Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Seventeenth

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:28 pm

Is there a way to check if a random person in a faction dies? in a script

Well you can check if an actor is dead by using the GetDead function and check for faction with the GetInFaction. I dont know what you would use to check for a random death though. I dont even know why you would need to check for a random death. If its random NPC why would it matter if they were dead? For specific NPCs use the ActorID.GetDead function.

How do I make a race take negative sun damage?
Like Vampires take damage from the sun,
I want it to heal this race, not damage.

I would start by taking a look at the Sun Damage curse for vampires and trying to reverse it. Though you have probably already tried that.


I want to use OBMM to unpack my oblivion texture and mesh BSAs but I already have a folder for each because of other mods such as Qarls Texture pack. I dont want to overwrite anything so would it be wise to just unpack the BSAs into the existing folders but not overwrite anything?
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:31 am

I would start by taking a look at the Sun Damage curse for vampires and trying to reverse it.

The sun damage curse for vampires is just an ability with the spell effect "sun damage" on "self" with magnitude 8.

I've tried and can't make the magnitude a negative number so my question really is; How do I reverse it?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:56 am

The sun damage curse for vampires is just an ability with the spell effect "sun damage" on "self" with magnitude 8.

I've tried and can't make the magnitude a negative number so my question really is; How do I reverse it?

But what makes up the actual "sun damage"? if its a script its reversible in some way.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:58 pm

But what makes up the actual "sun damage"? if its a script its reversible in some way.

No it's not a script. Its a magick effect like "fire damage" or "chameleon".
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

I'm in need of know if there's a way to check if a person in a faction dies because i want a variable to raise if a person in my army dies, like counting how many of my men died
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:43 pm

I'm in need of know if there's a way to check if a person in a faction dies because i want a variable to raise if a person in my army dies, like counting how many of my men died

Maybe add a Script to them with an http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/OnDeath block that updates either a new Global variable you make or a quest variable :shrug:
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

Ah! fantastic Idea! Thanks!
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:28 pm

Im making a dungeon and was wondering if I needed to pathgrid the whole thing or just where I would like NPCs to walk. Will the enemy still follow you to attack if there is no grid to guide him? I know its probly wise to just do the whole thing but Im curious.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:35 pm

Im making a dungeon and was wondering if I needed to pathgrid the whole thing or just where I would like NPCs to walk. Will the enemy still follow you to attack if there is no grid to guide him? I know its probly wise to just do the whole thing but Im curious.

That depends on the complexity of the dungeon, but the answer is yes of course..They will try to follow your directly once there isn't any pathgrid. So you could only place it at essential places and a road in general, but the more you lay down the better the AI-experience will be. You don't need to place a node everywhere to achieve that though.

The sun damage curse for vampires is just an ability with the spell effect "sun damage" on "self" with magnitude 8.

I've tried and can't make the magnitude a negative number so my question really is; How do I reverse it?

But what makes up the actual "sun damage"? if its a script its reversible in some way.

With OBSE you can track the Sun damage with http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetWeatherSunDamage. Creating a script with it should help you out.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:04 pm

Im making a dungeon and was wondering if I needed to pathgrid the whole thing or just where I would like NPCs to walk. Will the enemy still follow you to attack if there is no grid to guide him? I know its probly wise to just do the whole thing but Im curious.

If for personal use it would be fine with just the NPC areas - but if releasing then you'd want to path it all since many users have companions etc. that would not follow correctly if it isn't pathed.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 am

perfect! thanks guys
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:51 pm

With OBSE you can track the Sun damage with http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetWeatherSunDamage. Creating a script with it should help you out.

Presuming the data that code returns is the magnitude of sun damage that vampires and such would take at that given time I should be able to use this to get the effect I'm after. Thankyou muchly.

