Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Nineteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 am

It looks like moveto isn't http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Console_Functions.
You are right - still, I took the idea from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Console_Command_Tutorial#Player.MoveTo_RefID.
Is this syntax ("REFformID") valid for other commands ?
Incorrect - Almost all script functions can be called from the console.

Try selecting the actor in the console and calling the function without a calling reference. Is the formID correct ? Try calling without the optional offset parameters.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 am

@shade me : Thanks :)
this :
PRID 6a01eb7bmoveto player -512 0 0

works (reference is correct), I just don't know how to avoid the PRID command - btw, actor in different (test) cell
It is a rather general question on calling functions with a reference parameter - I haven't tried the quotes, I'll try and see

Thanks anyway :tops:
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:27 am

@shade me : Thanks :)
this :
PRID 6a01eb7b moveto player -512 0 0

works (reference is correct), I just don't know how to avoid the PRID command - btw, actor in different (test) cell
It is a rather general question on calling functions with a reference parameter - I haven't tried the quotes, I'll try and see

Thanks anyway :tops:
Quotes aren't required (they are illegal, in fact). PRID is, to my knowledge, required to access references that aren't present in the player's cell.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 am

Great ! Thanks a lot - that's why it didn't work then :)
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:46 am

Console commands use FormID's, IIRC.

Use this script:
scn Regenerationref Meshort TimerBegin ScriptEffectUpdateSet Timer to Timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSecondsSet Me to GetSelfif Timer >= 4	 Me.ModAV2 Health 1	 Set Timer to Timer - 4endifEnd

It heals by 1 every 4 seconds. You can adjust these values to anything you want. This script does require OBSE.

Thank you smart internetz person. My only knowledge of scripting are the first two tutorials in the wiki <_<

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lucy chadwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 am


and now the question :

I have an npc I want to find the player once the player wanders for a couple of hours in the wilderness - I have scripted her, gave her a find package and she does find the player - my question is : is it better to have the script running on the npc or as part of the quest script ? the npc is sitting in a test cell and being movedto player once the latter spends some time in tamriel. So the script is being processed once in a while as it is.

Opinions ?
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

I have an npc I want to find the player once the player wanders for a couple of hours in the wilderness - I have scripted her, gave her a find package and she does find the player - my question is : is it better to have the script running on the npc or as part of the quest script ? the npc is sitting in a test cell and being movedto player once the latter spends some time in tamriel. So the script is being processed once in a while as it is.

It sounds like you've got a timer function sitting in the gamemode block of a quest script to do the moveto and AddScriptPackage or however you're doing the find pack, right? Only way to get that done, so far as I'm aware. Although if there's a better way I'd love to know about it myself.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 am

So i have what may be a dumb problem, I have no clue how this has happened but fro some reason i cant open my cell view window at all.

I went to the view menu and cell view window was checked, but I still cant find the window. When i click on cell view window in the menu it will pop up in its minimized state. when i click on that it looks like it maximizes, but it goes off screen when this happens. It doesn't help if I move it when its minimized at all, and I've already tried reinstalling the CS. Anybody know whats happening here?

edit: Okay nevermind i fixed it now. I remembered that this happend one time with windows explorer a few years ago so instead of googling how to restore the cell view window, i just looked it up for windows in general, found a small porgram called ForceWindowVisible, that solved it for me
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 am

It sounds like you've got a timer function sitting in the gamemode block of a quest script to do the moveto and AddScriptPackage or however you're doing the find pack, right? Only way to get that done, so far as I'm aware. Although if there's a better way I'd love to know about it myself.

I have a timer sitting in a gamemode block attached to the NPC - I was wondering if it were better to do it the way you say...
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:50 am

I have a timer sitting in a gamemode block attached to the NPC - I was wondering if it were better to do it the way you say...

See, I was previously unaware that you could even make that work. Of course, I'm a fan of doing it via quest scripts myself, since I do a lot of fiddling with fQuestDelayTime and script variables, but hey, if it works and does what you need.

Better scripters than I may have more informed opinions on the matter.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 pm

I have an npc I want to find the player once the player wanders for a couple of hours in the wilderness - I have scripted her, gave her a find package and she does find the player - my question is : is it better to have the script running on the npc or as part of the quest script ? the npc is sitting in a test cell and being movedto player once the latter spends some time in tamriel. So the script is being processed once in a while as it is.

Opinions ?
Scripts on actors that are out of scope don't run unless their parent actor has low level processing enabled. A quest script running once every 5-10 seconds should do.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

Anyone happen to know if load order affects the priority of AI pack processing? I have an AI pack set to find the player and have even been generous to the NPC and scripted them a MoveTo to put them in range if the player is in a city. If you happen to be close enough, he finds you ok. If you're out somewhere else and he ends up having to find you the hard way, it takes forever for him to get to you.

Here's the kicker. While testing this, I somehow booted Cybiades from the test character's load order. I put it back, and while putting around in Blackwood waiting for my NPC to show up, the Cybiades NPC who is set to find you shows up out of nowhere after barely loading the game and wandering a few feet. It was like lightning. Just BOOM, there he was. I've been able to confirm several times now that he's deadly fast at finding you, but my guy just idles away for hours on end even when I cross several cells and move CLOSER to him in the process.

