1. Is there any console command that can force a container to respawn?
2. If i've used the TCL command on myself and then used another command on another object, how do i re-select myself to put myself back in non TCL mode?
scn CopyWeaponStatsref curWeaponref clonedWeaponref curWeaponEnchantmentref curWeaponPoisonlong curWeaponDamagefloat curWeaponWeightfloat curWeaponReachfloat curWeaponSpeedfloat curWeaponValuefloat curWeaponHealthshort curWeaponTypeBegin Function {curWeapon, clonedWeapon};This function copies all weapon stats/properties to a different weaponprintc "Copying from %n to %n" curWeapon clonedWeaponset clonedWeapon to CloneForm curWeaponset curWeaponSpeed to GetWeaponSpeed curWeaponset curWeaponReach to GetWeaponReach curWeaponset curWeaponWeight to GetWeight curWeaponset curWeaponValue to GetGoldValue curWeaponset curWeaponDamage to GetAttackDamage curWeaponset curWeaponHealth to GetObjectHealthset curWeaponPoison to GetEquippedWeaponPoisonset curWeaponEnchantment to GetEnchantment curWeaponset curWeapontype to GetWeaponType curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyModelPath curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyIconPath curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyName curWeaponIf clonedWeapon.IsModelPathValid == 0 printc "Missing mesh"endifclonedWeapon.SetGoldValue curWeaponValueclonedWeapon.SetWeaponReach curWeaponReachclonedWeapon.SetWeight curWeaponWeightclonedWeapon.SetAttackDamage curWeaponDamageclonedWeapon.SetEnchantment curWeaponEnchantmentclonedWeapon.SetWeaponType curWeaponTypeclonedWeapon.SetObjectHealth curWeaponHealthclonedWeapon.SetEquippedWeaponPoison curWeaponPoisonprintc "Copy %n -> %n successful" curWeapon clonedWeaponEnd
set copyWeapon to ModifyWeapon;This is a form I have created in the CSset curWeapon to GetEquippedObject 16;The script runs on the player, so it gets the player's equipped weaponif curWeapon Call CopyWeaponStats curWeapon copyWeaponEndif