Oblivion.esmMidas Spells.espUnkillable Master Trainers.esp (one i made that i just clicked essential for all of them)My House (a house i made that has 1 cell and adds a teleporter to the arcane University)
Oblivion.esmMidas Spells.espUnkillable Master Trainers.esp (one i made that i just clicked essential for all of them)My House (a house i made that has 1 cell and adds a teleporter to the arcane University)
ScriptName jawArmorStandTestScriptshort timershort genesisshort refreshshort InvPosshort overrideshort althelmshort menushort buttonshort switchshort switch1short switch2short switch3short switch4short switch5float rotfloat xposfloat yposfloat zposfloat zpos1float zpos2float zpos3float zpos4float zpos5float zpos6ref sInvObjref pInvObjref meref jawArmorStandCuirassRefref jawArmorStandGauntletsRefref jawArmorStandGreavesRefref jawArmorStandHelmRefref jawArmorStandBootsRefref jawArmorStandCuirassCloneref jawArmorStandGauntletsCloneref jawArmorStandGreavesCloneref jawArmorStandHelmCloneref jawArmorStandBootsCloneref cuirass1ref gauntlets1ref greaves1ref helm1ref boots1string_var jawArmorStandCuirassPathstring_var jawArmorStandGauntletsPathstring_var jawArmorStandGreavesPathstring_var jawArmorStandHelmPathstring_var jawArmorStandBootsPathstring_var jawArmorStandCuirassPathFstring_var jawArmorStandGauntletsPathFstring_var jawArmorStandGreavesPathFstring_var jawArmorStandHelmPathFstring_var jawArmorStandBootsPathFBegin OnLoadIf Genesis == 0 printc "genesis at 0, setting up for first time" set me to getself printc "me set to getself" set jawArmorStandCuirassClone to CloneForm SteelCuirass set jawArmorStandCuirassRef to placeatme jawArmorStandCuirassClone set jawArmorStandBootsClone to CloneForm SteelBoots set jawArmorStandBootsRef to placeatme jawArmorStandBootsClone set jawArmorStandGauntletsClone to CloneForm SteelGauntlets set jawArmorStandGauntletsRef to placeatme jawArmorStandGauntletsClone set jawArmorStandGreavesClone to CloneForm SteelGreaves set jawArmorStandGreavesRef to placeatme jawArmorStandGreavesClone set jawArmorStandHelmClone to CloneForm SteelHelmet set jawArmorStandHelmRef to placeatme jawArmorStandHelmClone printc "objects created" setangle x 0 setangle y 0 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setangle x 0 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setangle y 0 jawArmorStandBootsRef.setangle x 0 jawArmorStandBootsRef.setangle y 0 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setangle x 0 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setangle y 0 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setangle x 0 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setangle y 0 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setangle x 0 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setangle y 0 printc "everything straightened" set xpos to getpos x set ypos to getpos y set zpos to getpos z set rot to getangle z set zpos1 to (getpos z - 57.8699) set zpos2 to (getpos z - 60.563) set zpos3 to (getpos z - 60.974) set zpos4 to (getpos z - 58.2808) set zpos5 to (getpos z + 55.8759) set zpos6 to (getpos z - 53) printc "positioning variables all set" set Genesis to 1 set refresh to 1 printc "Everything set for beginning, genesis 1, refresh 1"EndIfEnd Begin OnActivateif isActionRef player == 1 if me.getnumitems == 0 set xpos to getpos x set ypos to getpos y set zpos to getpos z setangle x 0 setangle y 0 set rot to getangle z set zpos1 to (getpos z - 57.8699) set zpos2 to (getpos z - 60.563) set zpos3 to (getpos z - 60.974) set zpos4 to (getpos z - 58.2808) set zpos5 to (getpos z + 55.8759) set zpos6 to (getpos z - 53) set refresh to 1 printc "empty. position info reset" if player.issneaking == 1 printc "activated sneaking and empty. This will pick up the item" else set refresh to 1 printc "activated empty. Normal opening. Refresh set to 1" Activate endif else if player.issneaking == 1 printc "activated full sneaking. Menu triggered" set menu to -1 else set refresh to 1 printc "activated full normal. Open normally. Refresh set to 1" Activate Endif Endif Else Activate printc "activated by someone other than the player"EndIfEndBegin Menumode 1008if GetContainerMenuView == 1 enablecontrol 4 set sInvObj to GetActiveMenuSelection if getobjecttype sInvObj >= 19 && getobjecttype sInvObj <= 43 if isarmor sInvObj == 0 && isweapon sInvObj == 0 disablecontrol 4 elseif GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 0 || GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 1 if helm1 != 0 If getitemcount helm1 > 0 disablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif elseif GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 2 if cuirass1 != 0 If getitemcount cuirass1 > 0 disablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif elseif GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 5 if boots1 != 0 If getitemcount boots1 > 0 disablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif elseif GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 4 if gauntlets1 != 0 If getitemcount gauntlets1 > 0 disablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif elseif GetEquipmentSlot sInvObj == 3 if greaves1 != 0 If getitemcount greaves1 > 0 disablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endif else enablecontrol 4 endifendif set InvPos to me.GetNumItemsLabel 0if InvPos > 0 set InvPos to (InvPos - 1) set pInvObj to (me.GetInventoryObject InvPos) if GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 0 || GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 1 printc "helm found" set helm1 to pInvObj set jawArmorStandHelmPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj set jawArmorStandHelmPathF to GetBipedModelPath 1 pInvObj set switch4 to 1 elseif GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 2 printc "cuirass found" set cuirass1 to pInvObj set switch to 1 set jawArmorStandCuirassPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj set jawArmorStandCuirassPathF to GetBipedModelPath 1 pInvObj elseif GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 3 printc "greaves found" set greaves1 to pInvObj set switch3 to 1 set jawArmorStandGreavesPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj set jawArmorStandGreavesPathF to GetBipedModelPath 1 pInvObj elseif GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 4 printc "gauntlets found" set gauntlets1 to pInvObj set switch2 to 1 set jawArmorStandGauntletsPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj set jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF to GetBipedModelPath 1 pInvObj elseif GetEquipmentSlot pInvObj == 5 printc "boots found" set boots1 to pInvObj set switch1 to 1 set jawArmorStandBootsPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj set jawArmorStandBootsPathF to GetBipedModelPath 1 pInvObj endif Goto 0endifif helm1 != 0 If getitemcount helm1 == 0 printc "helm removed switch4 set to 0" set switch4 to 0 endifendif if cuirass1 != 0 If getitemcount cuirass1 == 0 printc "cuirass removed switch set to 0" set switch to 0 endifendif if boots1 != 0 If getitemcount boots1 == 0 printc "boots removed switch1 set to 0" set switch1 to 0 endifendif if gauntlets1 != 0 If getitemcount gauntlets1 == 0 printc "gauntlets removed switch2 set to 0" set switch2 to 0 endifendif if greaves1 != 0 If getitemcount greaves1 == 0 printc "greaves removed switch3 set to 0" set switch3 to 0 endifendif EndBegin GameMode;--Menu choice handlingset button to getButtonPressedif menu < 0;--First pass -- fall through to display section. set menu to -menuelseif button < 0 if refresh == 1 if me.getnumitems == 0 me.setmodelpath "jawArmorStand\jawArmorStandMoveableTest.nif" printc "empty, refresh 1, modelpath set moveable" me.disable Else me.setmodelpath "jawArmorStand\jawArmorStandTest.nif" printc "full, refresh 1, modelpath set static" me.disable endif if Genesis == 1 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.disable jawArmorStandBootsRef.disable jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.disable jawArmorStandGreavesRef.disable jawArmorStandHelmRef.disable printc "refresh 1, genesis 1, disable all items, refresh set to 0" set refresh to 0 endif elseif refresh == 2 jawArmorStandHelmRef.disable printc "refresh 2, genesis 1, disable helm, refresh set to 0" set refresh to 0 endif if switch == 1 printc "refresh 1, switch 1, cuirass path should be set" if override == 0 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandCuirassPath jawArmorStandCuirassRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandCuirassPathF printc "override 0, cuirass male to male" else jawArmorStandCuirassRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandCuirassPathF jawArmorStandCuirassRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandCuirassPath printc "override 1, cuirass male to female" endif jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos z zpos1 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setangle z rot jawArmorStandCuirassRef.enable printc "jAS:CuirassPath Enable - %z", jawArmorStandCuirassPath printc "jAS:CuirassPathF Enable - %z", jawArmorStandCuirassPathF set switch to 0 printc "cuirass position set, enabled, switch set to 0" endif if switch1 == 1 if override == 0 jawArmorStandBootsRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandBootsPath jawArmorStandBootsRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandBootsPathF else jawArmorStandBootsRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandBootsPathF jawArmorStandBootsRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandBootsPath endif jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos z zpos3 jawArmorStandBootsRef.setangle z rot jawArmorStandBootsRef.enable printc "jAS:BootsPath Enable - %z", jawArmorStandBootsPath printc "jAS:BootsPathF Enable - %z", jawArmorStandBootsPathF set switch1 to 0 endif if switch2 == 1 if override == 0 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPath jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF else jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPath endif jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos z zpos4 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setangle z rot jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.enable printc "jAS:GauntletsPath Enable - %z", jawArmorStandGauntletsPath printc "jAS:GauntletsPathF Enable - %z", jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF set switch2 to 0 endif if switch3 == 1 if override == 0 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGreavesPath jawArmorStandGreavesRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGreavesPathF else jawArmorStandGreavesRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF jawArmorStandGreavesRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPath endif jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos z zpos2 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setangle z rot jawArmorStandGreavesRef.enable printc "jAS:GreavesPath Enable - %z", jawArmorStandGreavesPath printc "jAS:GreavesPathF Enable - %z", jawArmorStandGreavesPathF set switch3 to 0 endif if switch4 == 1 if override == 0 jawArmorStandHelmRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandHelmPath jawArmorStandHelmRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandHelmPath else jawArmorStandHelmRef.SetMaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPathF jawArmorStandHelmRef.SetFemaleGroundPath $jawArmorStandGauntletsPath endif if althelm == 0 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos z zpos5 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setangle z rot elseif althelm == 1 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos y ypos jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos z zpos6 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setangle z rot endif jawArmorStandHelmRef.enable printc "jAS:HelmPath Enable - %z", jawArmorStandHelmPath printc "jAS:HelmPathF Enable - %z", jawArmorStandHelmPathF set switch4 to 0 endif if me.getdisabled == 1 printc "refresh 1, stand disabled, timer beginning" set timer to 10000 Label 1 if timer > 0 set timer to (timer - 1) goto 1 else me.enable printc "I should be enabling now" endif endif returnelseif menu == 1;--Main menu choices if button == 0 set override to (override == 0) set switch to 1 set switch1 to 1 set switch2 to 1 set switch3 to 1 set switch4 to 1 set refresh to 1 printc "override set to %0.f, refresh set to 1, all switches set to 1", override elseif button == 1 set althelm to (althelm == 0) set switch4 to 1 set refresh to 2 message "althelm set to %0.f, switch4 set to 1, refresh set to 2", althelm else set menu to 100 endifendif;--Menu displayif menu == 1;--Main menu messageBox "Armor Stand Options" "Toggle Armor Gender" "Toggle Helm Alternate Position" "Done"elseif menu == 100;--Terminate. set menu to 0endif End