I guess you're talking Tamriel Travellers here.
If they're not of one of the normal merchant classes, then I need additional checks (like seeing if the barter button is visible, or whether they offer relevant services), as it is highly important to not miss out on anyone that can be traded with.
Correct Tamriel Travellers, custom class merchant's, not standard class merchants,
but their classes has services checked and set for each type of Class.
How Travellers works
Depending on what they are doing. Wandering, Eating, services are always activated in these packages.
It is when they are traveling from X to X Location is when services are not activated. Has barter does not work in travel packages.
But once you activate them - dialouge - the script kicks in and will change their aipackage from travel to wander package with Offer Services activated. And once you exit dialgoue will evp itself and travel packages will kick back in taking them to location has needed.
So I think no matter how you do in EE they will be covered either using GetServices or checking their class to see if services are offered will work for them.
Once again I am not a great scripter, so really not sure. But from what I have read it should work fine.