ok, i try to put the negative in with the 33 like this -33 and the box goes back to 0. what am i supposed to do with that? and just to be sure, the coordinates displayed in the height map editor for the land is going to come out the same way in the cs redner window when viewing the land right? so im not just messin up the coordinates? thanks.
ghastley answered you correctly above!
The dimensions would be 66 x 66
If I make a script that calls for equip item on an item currently not in the inventory, does it equip it anyway, but does not show up under weapons/armor tab, or else what happens?
I don't know what would happen, but the item won't get equipped. Has to be in the inventory first.
Alright ive got three questions and the first one could solved the next two...
Why cant i connect to the Construction Set Wiki?
It's been going down a lot lately, but it should be back up now. See http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1201356-cs-wiki-down/ for what to do when it goes down again.
How i do connect two doors together so that i cant actually enter an interior i create?
Answer http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Door_Markers_-_Connecting_One_or_More_Doors_Between_Cells.
When duplicating a cell do i have to delete all the objects in that cell or just anything that may be considered unique?
You probably want to remove any unique or quest-related objects and NPC references (unless they are generic, like bandits, and you want them there).
There's a short class you can take at http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/12-construction-set-basics/ that will walk you through all these basics, and another at the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:A_beginner%27s_guide. Pick your poison.