Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Seventeenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 am

My NPCs aren't appearing in-game and I don't know why. I don't really know how to be more specific without going into loads of detail :S any ideas why this might be happening?

have you checked if it is ticked as initially disabled?
What packages is on your npc?
does your npc interact with a script?
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:35 am

thanks. i thought something about GetDistance but it seems i was wrong again on a scripting matter :)
There are several ways to do this. I prefer trigger boxes ;).

How do I activate a secret door using one of those Candle Levers? I have looked through the existing ones, but didn't find anything that I thought I could recognize and use... The wiki (TBH) is not really good at explaining anything about stuff like this...
Make the trigger a child of the door, then attach a script that by activating the trigger the parentref is activated (so the door opens). Most "door triggers" come with fitting scripts by default.

My NPCs aren't appearing in-game and I don't know why. I don't really know how to be more specific without going into loads of detail :S any ideas why this might be happening?

Insufficient informations.

My guess:
Issue: Mod content does not appear in game.
Cause #1: Oblivion is not patched to 1.2. Mods made with Oblivion or CS 1.2 will not take effect in any unpatched game.
Solution #1: Patch game to 1.2.
Cause #2: On Windows Vista Oblivion is installed to \Program Files\. This folder is protected by UAC, making it difficult to use mods.
Solution #2: Either install Oblivion to a different directory (recommended), or turn of UAC (not recommended).
Cause #3: Mod isn't checked in Bash / OBMM / Oblivion Launcher.
Solution #3: Check the mod. See Mod FAQ for instruction.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:54 pm

have you checked if it is ticked as initially disabled?
What packages is on your npc?
does your npc interact with a script?

Thanks, it was the packages (I'm sure I deleted them!) but now I have another problem. The NPC falls through the floor, as do I, whenever I enter the cell that I made. I can use tcl to get back up, but I really shouldn't have to do that!
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

Make the trigger a child of the door, then attach a script that by activating the trigger the parentref is activated (so the door opens). Most "door triggers" come with fitting scripts by default.

I'm only in the script-learn phase, so could you please (re-)write the script for me (after reading the one below)?
Also, the door triggers you speak of, when I modify them to fit my needs, don't work anymore... Here is the script of the lever:
scn ArcheryCampCaveBarrelScriptshort openshort busybegin onActivate	if open == 0 && isAnimPlaying == 0		if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0			set busy to 1			playgroup forward 1			RightBarrel.playgroup forward 1			set open to 1		endif	else		if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0			set busy to 1			playgroup backward 1			RightBarrel.playgroup backward 1			set open to 0		endif	endifendbegin gameMode	if isAnimPlaying == 0 && busy == 1		set busy to 0	endifend

I got this from the Anvil trigger
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

Thanks, it was the packages (I'm sure I deleted them!) but now I have another problem. The NPC falls through the floor, as do I, whenever I enter the cell that I made. I can use tcl to get back up, but I really shouldn't have to do that!

That should not be happening. Try using something else for the floor of your cell. If all else fails, you can position collision boxes where you walk to walk.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 am

That should not be happening. Try using something else for the floor of your cell. If all else fails, you can position collision boxes where you walk to walk.
If it's happening as soon as they enter the door, it usually means that they left the door teleport reference marker (cube with the arrow) in its default position (halfway through the door, and often facing the wrong way).

If that's the case, they just need to move that marker so that it's fully inside the room and with the arrow facing away from the door.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 am

If it's happening as soon as they enter the door, it usually means that they left the door teleport reference marker (cube with the arrow) in its default position (halfway through the door, and often facing the wrong way).

If that's the case, they just need to move that marker so that it's fully inside the room and with the arrow facing away from the door.

I haven't got the doors linked yet, I used CoC to teleport there. I'll try the collision boxes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 am

That should not be happening. Try using something else for the floor of your cell. If all else fails, you can position collision boxes where you walk to walk.

OK, I couldn't figure out how to get a "Collision Box" so I put a desk under where my NPC is supposed to stand - didn't work. Any other ideas?
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 am

How did you make the cell? Did you copy a vanilla one, or assemble from scratch?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 am

Just a quicky, what naming things do i have to put onto my armor in order for the hands/arms to show?

I cant figure it out.
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sexy zara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:47 am

How did you make the cell? Did you copy a vanilla one, or assemble from scratch?

I copied one, and deleted everything apart from the base architecture.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

I copied one, and deleted everything apart from the base architecture.

I'm very very very confused. Turns out that beneath my main cell is something else - another set of base architecture. I don't know how it got there. And it turns out that in-game, my NPC is in there. Weird.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 am

Is there any way to make a disease permanent / non-dispellable? I have a debuff I thought I'd apply through a disease, but I don't want the player to be able to dispel it.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:36 am

Is there any way to make a disease permanent / non-dispellable? I have a debuff I thought I'd apply through a disease, but I don't want the player to be able to dispel it.

Why not going for an ability then? That one is permanent and could still contain negative effects.

I'm very very very confused. Turns out that beneath my main cell is something else - another set of base architecture. I don't know how it got there. And it turns out that in-game, my NPC is in there. Weird.