I just hope I have better luck acquiring OBSE than I did last time I tried...
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:57 pm

How do I make a transparrent texture, with area's completely trasparrent, with Normal maps? If I try to do so then the transparrent areas turn black in-game
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 am

How do I make a transparrent texture, with area's completely trasparrent, with Normal maps? If I try to do so then the transparrent areas turn black in-game

Transparency is actually controlled by the Alpha channel of the .dds texture not the normal map - so to make a model with some parts transparent you need to do a couple things :

1.) in Nifskope you need to add a NialphaProperty to the NiTristrip (right click on the Nitristrip and do a Block - Insert - NiAlphaProperty (this tells the Nif to use the Alpha channel of the .dds texture)

2.) open the texture file (.dds file) and create an alpha channel and make the parts you want transparent Black and non transparent White -(partial transparency is shades of grey) and then resave using DXT5 or DXT3 instead of DXT1 (because DXT1 does not save the alpha channel which you need now !)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

1.) in Nifskope you need to add a NialphaProperty to the NiTristrip (right click on the Nitristrip and do a Block - Insert - NiAlphaProperty (this tells the Nif to use the Alpha channel of the .dds texture)

But what if a mesh I want to add transparency to doesnt have a NiTristrip? What if it has NiTrishape instead?
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:57 am

Probably a very simple question, but as I'm a person who can't even get a horse GoHome script to work... Well, actually, I did get one to save in a little mod I've since abandoned for bigger and better things, but when I first playtested it, I realized two things: 1) the horse mysteriously wasn't there for me to playtest it even though I specifically remember placing it, and 2) I hadn't discovered pathgrids OR factions playing nice yet so the people in my house were on the ground UNDER the house exterior, fighting off the guard dogs I'd made to, y'know, GUARD THEM. Oh, and 3) I discovered that I needed to make my 'warp nexus' warp pads all key-access only, until I learned how to flag doors as minimal use.

Anyway, I downloaded a really awesome-looking sword, and I want the game to play a song every time I'm in combat and the sword is drawn. Like, I have the sword equipped and an enemy sights my character but the music doesn't start until I actually get the sword in my hand--does that work, or is it limited to being in combat and having it equipped? The song is the opening credits music for the Devil May Cry anime, if anyone cares, because nothing says opening up a can of whup-ass like thrash metal.

So, how would that work, oh mighty modders who actually know how to make scripts?
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

But what if a mesh I want to add transparency to doesnt have a NiTristrip? What if it has NiTrishape instead?

Same process - Strips or Shapes are pretty much interchangeable ! (Just different ways of expressing the same polygons of the model)
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:40 pm

I've been searching the internet for weeks and have found absoluely NOTHING about controlling sounds with scripts!
I am VERY new to scripting, but I know it can be done, I have a mod that uses scripts to run custom sounds without altering the vanilla audio files.

My problem is when trying to use a looped sound, it starts fine BUT I have no idea how to stop it (plays continuously until the game is reloaded).

When the weapon is unsheathed it humms with energy untill sheathed again (or atleast thats the idea).

I have found MANY tutorials on scripting basics, but most cover the same (quest, door or magic) scripts and completely ignore the fact that OBSE can even controll sound.

ANY info, links or tips would be most helpful.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 am

Transparency is actually controlled by the Alpha channel of the .dds texture not the normal map - so to make a model with some parts transparent you need to do a couple things :

1.) in Nifskope you need to add a NialphaProperty to the NiTristrip (right click on the Nitristrip and do a Block - Insert - NiAlphaProperty (this tells the Nif to use the Alpha channel of the .dds texture)

2.) open the texture file (.dds file) and create an alpha channel and make the parts you want transparent Black and non transparent White -(partial transparency is shades of grey) and then resave using DXT5 or DXT3 instead of DXT1 (because DXT1 does not save the alpha channel which you need now !)

the problem is that the texture I need has some parts which is transparrent and some parts which is visible in game. And the parts which is visible in game, looks very bad, if the texture does not have a Normal map
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 am

Same process - Strips or Shapes are pretty much interchangeable ! (Just different ways of expressing the same polygons of the model)

Oh ok so I can give up with transparency then cause I'm getting no result.
I've given my texture alpha in GIMP and given the mesh nialpha properties in nifskope to no avail.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 am

My problem is when trying to use a looped sound, it starts fine BUT I have no idea how to stop it (plays continuously until the game is reloaded).
Usual method, I think, is to call another "playsound" on the weapon when you want the first sound to stop, but point it to an silent sound file without looping.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:57 am

the problem is that the texture I need has some parts which is transparrent and some parts which is visible in game. And the parts which is visible in game, looks very bad, if the texture does not have a Normal map

