Do you only get a corrupted save error when trying to load it by script or also when you manually load it in the loading menu?
Messagebox "Message text." [var1] [var2] ...
Messagebox "Variable 1: %g Variable 2: %.1f", Var1, Var2, "Button"With the vanilla MessageBox you cannot use variables in the buttons, if you want that you will need to use http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/MessageBoxEx. Note that it has a slightly different syntax, instead of seperate strings for the text body and each button it is all put in one string, seperating the body and buttons from eachother with a |
MessageBoxEx "Variable 1: %g Variable 2: %.1f|Button 1|Button Var2: %g|Button3", Var1, Var2, VarButton2
begin gameMode; "QUEST" CODE HEREset switch to 2if switch == 2 ; "RESULT" CODE HERE set switch to 0endifend
if (Flag == 1); Do I have work to do? if (GameDaysPassed > SavedDays + 21) do something that's supposed to happen later set Flag to 0 endifendif