Well you can check if an actor is dead by using the GetDead function and check for faction with the GetInFaction. I dont know what you would use to check for a random death though. I dont even know why you would need to check for a random death. If its random NPC why would it matter if they were dead? For specific NPCs use the ActorID.GetDead function.
Like Vampires take damage from the sun,
I want it to heal this race, not damage.
I would start by taking a look at the Sun Damage curse for vampires and trying to reverse it. Though you have probably already tried that.
I want to use OBMM to unpack my oblivion texture and mesh BSAs but I already have a folder for each because of other mods such as Qarls Texture pack. I dont want to overwrite anything so would it be wise to just unpack the BSAs into the existing folders but not overwrite anything?