Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Nineteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 am

A small question of my own here realted to console commands.

1. Is there any console command that can force a container to respawn?

2. If i've used the TCL command on myself and then used another command on another object, how do i re-select myself to put myself back in non TCL mode?
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 am

A small question of my own here realted to console commands.
2. If i've used the TCL command on myself and then used another command on another object, how do i re-select myself to put myself back in non TCL mode?

Switch to 3rd person view and select your character. Alternatively, you could click on another object with the console open and then click on it again to de-select it. Any commands entered after that will affect your character.

Not sure about making a container respawn.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:00 pm

Really basic but what causes all these 'duplicate' s to cells and NPCs? How do you delete them successfully when there is nothing of any value in them? How do you avoid them? Or don't you!! Do they have a function?

And, for instance, when I link two of my buildings with doors, everything appears to have saved OK, yet when I switch off TES it creats duplicates of each of the buildings with only a door in it, linkig both buildings to the empty cell of the other, so when I test in-game I fall into space. ??? :huh:
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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

A small question of my own here realted to console commands.

1. Is there any console command that can force a container to respawn?

2. If i've used the TCL command on myself and then used another command on another object, how do i re-select myself to put myself back in non TCL mode

Nope. You'll need to reset the container's parent cell to do that ( resetInterior for interiors, there isn't one for exteriors )
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

Question about Disposition

Can I set an NPC's disposition towards player?

I know ModDisposition Player ## increases the disposition by an amount, but i would like to set it at a certain value, and SetDisposition Player ## does not work.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 am

Question about Disposition

Can I set an NPC's disposition towards player?

I know ModDisposition Player ## increases the disposition by an amount, but i would like to set it at a certain value, and SetDisposition Player ## does not work.

I don't see a setdisposition but there is an [actorID.]getdisposition player, which you could use with some simple addition/subtraction conditionals to make moddisposition set disposition where you want it.

Something I should test to be sure but may as well ask since it's quick: Does the reactions tab in races indicate disposition of others towards the race in question, the disposition of the race in question towards others, or both? The CS wiki cites it as race->others in one place and others->race in another.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 am

Question about Disposition

Can I set an NPC's disposition towards player?

I know ModDisposition Player ## increases the disposition by an amount, but i would like to set it at a certain value, and SetDisposition Player ## does not work.

I select the NPC and use ModDisposition 014 xxx, and it modifies to the level I have given.

Er....is this a TES matter?....I assumed it was in-game. In TES it is easily done by editing the NPC.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:16 pm

Is there any reason for PushAwayPlayer to fail and stop the calling script from processing? I'm trying to push the player in a certain direction, so I move an actor (PushActorRef) behind the player, then call

PushActorRef.PushActorAway player 10

I've tried replacing player with playerref- that didn't work either.

Is there an alternative? I've thought about using an invisible havoked mesh that I place behind the player and then move it forward. However, I know nothing about modeling or adding physics to models, so I'd prefer a different solution.

EDIT: Well, I found a much simpler way to achieve what I wanted to do for now, but I'm still curious as to why PushActorAway would fail.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:00 am

Why doesn't "SetEssential player 1" work in a script?

It returns: "Invalid actor base 'player' for parameter Actor Base."

I know... I'm really bad at scripting. :[

Yes, I know the repercussions of using it, I just want to see how I can make it work.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:57 am

Why doesn't "SetEssential player 1" work in a script?

It returns: "Invalid actor base 'player' for parameter Actor Base."

I know... I'm really bad at scripting. :[

Yes, I know the repercussions of using it, I just want to see how I can make it work.
Use 7 instead of player.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 am

Use 7 instead of player.

Thanks! :)
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 am

A quick one : how can I check the value of a quest script variable in game ?
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm

In the console? http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Console_Functions or SQV [Quest-ID].
Checking the stage/variables of the 13th main quest would be: SQV MQ13
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:20 pm

In the console? http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Console_Functions or SQV [Quest-ID].
Checking the stage/variables of the 13th main quest would be: SQV MQ13

Thanks indeed - i was trying to do it with getquestvariabble - not right
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 am

Oooh, I have one other thing- CopyModelPath is acting up on me. This is a part of my script

copyWeapon.CopyModelPath curWeapon
If IsModelPathValid copyWeapon == 0
printc "Model copy failed"

This will not fail to give me the error message I print to console. With 100% consistency. I absolutely cannot understand what I'm doing wrong here.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 am

how do i know when my modding file is getting too large to be released as one mod? last time i checked fileplanet's mod upload requirements it said something about mod files must be a certain size or less , or else it cannot be uploaded for sharing to their site.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 pm

Is there a good way to enable a havok object and then get it to "fall" of whatever on enable? This is really bugging me unfortunately.
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john palmer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 am

Oooh, I have one other thing- CopyModelPath is acting up on me. This is a part of my script

copyWeapon.CopyModelPath curWeapon
If IsModelPathValid copyWeapon == 0
printc "Model copy failed"

This will not fail to give me the error message I print to console. With 100% consistency. I absolutely cannot understand what I'm doing wrong here.
Probably a case of incorrectly used base references. Show the code that assigns to the copyWeapon and curWeapon variables.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:09 am

I've been looking for an answer for two hours and nothing.