The reason I suspect load order - the Cybiades NPC is defined in an ESM, my guy is in an ESP, and my ESP is near the end of my load order. If it's not load order, how the heck is this guy zeroing in on me so fast? Both AI packs use identical flags, mine even adds "skip fallout behavior" and both NPCs have speed that's almost the same. So I don't get it.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:55 pm

Is the Cybiades NPC scripted to do the job ?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:51 am

Nope. The Cybiades NPC doesn't even have a script. The quest itself doesn't even have a script. That's why I don't get this. I even hacked up a test ESM/ESP pair with an NPC positioned more or less where the Cybiades NPC starts. Spent 20 minutes of real time wandering Blackwood, and the test NPC never showed, but the Cybiades NPC was on me like flies on poop after 2 minutes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 pm

Is the Cybiades NPC a quest item? This is not the same as essential, but the flag that causes the corpse to not disappear. And in addition causes the NPC to always be in medium processing, not falling into low processing. For low processors they can take up to half an hour to update if at the other end of the world. Medium processors only a minute or so.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

Nope. He's not set as a quest item either, but my NPC that I'm sending to find the player is.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:11 pm

Just a wild guess: might it be because the mod with the Cybiades NPC has just been activated and, for not being in the save, the game is treating him in a special way?

What happens to your NPC if you load a clean save?
And does the the Cybiades NPC follow you as fast if you do a few fast travel jumps?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 am

A few questions about worldspaces/the hightmap editor:

- Has there ever been a tutorial done on importing real world data (USGS, the various NASA stuff) into the Oblivion heightmap editor? It seems like it ought to work, and I remember similar things being done for games like Battlefield 2, but I'd rather not expend the effort to find out if I don't have to, especially given my zero experience with the heightmap editor.

- For that matter, is there a particularly easy way to get non quad-sized heightmaps imported? I don't particularly need that kind of size, but the wiki tutorials seem to believe it's the only way to fly.

- Finally, I did the worldspace creation thing clear back in the may-have-been-CS-1.0 day, and I remember having to go through some onerous process involving briefly switching esps to esms and *mumblemumbleIforgottherest* to avoid losing all your land generation. Is this still the case, or does it actually work in a reasonable fashion now? If not, what's the process?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 am

Just a wild guess: might it be because the mod with the Cybiades NPC has just been activated and, for not being in the save, the game is treating him in a special way?

What happens to your NPC if you load a clean save?
And does the the Cybiades NPC follow you as fast if you do a few fast travel jumps?

In a game with only Cybiades and my mod loaded, the Cybiades NPC still finds me within a couple of minutes, and my NPC takes nearly half an hour of real time to do so. That's just with those 2 mods loaded and nothing else. You'd think my NPC would have the edge considering I went to the trouble of scripting a moveto if the player is in a city. But even then, the Cybiades NPC outruns him every time. It's not going to be mission critical, but it's sure annoying when you go to test and he won't show up until you've putzed around the area for awhile.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:59 am

Very silly question: I want to test how my mod works when the player owns a horse, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to actualy get a horse in-game! :embarrass: Just stealing one doesn't seem to make the horse owned by me. If I remember correctly, there should be all that "your horse is in the stables" thing after fast travel if you own the horse, but that doesn't seem to happen with a stolen one.

EDIT: Also, does anyone remember which Oblivion.ini setting decides how many cells around the player are loaded into memory?
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:42 am

why is my npc attacking/getting attacked be the nearby creature if they're all in the same faction (and only that faction)?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 am

- Finally, I did the worldspace creation thing clear back in the may-have-been-CS-1.0 day, and I remember having to go through some onerous process involving briefly switching esps to esms and *mumblemumbleIforgottherest* to avoid losing all your land generation. Is this still the case, or does it actually work in a reasonable fashion now? If not, what's the process?

Yeah, I'm not sure how I managed what I managed back in the day, but there's clearly no issue creating worldspaces for me now, which is what I really care about. Still curious about the other stuff, though. Also, if the landscape editing tools would die in a fire, that would help me. I hate them.

Very silly question: I want to test how my mod works when the player owns a horse, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to actualy get a horse in-game!

You could go to any of the non-IC stables and buy a horse. Alternately, you could plop down a horse in the CS and set it to be player-owned.

why is my npc attacking/getting attacked be the nearby creature if they're all in the same faction (and only that faction)?

Could be lots of things, but IME the root cause is usually aggression levels (see the AI tab). The short version of that number is: 0 - runs away (I think); 5 - fights only in defense ; 6-99 - will actively start fights if disposition towards them is low enough ; 100+ - usually fights just about anyone.

If NPCs in the same faction are fighting, probably you didn't set up your faction dispositions right. You can see this in the stock factions where the faction usually has a really large disposition mod towards itself, like 50 or 100. This is, if I remember my wiki right, multiplied by rank in the faction.

Other thoughts: Make sure your NPCs have at least a little barter gold and a generic food item so they won't try to kill/steal for food. Also, if you're changing aggression levels, be very very very careful with modactorvalue aggression.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 am

well the disposition mod of the faction i set up is 100 and although the aggression level of the npc is 100, it is the same a bandits, who have 100 agression and are in the bandit faction (disp. mod of 100)...so why do my guys attack each other but the vanilla bandits don't?
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 pm

You could go to any of the non-IC stables and buy a horse. Alternately, you could plop down a horse in the CS and set it to be player-owned.

Thank you :)
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 am

Well, if it's not any of the other stuff I said, and you've double checked that everything's set up right (I always find myself with the wrong NPCs or I forgot to set their faction), I'm at a loss, and would love to know the answer myself.
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