short fixedstring_var fixequip01;(is it string_var? and what does string_var mean? i saw it in another script and figured it was what I should use)string_var fixequip02BeginGameMode...if Player.GetEquipped Token == 0 && fixed == 0 set fixequip01 to GetMagicEffectModel FOSK set fixequip02 to GetMagicEffectModel FOAT SetMagicEffectModel "Meshes\magiceffects\null.nif" FOSK SetMagicEffectModel "Meshes\magiceffects\null.nif" FOAT Player.EquipItemNS Token set fixed to 1elseif Player.GetEquipped Token && fixed SetMagicEffectModel fixequip01 FOSK SetMagicEffectModel fixequip02 FOAT set fixed to 0;(this is the part not working, its supposed to restore the effects to their previous models, but they remain with null.nif)endIf...
SetMagicEffectModel $fixequip01 FOSK SetMagicEffectModel $fixequip02 FOAT
scn PointyStickAnimBegin Gamemodeif (getequipped AESPointyStick == 1) if ((getmousebuttonpress 256) == 1) player.pickidle onehandattackrightpointystick.kf endifendifend
scn PointyStickAnim Begin Gamemode if (getequipped AESPointyStick == 1) if ((getmousebuttonpress 256) == 1) player.pickidle onehandattackrightpointystick.kf endif endif end