Since you offered . . . feel free to turn it into an article, if you feel like it. Correct, rewrite, complement, rephrase, retitle as you see fit. (not sure if you offered that much but, hey, doesn't hurt to suggest)
As I say at the top of the page, I am not comfortable with writing, so the initial idea was to dump some [noncommittal?] text there in case somebody considers it worthy of improvement and turns it into something better or, at least, better written.
Will do !
There is similar code on this page:
Missed that one as well :facepalm: Thanks, mate
Is there a script function that affects whether Npc's can hear you or not, like how blind stops Npc's from hearing you????
Come again ?
How do you set up an ini for a mod? Is it a .txt file and then you runbatchscript txtfilename (with OBSE)?
On the wiki page it says:
That just means it saves the all the values in the ini, correct?
Also if I call this in a script does it lag the game for a second or two (like Con_Save)?
The console command saveINI is used to save the game's INI file ( Oblivion.ini). For your purpose, you'll need to set up a text file ( INI if you wish to follow convention

) and use the following code to initialize it :
runBatchScript "Data\<or whatever directory>\XXX.ini"
The function is pretty fast and doesn't cause any performance issues.