Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Nineteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 am

well the disposition mod of the faction i set up is 100 and although the aggression level of the npc is 100, it is the same a bandits, who have 100 agression and are in the bandit faction (disp. mod of 100)...so why do my guys attack each other but the vanilla bandits don't?

I've run into that a few times, don't know what causes it. My solution is to create multiple factions for the NPCs/creatures with high positive dispositions to each other and add them to the actors. Example:

Create Faction1, Faction2 & Faction3. Give Faction1 a disposition of +100 to itself and to Faction2 & Faction3. Do the same with Faction2 & Faction3. Add all three factions to your NPCs/creatures. That should stop the fighting.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 am

thnx guys, i fixed it by adding more ranks to my faction and merely giving the npcs higher ranks in said faction :)
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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:01 pm

I'm having trouble with factions... My aim is to get the creature to only attack the player and NPCs never attack the creature.

I made my own creature, removed CreatureFaction and added DarkDislikePlayer. Am I heading in the right direction?
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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:38 am

How do I check if an actor allready has been deleted with DeleteFullActorCopy? if actor_ref == 0 doesn't seem to work, what would the reference variable contain after DeleteFullActorCopy?
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Heather M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:00 am

Why not find out ?
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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 am

Why not find out ?

Any hints on how? If I use "print (ToString actor_ref)" it prints "" and I don't think the variable contains the string "". :)
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 am

Any hints on how? If I use "print (ToString actor_ref)" it prints "" and I don't think the variable contains the string "". :)
True. It usually means that the ref. var doesn't hold any formIDs. Probably means the deleteActorCopy call worked.

PS : You may replace ToString with the $ shorthand.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:05 pm

PS : You may replace ToString with the $ shorthand.

Thanks for the tip! And I found the answer to my initial question, I can just use the IsActor function to find out if DeleteFullActorCopy has been called or not. :facepalm:
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

Okay, I've got some weird scripting behavior going on here. I have an interior cell set up with four chests, four activators and four switches (one switch per activator). The idea is, you press Switch1 and Activator1 casts Script Effect Spell1 at Chest1. Switch2 does the same for Activator2, SE Spell2 and Chest2, etc. The script effect spells are supposed to add 50 arrows to the chests they hit. For the most part, it works. For instance, this script works perfectly:

scn LABMolPilArrowAddbegin ScriptEffectStart  If player.getlevel <5	 MolPilRef.additem LABMolagPilin10 50  Elseif player.getlevel >=5 && player.getlevel <10	 MolPilRef.additem LABMolagPilin20 50  Elseif player.getlevel >=10	 MolPilRef.additem LABMolagPilin30 50  endifend

I get 50 arrows at each level. However, I get twice that with this script, even though I shouldn't:

scn LABArcPilArrowAddbegin ScriptEffectStart  If player.getlevel <5	 ArcPilRef.additem LABArcePilin10 50  Elseif player.getlevel >=5 && player.getlevel <10	 ArcPilRef.additem LABArcePilin20 50  Elseif player.getlevel >=10	 ArcPilRef.additem LABArcePilin30 50  endifend

This should only add 50 arrows to the chest, but it adds 100 instead. I changed it to add 25 arrows per cast and it adds 50. Anyone know why it's doing this?
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 pm

The only difference is the ref name for the chest? :S

Did you try a clean save?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 am

Is there a way to use OnHit with activators and flora? Or perhaps Onhitwith.(id of melee weapon)?
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:52 pm

I need some help with cloned forms. I want to play around with the weapons the player has in his inventory, but to make sure I don't modify the base weapons and to allow me to easily restore everything, I want to clone all the weapons in the player's inventory, remove the original ones and then modify the clones. There's a couple of problems I'm facing.

1. Keeping track of what gets removed/kept/dropped etc., basically data management. Right now I'm doing this by creating an array with the player's weapons (GetItems 33) and one array that keeps track of the cloned forms. When weapons are picked up, I expand the array to include those weapons and immediately clone them as well.

2. The actual shifting around of weapons. I think I have this down as well. When a weapon is added, I clone it, add the clone to the inventory, then remove the original. If a weapon (clone) is dropped, I remove the clone, add the original weapon and drop that.

3. Here's my real problem: I don't fully understand what cloneform does, exactly. The CS Wiki says that player created potions, spells and enchantments are also cloned items, so am I right in believing that cloned items are dynamic records and not base records? The thing is, if I clone everything the player picks up, ever, that's a lot of information that gets stored in the savegame. If clones are base records and I want to prevent that kind of bloat, I would have to clean up the amount of clones eventually, and I haven't found a function that allows me to delete base records. But if clones are just dynamic content, they should be easy to get rid of. Could anyone shed some light on this?
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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:45 pm

I need some help with cloned forms. I want to play around with the weapons the player has in his inventory, but to make sure I don't modify the base weapons and to allow me to easily restore everything, I want to clone all the weapons in the player's inventory, remove the original ones and then modify the clones. There's a couple of problems I'm facing.

1. Keeping track of what gets removed/kept/dropped etc., basically data management. Right now I'm doing this by creating an array with the player's weapons (GetItems 33) and one array that keeps track of the cloned forms. When weapons are picked up, I expand the array to include those weapons and immediately clone them as well.

