scn PointyStickAnimBegin Gamemodeif (player.getequipped AESPointyStick == 1);checks to see if player has weapon equipped PrintToConsole "PSA_Is_equipped" if (OnKeyDown 0 == 256); if yes sees if he is pressing the mouse player.additem AESpointystickanimationtoken 1;adds the animation token PrintToConsole "PSA_Is_Mouse_Pressed" pickidle; picks an idle (hopefully the PS Animation) PrintToConsole "PSA_Is_Idle_picked" player.removeitem AESpointystickanimationtoken 1;Removes the anim token endifendifend
if ( onkeyDown 256 ) ; --- if the left mouse button was pressed
setstage UDUNquestAurelindae 10; this was there alreadyUDUNlirielRef.say GOODBYE 1;I have a GOODBYE info with conditions that apply to my NPC and an expression of fear