Thanks for the confirmation. Here's hoping!
scn AAMyItemAddScriptBegin GameMode ;this script will run as soon as the game starts and keep running once per frame until stopped with StopQuestPlayer.AddItem Item1ID 1 ;this will add one of the specified itemPlayer.AddItem Item2ID 1 ;this will add one of the specified itemPlayer.AddSpell SpellID ;this will add the specified spellPlayer.AddSpell SpellID ;this will add the specified spellStopQuest MyItemAddQuest ;this will stop the quest once it has added everythingend
; this script (Ctrl+w) removes ownership for the object currently under the mouse cursor and moves down the "Cell View" list according to the loop number^w:: ; sets the shortcut to control+w and begins scriptCoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; tells the app to use absolute screen coordinates, not coordinates relative to the active windowMouseGetpos, varX, varY ; sets two variables, recording the original x (varX) and y (varY) coordinatesloop 1 ; tells the script enclosed in brackets below {} to loop a specified number of times. change the number here accordingly{ CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; tells the app to use absolute screen coordinates, not coordinates relative to the active window Click right ; right clicks, opens the context menu of an item in the "Cell View" list Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec Click relative 15,35 ; moves the mouse to select "Edit" from context menu Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec Click 617,390 ; clicks "Ownership" tab at the specified absolute coordinates Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec Click 623,447 ; clicks drop-down box for ownership at the specified absolute coordinates Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec Send {Home} ; goes to top of list i.e. "NONE". if you want to select a certain NPC, you will have to use Send and a letter of the alphabet or something Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec Send {Enter} ; closes drop-down box with "Enter" key Send {Enter} ; closes item properties dialogue with "Enter" key varY := varY + 17 ; Sets y-coordinate for next item in the "Cell View" list, 17 pixels down in my case, the row size may be different for you MouseMove %varX%,%varY% ; Moves the cursor to the next item in the list Sleep, 100 ; wait 1/10 sec}return ; ends the script once the loop is completed
Scn AAplusWotwTestamentScriptBegin Onequip SetStage AplusWOTWQuest 255 player.Moveto AAplusWotwBedMarker player.removeitem AAplusWotwTestament 1End
Scn AAplusWotwTestamentScriptBegin Onequip SetStage AplusWOTWQuest 255 player.Moveto AAplusWotwBedMarker player.removeitem AAplusWotwTestament 1End
Scn AAplusWotwTestamentScriptBegin Onequip SetStage AplusWOTWQuest 255activate myacivator ; work out the detailsEnd MyActvtrSCRBegin onacivate player.removeitem AAplusWotwTestament 1 player.Moveto AAplusWotwBedMarkerendIIRC
scn QuestUpdateTrigZoneScriptShort DoOnceBegin OnTrigger Player If DoOnce == 0 SetStage QuestID StageIndex Set DoOnce to 1 EndifEnd
If whatever == 0 && whateverelse == 0 &&...
If (whatever == whateverelse == 0) &&...