2. The actual shifting around of weapons. I think I have this down as well. When a weapon is added, I clone it, add the clone to the inventory, then remove the original. If a weapon (clone) is dropped, I remove the clone, add the original weapon and drop that.

3. Here's my real problem: I don't fully understand what cloneform does, exactly. The CS Wiki says that player created potions, spells and enchantments are also cloned items, so am I right in believing that cloned items are dynamic records and not base records? The thing is, if I clone everything the player picks up, ever, that's a lot of information that gets stored in the savegame. If clones are base records and I want to prevent that kind of bloat, I would have to clean up the amount of clones eventually, and I haven't found a function that allows me to delete base records. But if clones are just dynamic content, they should be easy to get rid of. Could anyone shed some light on this?

Unfortunately, there is no function to delete a cloned form from the savegame in the CS or OBSE. I think scruggs once explained that deleting a cloned form in such a way could cause so many potential problems (the game trying to access a non-existing form = CTD), that an implementation of such a function is not feasible. You'll notice that the DestroyClonedForm function in the RefStuff plug-in for OBSE is marked "experimental", probably for the same reason.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 pm

I see. So I would have to be very conservative in the amount of cloned forms I create. Is there no different way to do what I'm trying? Also one more question: how much savegame bloat does a cloned form create? If I continued with my method, making sure that each item is cloned only once, how much would the savegame increase in size if the player hypothetically picked up every weapon in the game?
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:24 am

From a quick test: 200 bytes per cloned weapon.

About RefStuff DestroyClonedForm, I read Zinx saying that it was tagged experimental because the Form was not immediately removed. The way it is implemented, the cloned form is not saved in the next savegame and, therefore, is only actually removed on the following load game. (which I consider good enough if your concern is savegame bloat)
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:42 pm

The only difference is the ref name for the chest? :S

That and the arrows that go in it.

Did you try a clean save?

Tried that. I even changed the script to add 25 arrows instead of 50. I ended up getting 50 instead of 100.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 am

3. Here's my real problem: I don't fully understand what cloneform does, exactly. The CS Wiki says that player created potions, spells and enchantments are also cloned items, so am I right in believing that cloned items are dynamic records and not base records? The thing is, if I clone everything the player picks up, ever, that's a lot of information that gets stored in the savegame. If clones are base records and I want to prevent that kind of bloat, I would have to clean up the amount of clones eventually, and I haven't found a function that allows me to delete base records. But if clones are just dynamic content, they should be easy to get rid of. Could anyone shed some light on this?
Cloneforms are base records. Every cloneform you create can be used a base object.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:26 am

I'm tired of searching the entire internet for an answer to this question!!!

All I want to do is make custom enchanted items. No scripting, just simple button clicking and name typing.

But no.

For some reason, CS doesn't work.

Why? I don't know. It worked until I finally got the game (to actually work), and Oldblivion.

When I attempt to run it, I get some error messages. They look simple and innocent enough.

Unable to load xContinue Running Executable?"Yes to All" will disable all Warnings this session.Yes     No     Yes to all

*What x is in the order it appears:
CTL file
atmosphere model
the stars
the clouds

Then, it gives me the generic "Debug or Close" error thing.

I've uninstalled, reinstalled, downloaded from at least 5 different websites, all with the same exact error.

I don't know what I should do, other than beg for people to make stuff for me. xD

Does anyone have any idea?

This problem is making me super sadface. :(
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:38 am

Would you happen to be opening plugins through windows explorer ? The CS doesn't support shell integration. You'll need to run its executable and load plugins from within.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:35 pm

Would you happen to be opening plugins through windows explorer ? The CS doesn't support shell integration. You'll need to run its executable and load plugins from within.

What if the cs won't open in the first place? o uo;

That's the problem I'm having; I install it, try to run it from the little CS (shortcut or.... original thingy, I've tried both), and then I get those errors.

Have I installed something wrong or something... or am I missing something?

Or am I just unfortunate?
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 am

It seems to, from what you've above :shrug:
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:44 am

...Super sadface.

It's supposed to be in my Oblivion file, right? Not the data?

Would Oldblivion mess it up? Or the real copy of Oblivion?



I had 2 Bethesda folders. 1 that worked and 1 empty one. And it was installing to the empty one.

I saw this before, but every time I tried to move just the pocket knife icon thingy to the working folder, it would say "can't find (such and such) file"

Okay, well. It was looking for the spell checking stuff.

That I neglected to move because I thought it was just poo-waste.

And I moved it. And now it works perfectly.

Thanks so much for the help!!! I'm glad it finally works... due to fixing some major(ly simple) human error.

Sorry for wasting your time. 8D;

My bad.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Who should really be the owner of the Mystic Emporium?? Calindil or the faction?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:32 pm

I need to make a weapon emit light like a torch would...

1) is this even possible.

2) if it is, how would I go about doing it without a script.

What I know about NifSkope I've had to figure out on my own, same with scripting.
So I have a very limited knowledge both. But I can learn anything!

I have created a sheathing FIX for a Lightsaber mod and would like to keep my lack of mod skill from hindering further improvement.

Any insight would be capital!

I was told this is impossible!
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 am

Who should really be the owner of the Mystic Emporium?? Calindil or the faction?

That depends on what you want out of the shop. The "MysticEmporiumFaction" allows Aurelinwae to sell upgrades to the Wizard's Tower there since she's part of it. If it was just owned by Calandil, she wouldn't be able to.
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