Alright, quick question. Can you activate a script from another script? As in have a line in Script A that will force Script B to run. Not just changing a global or similar in script A so that an if statement in script B becomes true. I've been trying to search this for awhile and the 4 letter min limit on the search function here is making it really really frustrating =/
A couple of ways, depending on what you want to do and whether you are using OBSE.
Simplest way, make the script a quest script, attach it to a quest "ScriptBQuest", set the quest with "start game enabled" turned OFF and "Allow Repeated Stages" turned ON. In Script A add a line "startquest ScriptBQuest". In the quest script end it with "Stopquest ScriptBQuest".
Alternate method, make an object that's a persistent reference "ScriptBObjectRef", attach the script to it with an OnActivate block, In Script A add a line "ScriptBObjectRef.activate Player, 1". If necessary, precede that line with "ScriptBObjectRef.moveto Player, 0, 0, -200" to bring the object to you before activating.
OBSE method: Use "RunBatchScript" to run a script stored in a batch file in the Oblivion directory.