scn DrTrScriptHoldershort originbegin GameModeend
scn DrTrPortalAnvilbegin OnActivate set DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin to 1 player.moveto DrTrRealmTargetend
scn DrTrPortalRealmReturnbegin OnActivate if (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 1) player.moveto DrTrAnvilTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 2) player.moveto DrTrSkingradTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 3) player.moveto DrTrChorrolTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 4) player.moveto DrTrBrumaTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 5) player.moveto DrTrBravilTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 6) player.moveto DrTrLeyawiinTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 7) player.moveto DrTrCheydinhalTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 8) player.moveto DrTrICTarget elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 9) player.moveto DrTrFallback1Target elseif (DrTrPortalQuestHolder.origin == 0) player.moveto DrTrFallback2Target else MessageBox "You got pwned" endifend
elseif getstage AwsAwiaMainQuest3 == 109 if Player.getdistance AwsAwiaMQ3BattlePrisonerActivate1Ref < 350 AwsAwiaMQ3MurberTiragius1Ref.moveto AwsAwiaMQ3BattlePrisonerActivate1Ref set battlestage to 1 AwsAwiaMQ3MurberTiragius1Ref.SetActorValue Aggression 0 AwsAwiaMQ3MurberTiragius1Ref.SetActorValue confidence 0 endif if battlestage == 1 AwsAwiaMQ3MurberTiragius1Ref.startconversation Player endifendif
ref actorarray_var iter; ... blah...if (GetCellChanged) foreach iter <- GetHighActors let actor := *iter if (you want to add a spell to this actor's base form actor.addSpell whatever endif loopendif
scn TestScript001Short FirstRef rFloat fQuestDelayTimestring_var msgBegin GameMode If First == 0 Player.AddItem aaaTroyTestSword001 1 Set First to 1 Let fQuestDelayTime := .001 Endif If IsKeyPressed2 24 && First Let r := Player.GetEquippedObject 16 r.SetModelPath "Weapons\braided\blongsword.nif" Let msg := "Modelpath is " + r.getmodelpath + "and r is " + r.GetName PrintToConsole $msg Player.Update3D Let First := -2 Else Set First to 1 Endif End
If IsKeyPressed2 24 && First !=-2 ;or somethingAslo check the code samples : - you must check if the key is released or not
SetModelPath "Weapons\braided\blongsword.nif" rYou haven't read the docs, have you ?
begin ScriptEffectStart killend
begin ScriptEffectStart killend
begin ScriptEffectStart killend
Begin ScriptEffectStart If GetSelf != Player Kill EndifEnd
if ( finish ) Disable if ( doOnce ) return elseif ( timer > 1 ) set doOnce to 1 Enable set finish to 0 else set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed endif endif
scn ChoArSpellDisablebegin ScriptEffectStart if GetSelf != player kill endifendbegin ScriptEffectFinish if GetSelf != player disable endifend
scn ChoArSpellDisablebegin ScriptEffectStart if GetSelf != player kill endifendbegin ScriptEffectFinish if GetSelf != player disable endifend