So it only appears inside the game but not outside of it ?Are you sure that you've changed the duplicate instead of the old cell?
I've had that once with a worldspace...it's very annoying. Another thing could be that not everything was deleted in the save you've loaded.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

Why not going for an ability then? That one is permanent and could still contain negative effects.

I tried that at first, but for some reason it kept adding / stacking the negative effects from the ability until I had 0 in the selected stats... That's why I tried using a disease instead. I'll see if I can try using an ability again though, as I realized the old version of my mod had some issues and I just re-created the .esp-file.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 am

I tried that at first, but for some reason it kept adding / stacking the negative effects from the ability until I had 0 in the selected stats... That's why I tried using a disease instead. I'll see if I can try using an ability again though, as I realized the old version of my mod had some issues and I just re-created the .esp-file.

That sounds like a damage attribute instead of a drain attribute.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 am

That sounds like a damage attribute instead of a drain attribute.

It is, because drain doesn't give any effect for me. A disease with damage attribute lower the selected attribute just fine, but if I use an ability with drain attribute nothing happens. My stats stay the same as before the ability was added. :/
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louise fortin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:26 pm

That is a bit odd, I just tested it with no problems. Maybe another mod is conflicting with it? Have you tried adding them directly (console) instead of a script.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:51 am

That is a bit odd, I just tested it with no problems. Maybe another mod is conflicting with it? Have you tried adding them directly (console) instead of a script.

Oh okay, my bad. Drain does work, it just doesn't show up as a (-X) after the attribute like damage does. That's why I didn't notice. Thanks for your help, now I can focus on the scripting again.

And on that note, is there a way to change a variable from a decimal value to a... non-decimal (full? whole?) value? Calling GameHour returns the hour and the minutes (e.g. 1.2345) but I only want the hour (in this case, 1). Is this possible?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:58 pm

It's about the importance and its use. If you want it because you're going to display it to the player use %.0f like said at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Message.
If you want a condition around 1 am just use GameHour >=1 and GameHour < 2. Otherwise be sure that what follows is just run once.
You could always turn them yourself by using those same conditions and turning it into your own variable.

(Be careful when to use this in GameMode, it's an unnecessary strain. A FQuestDelayTime and not using && is the least what can be done.)
if GameHour >= 1	if GameHour < 2		set MyHour to 1	endifelseif GameHour >= 2	If GameHour < 3		set MyHour to 2	endifendif

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

I was actually trying to make a timer, that would decrease a variable once every hour. But to compensate for wait times and such, I was thinking about using a script like this:

Short TimerShort DoOnceShort CounterBegin GameMode...If (DoOnce == 0)   Set Timer to GameHour   Set DoOnce to 1Else   If Timer != GameHour	  If (Timer > 23)		 Set Timer to 0	  Else		 Set Timer to (Timer + 1)		 Set Counter to (Counter - 1)	  EndIf   EndIfEndIf...End

This would basically count the hours that pass by, and modify the Counter variable to decrease once per hour. But it doesn't work since calling GameHour returns decimals. Perhaps there's a better way to solve it though?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am

I'm looking at search results right now, but since I'm here:

Are there tiki torches, like Morrowind has? The longer torches that are mounted in the ground. I thought I'd seen some in dungeons before, but I'm probably thinking of the candlestands instead, and/or torches mounted to the walls.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

I'm afraid I don't know what tiki torches are, but I can't find any long-shafted torches in the CS from Oblivion.esm. The closest thing I can find is a candlestick. But I'm sure I've seen something like what you described though... Well, it might just have been ordinary torches. I'm not very experienced with world- / cell editing.

On another note, I managed to get a work around for GameHour. AddItem won't create decimals, and with the right if-statements it shouldn't be a performance hit.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:17 pm

I'm afraid I don't know what tiki torches are, but I can't find any long-shafted torches in the CS from Oblivion.esm. The closest thing I can find is a candlestick. But I'm sure I've seen something like what you described though... Well, it might just have been ordinary torches. I'm not very experienced with world- / cell editing.

Thanks -- in the Morrowind CS, "tiki" refers to the long-shafted torches, so it's probably a generic term. But yeah, the longer torches stuck in the ground is what I'm thinking, but I'm not seeing them anywhere yet. I'll probably just mount torches and place candles on boxes, and see how a resized torch looks (probably be too big).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

I'm only in the script-learn phase, so could someone please (re-)write the script for me (after reading the one below)?
Also, the door triggers you speak of, when I modify them to fit my needs, don't work anymore... Here is the script of the lever:
scn ArcheryCampCaveBarrelScriptshort openshort busybegin onActivate	if open == 0 && isAnimPlaying == 0		if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0			set busy to 1			playgroup forward 1			RightBarrel.playgroup forward 1			set open to 1		endif	else		if busy == 0 && RightBarrel.isAnimPlaying == 0			set busy to 1			playgroup backward 1			RightBarrel.playgroup backward 1			set open to 0		endif	endifendbegin gameMode	if isAnimPlaying == 0 && busy == 1		set busy to 0	endifend

I got this from the Anvil trigger

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Kat Stewart
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