I'm creating a mod that changes the interiors of several vanilla cells. But I dunno what would make my mod more clean: delete the things in the cell that I don't want and add what I desire (oh, and as TES4Edit to undelete and disable) or search & replace that object to one that I deside and place it where I want?

If my English is weird, I'll try to pick some examples.

1. I have a "ChestClutterLower01" in the cell "RoxeyInn", but instead I want to put a "ChestClutterUpper02" in that place. Delete the ChestClutterLower01 or "search & replace"?

2. I'm turning the basemant of the cell "ICElvenGardensTheKingandQueenTavernBasemant" into lodgings, like The All-Saints Inn has. Delete everything and start from zero or "search & replace" all itens that I don't want to itens that will be desired?

In TES4Edit, everything replaced or moved shows up as yellow.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm

Probably a case of incorrectly used base references. Show the code that assigns to the copyWeapon and curWeapon variables.

No problem. It's a user function that copies all weapon properties from one weapon to another.

scn CopyWeaponStatsref curWeaponref clonedWeaponref curWeaponEnchantmentref curWeaponPoisonlong curWeaponDamagefloat curWeaponWeightfloat curWeaponReachfloat curWeaponSpeedfloat curWeaponValuefloat curWeaponHealthshort curWeaponTypeBegin Function {curWeapon, clonedWeapon};This function copies all weapon stats/properties to a different weaponprintc "Copying from %n to %n" curWeapon clonedWeaponset clonedWeapon to CloneForm curWeaponset curWeaponSpeed to GetWeaponSpeed curWeaponset curWeaponReach to GetWeaponReach curWeaponset curWeaponWeight to GetWeight curWeaponset curWeaponValue to GetGoldValue curWeaponset curWeaponDamage to GetAttackDamage curWeaponset curWeaponHealth to GetObjectHealthset curWeaponPoison to GetEquippedWeaponPoisonset curWeaponEnchantment to GetEnchantment curWeaponset curWeapontype to GetWeaponType curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyModelPath curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyIconPath curWeaponclonedWeapon.CopyName curWeaponIf clonedWeapon.IsModelPathValid == 0	printc "Missing mesh"endifclonedWeapon.SetGoldValue curWeaponValueclonedWeapon.SetWeaponReach curWeaponReachclonedWeapon.SetWeight curWeaponWeightclonedWeapon.SetAttackDamage curWeaponDamageclonedWeapon.SetEnchantment curWeaponEnchantmentclonedWeapon.SetWeaponType curWeaponTypeclonedWeapon.SetObjectHealth curWeaponHealthclonedWeapon.SetEquippedWeaponPoison curWeaponPoisonprintc "Copy %n -> %n successful" curWeapon clonedWeaponEnd

I then call this function like this:

set copyWeapon to ModifyWeapon;This is a form I have created in the CSset curWeapon to GetEquippedObject 16;The script runs on the player, so it gets the player's equipped weaponif curWeapon	 Call CopyWeaponStats curWeapon copyWeaponEndif

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

Is there a way to temporarily set the players skill level in a certain skill to something higher that also takes into account the skill's perks? I'd specifically like to do this for the Alchemy skill. So for example, if the players Alchemy skill is currently at 5, I'd like to be able to set it to 30, which would enable the player to make level 30 potions and also get the perk that comes at level 25. But then I'd like to set it back to 5 with no perk once I'm done. Is this possible? I'm not sure what the difference between the modav, setav, and modav2 commands are and if they're capable of this....

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 am

No problem. It's a user function that copies all weapon properties from one weapon to another.
Had a better look at the code then before. I don't see why the cloned weapon's model path should be invalid. In any case, you've got a lot of redundant code in your user function. When you cloneForm a record, you don't just create another base record of the same type, you clone its attributes too. Besides, you're using a base reference instead of a world reference in all of the set* calls. And finally, you've used setEquippedWeaponPoison incorrectly. Take a look at the command doc for the correct syntax.

Is there a way to temporarily set the players skill level in a certain skill to something higher that also takes into account the skill's perks? I'd specifically like to do this for the Alchemy skill. So for example, if the players Alchemy skill is currently at 5, I'd like to be able to set it to 30, which would enable the player to make level 30 potions and also get the perk that comes at level 25. But then I'd like to set it back to 5 with no perk once I'm done. Is this possible? I'm not sure what the difference between the modav, setav, and modav2 commands are and if they're capable of this....

modAV2 should help you with that. More info on AV functions - http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Actor_Value_Functions.
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des lynam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:58 pm

Is it possible to, say, take a dlc and merge in the equivilent unofficial official mods patch, then merge in the equivilent SM plugin refurbished esp, and after doing this for all the seperate dlc, merge the files together?

Anyone? Can you merge a patch into a mod like you would merge any two mods together?
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:27 am

It depends on what you want to do with that, if it's for personal use it's no problem. But if you would create/use a mod that's dependent on one of the esps that's merged...you might/will get some errors/non functional mods. Besides that, if you merge mods in general...any saves from before that might act buggy.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:26 pm

Personal use. No prior saves. And I don't use any mods that require the official mods.
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Kristian Perez
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