEffectUpdate if timer > 240 ; This moves it back after four minutes SUMN.moveto BSXRef ; The XMarker to move it to and from SUMN.resurrect SUMN.disable endif if SUMN.getdead && timer < 238 set timer to 238 endif if timer > 0.1 && playonce == 0 SUMN.pms effectSummonMythicDawn 1 set playonce to 1 endif set timer to timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds if timer > 238 && playonce == 1 SUMN.pms effectSummonMythicDawn 2 set playonce to 2 endif if playonce == 2 set fade to fade - 0.03 SUMN.saa fade endifEndBegin ScriptEffectFinish SUMN.moveto BSXRef 0 0 10 SUMN.resurrect ; Heals the Summon if it's injured and revives it if it's dead SUMN.disableEnd
scn aacrystalpfloat timerfloat fQuestDelayTimeshort time = 0begin gamemodeset fQuestDelayTime to 0.001set timer to time + getsecondspassedif (timer % 2 == 0)aacrystalp1.disableaacrystalp2.disableaacrystalp3.disableaacrystalp4.enableaacrystalp5.enableaacrystalp6.enableaacrystalp4.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0aacrystalp5.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0aacrystalp6.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0endifif timer % 2 == 1aacrystalp1.enableaacrystalp2.enableaacrystalp3.enableaacrystalp4.disableaacrystalp5.disableaacrystalp6.disableaacrystalp1.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0aacrystalp2.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0aacrystalp3.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0endifIf getdistance player < 500aacrystalp0.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice playerIf getdistance player < 250player.movetomarker 01011175endifendifend
scn aacrystalpfloat timerfloat fQuestDelayTimeshort time = 0begin gamemode set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 set timer to time + getsecondspassed if (timer % 2 == 0) aacrystalp1.disable aacrystalp2.disable aacrystalp3.disable aacrystalp4.enable aacrystalp5.enable aacrystalp6.enable aacrystalp4.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 aacrystalp5.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 aacrystalp6.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 endif if timer % 2 == 1 aacrystalp1.enable aacrystalp2.enable aacrystalp3.enable aacrystalp4.disable aacrystalp5.disable aacrystalp6.disable aacrystalp1.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 aacrystalp2.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 aacrystalp3.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice aacrystalp0 endif If getdistance player < 500 aacrystalp0.cast aaStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice player If getdistance player < 250 player.movetomarker 01011175 endif endifend
scn scriptfloat timershort statebegin gamemode set timer to timer + getsecondspassed if timer >= 1.0 ; swap between the two sets of crystals every second set timer to 0 set state to (state != 1) ; if 0, sets it to 1. if 1, sets it to 0. if state == 0 enable one set of 3 crystals and have them cast. disable the other 3 else enable the other set of 3 and have them cast instead endif endifend
set myitem to player.GetEquippedObject 0SetFeMaleBipedPath "Armor\Fur\F\Helmet.NIF" myitem