#1. You mean adding the item to multiple merchant chests at once? Maybe if they share a common levelled list you can add stuff to that.
Yes, that's what I meant. For instance, the original Bors bedroll mod added bedrolls to certain base chests, thereby making it available at any merchant who used those chests. But that is a incompatible way of doing it. Adding it to the leveled list may work, but will require Bashed Patch to be truly compatible.
Otherwise check each merchant manually and use http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#GetMerchantContainer and do your magic from there. :shrug:
Yes, I may end up doing something like:
1. When I activate a merchant, check what services it offers, and if offering the correct types, check if he already has a special token from my mod.
2. If he doesn't have the token, add the items I want him to sell to the container, and add one token as well.
The token is there to avoid the merchant getting replenishment every single time I activate him. I guess this should work (though I've never done things like this before).
#2. Have you considered the http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#OffersXXX functions? They should give you the info you need.
It was functions like this I was looking for, and that I need as per my idea above, so thanks