THe models will always need a Normal map - but for the parts that you want to be transparent you also need an alpha channel in the regular .dds (diffuse map) wi them a light shade of grey to white (white for totally transparent and light grey for partially transparent)

A quick run down of how i works :

There are possibly 3 textures for a model and each texture has up to 4 channels RGBA (Red, GReen, Blue, Alpha) :

1.) the diffuse map (.dds) this usually has no alpha channel and so is saved using DXT1 in most cases - the RGB channels store the info for how much of that color is used for each pixel in the texture. The exception is what you are attempting as the game uses the Alpha channel of this texture to determine the transparency of each pixel if the Nif has an Alpha property attached.(where black is not transparent - White is transparent and shades of grey (if a full alpha layer is saved - I mention this because there are formats that only save a 1 Bit alpha channel which therefore only save either black or white) are partially transparent)

2.) the Normal Map (_n.dds) this texture stores the height information for the pixels in the model in the RGB channels and the Reflectivity info in the Alpha channel (black non reflective and White extremely reflective again with shades of grey in between)

3,) the glow Map if present (_g.dds) Again is a DXT1 format texture as it does not use an alpha channel but uses the RGB channel to store how much glow of a color of light it should emit in darkness (Black = no glow White = full glow and again shades of grey in between) - the color to reflect is set in the emmisive setttings of the NimaterialProperties in the NIF with Black set to not glow white set to glow in the color of the model (based on the .dds texture) and other colors to emit that color of light.

Hope that clears it up a bit for you !
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 am

Usual method, I think, is to call another "playsound" on the weapon when you want the first sound to stop, but point it to an silent sound file without looping.

Ok, thats an idea, but I already have other sounds that play over that loop (sheath, swing and unsheath sounds) but they dont effect the loop at all.
The unsheath and humm loop are both triggered at the same time,do I need some kind of delay for the loop?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:07 am

I know this is mainly just a blender question, but im sure noone will mind :)

I followed a guide online to make a full male body importing the diffrent body parts into blender. Im pretty sure ive done everything correctly, cant see anything wrong.

My problem is- When i import clothes/armours etc, Say for example "Clothes/Lower class/12/M " , The one i mentioned plus quite alot of others have quite bad clipping with the male body. Its as if the actual body is too big for the clothes.
I was going to ask, What is causing this, Does it happen alot etc..... But as i was writing this, Something occured to me.

Am i simply missing the fact that when you equip armours ingame, your actual chest disapears, making players essentially hollow inside the clothes, armours etc? Meaning that i should just delete the body chest piece when im done modelling the armour/shirt etc ?

Edit--This could turn out to be not so quick, another question :P

Ive been looking at the OB armours and their UV maps, trying to understand it.
What i dont get is, for example on the elven/Male cuirass, It is made up of 4 diffrent objects in blender (Arms, Chest,sideguard bit and pauldrons).

When i select each object and select all vertices, I can see the uv maps all line up.And when i look at Elven/male/cuirass DDS, It contains all 4 objects textures.

What im wondering is how do they get 4 diffrent objects onto the one DDS uv map.
I know you could join all objects together and it would do same thing,but i would rather not have to sometimes.

Sorry for long post, i know this is the quick questions thread. I should started my own thread tbh :P
Thanks in advance
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:37 pm

Scriptname OverwhelmingWisdomScriptshort GotHourglassshort doOnceBegin OnAdd Player	if doonce !=1		player.activate superdoor		set doOnce to 1	endifif GotHourglass == 0	player.ModActorValue willpower 10	player.ModActorValue intelligence 15	player.addspell OverwhelmingWisdomAbility	set GotHourglass to 1endifEndBegin OnDrop Playerif GotHourglass == 1	player.ModActorValue willpower -10	player.ModActorValue intelligence -15	player.removespell OverwhelmingWisdomAbility	set GotHourglass to 0endifEnd

Can someone help make this work, if i take out the if statement with dOnce it works fine (same script as scales of pitiless justice) but if i want it to teleport you by activating a door please help
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Jessica Colville
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