Is there a way to prevent a spell from casting once it's been activated..thats not the word, once it's been "cast" ?
I have lets say a fireball spell. It is set as a lesser power. Before the fire damage effect I have a script effect that checks for a quest variable. I want to be able to abort the fireball from casting if the variable has a certain value.
I tried silencing the player, since the script effect is executed first it should in theory work, however, in game the fireball is cast and then the player is silenced, not the other way around.
anyone have a suggestion?
Spells are instant cast, so you can't "interrupt" them. But here's what I would do:
1) Put a script effect on the spell the player casts that checks for your variable, and plays the fire damage effect on the player if the cast is meant to fail.
2) If the cast doesn't fail, move an activator to the player, and have it cast the targeted fire spell at the player's crosshair target.
Two quick questions
1. How can I make a static readable object. Like the Wanted Poster for the Grey Fox in the Imperial City. I want it to be readable, but not able to be picked up or affected by physics.
You need to edit the model in Nifskope to make it truly static.
How To Make An Object Static
(Note: I don't remember where I found this, kudos to whoever wrote it!)
If it is really a static apple that you want, I mean, a static like a wall, you can do the following:
go for NifSkope 1.0.16 and load apple NIF file
in Block List expand all nodes
search for: 4 bhkRigidBody and left click on it
press F3 or go to menu View -> Block Details
in Block Details search for "Motion System" and change it to MO_SYS_FIXED
in Block Details search for "Quality Type" and change it to MO_QUAL_FIXED
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer" and change it OL_STATIC
(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer Copy" and change it to OL_STATIC
save the NIF file in Oblivion\Data\meshes\your_mod_name (or sth like that) and close the NifSkope
open CS, load your plugin, Make a new static and as a model choose the NIF file that was just created in NifSkope
"Not necessary" steps are only for a proper color of a layer, that can be seen in CS and in game, when you toggle collision geometry. Now you should have a static apple.
For more details on adding your new Object to the CS, there's a tutorial Make sure you add it as a Book object so that it remains readable, and check the "Cannot be taken" box in the CS.
2. Can I make the player more talkative? In the Voices folder there are a lot of good battle cries. How can I make the player use these more than just power attack screams and hit groans?
Double-click on the Player NPC, and click the Dialogue button. From the Dialogue window, click the Combat button at the top. Here is where you would add new dialogue records for this purpose. Check the CS Wiki for tutorials on editing dialogue if you've never done it before - it can be complicated and troublesome on a bad day.