- Finally, I did the worldspace creation thing clear back in the may-have-been-CS-1.0 day, and I remember having to go through some onerous process involving briefly switching esps to esms and *mumblemumbleIforgottherest* to avoid losing all your land generation. Is this still the case, or does it actually work in a reasonable fashion now? If not, what's the process?
Yeah, I'm not sure how I managed what I managed back in the day, but there's clearly no issue creating worldspaces for me now, which is what I really care about. Still curious about the other stuff, though. Also, if the landscape editing tools would die in a fire, that would help me. I hate them.
Very silly question: I want to test how my mod works when the player owns a horse, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to actualy get a horse in-game!
You could go to any of the non-IC stables and buy a horse. Alternately, you could plop down a horse in the CS and set it to be player-owned.
why is my npc attacking/getting attacked be the nearby creature if they're all in the same faction (and only that faction)?
Could be lots of things, but IME the root cause is usually aggression levels (see the AI tab). The short version of that number is: 0 - runs away (I think); 5 - fights only in defense ; 6-99 - will actively start fights if disposition towards them is low enough ; 100+ - usually fights just about anyone.
If NPCs in the same faction are fighting, probably you didn't set up your faction dispositions right. You can see this in the stock factions where the faction usually has a really large disposition mod towards itself, like 50 or 100. This is, if I remember my wiki right, multiplied by rank in the faction.
Other thoughts: Make sure your NPCs have at least a little barter gold and a generic food item so they won't try to kill/steal for food. Also, if you're changing aggression levels, be very very very careful with modactorvalue aggression.