About how often is a good amount of time to save? For example, is it good to save after every change or after a set period of time? Thanks!
I know this one has already been covered a few pages back, but I just wanted to emphasize the importance of saving/backing up with a very recent example. Last night, by some act of god apparently, I realized I had not backed up my esp and accompanying mod files in over a week. Instead of blowing it off and continuing with some good hard modding (I was really in the zone last night...good mod session), I decided to error on the side of caution and took the next half hour to round up all my files, format a brand new SanDisk 4GB flash drive and back up every piece of my mod I'd worked on in the past 3 months. Low-and-freaking-behold, today I notice down in my task bar that little Windows update icon telling me a new update was ready to install. I click the [Install] button and let it do its thing while go back to work. A couple minutes later, it asks me to restart my computer, I save everything I'm working on, hit reboot, and wait for everything to come back on. What happens? Either Microsoft really [censored] me over with a ganked update, or my computer really picked an opportunistic time to bite it, because everything locked up no more than 5 minutes after the reboot, forcing me to do a hard reset. After waiting for over an hour for my rig to reboot, I finally got it back in safe mode and tried to run a system recovery, but no matter what I tried, everything would lock back up. I finally came to terms with the fact I'd have to reformat as a last ditch effort to save my computer. Now here I am with a squeeky clean rig, like it was right outta the box, and everything I had before is gone...EXCEPT the 3 months worth of work I smartly decided to take the time to back up last night. I can't even imagine how I'd feel right now if I'd have taken the lazy man's path and blown it off another day. But since I did do it, now my worst case scenario is that I've only lost what I was working on this morning, which won't really be that big a setback to gain that ground back. Please...read and heed. Save, save, save. Backup, backup, backup. Don't learn your lesson the hard way.