I managed to solve my issue doing a check against GetAV Health after you wake up:
if ( vampireSlept ) && ( Player.GetAV Health > HealthSlept ) Player.ModAV2 Health NoHealthSlept set vampireSlept to 0 set doonce to 0 else set vampireSlept to 0 set doonce to 0 endif
So no need to check for day and hour... so far. I'm sure I will find a situation that will make this check uneffective, like if using Fortify Health, but so far it works well.
I have another question. Is there some way of making an actor receive extra damage from a certain weapon? Preferably not by scripting/enchanting the weapon itself. I plan using tokens added by an activator via spell to actors, so that actors with the token would receive extra damage from weapons which contain the words "silver" or "mithril". But I can't recall this having been done before in any mod I know of. Adding the tokens is easy enough, modding a weapons' stats too with Obse, but altering the damage dealt by them
only when hitting actors with the token seems... impossible. Could someone hint me, or at least recommend a mod that does something similar?