have you checked if it is ticked as initially disabled?
What packages is on your npc?
does your npc interact with a script?
scn ArcheryCampCaveBarrelScriptshort openshort busybegin onActivate if open == 0 && isAnimPlaying == 0 if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0 set busy to 1 playgroup forward 1 RightBarrel.playgroup forward 1 set open to 1 endif else if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0 set busy to 1 playgroup backward 1 RightBarrel.playgroup backward 1 set open to 0 endif endifendbegin gameMode if isAnimPlaying == 0 && busy == 1 set busy to 0 endifend
if GameHour >= 1 if GameHour < 2 set MyHour to 1 endifelseif GameHour >= 2 If GameHour < 3 set MyHour to 2 endifendif
Short TimerShort DoOnceShort CounterBegin GameMode...If (DoOnce == 0) Set Timer to GameHour Set DoOnce to 1Else If Timer != GameHour If (Timer > 23) Set Timer to 0 Else Set Timer to (Timer + 1) Set Counter to (Counter - 1) EndIf EndIfEndIf...End
scn ArcheryCampCaveBarrelScriptshort openshort busybegin onActivate if open == 0 && isAnimPlaying == 0 if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0 set busy to 1 playgroup forward 1 RightBarrel.playgroup forward 1 set open to 1 endif else if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0 set busy to 1 playgroup backward 1 RightBarrel.playgroup backward 1 set open to 0 endif endifendbegin gameMode if isAnimPlaying == 0 && busy == 1 set busy to 0 endifend