Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Sixteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

TheTalkieToaster did it in his adrenaline-fueled combat mod. Maybe you can take a look at the scripts.

Thanks, I'll look here to see if I can find the functions.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:25 pm

Thanks, I'll look here to see if I can find the functions.
The only functions you'll need are getHeadingAngle, getScale, sin/cos and getPos. Everything else is math.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:40 pm

The only functions you'll need would be getHeadingAngle, getScale, sin/cos and getPos. Everything else is math.

Oh man, that's not fun math... at least for me :banghead:, good thing it's not my project.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 am

From the previous thread:
Dump DDS Converter. Grab ImageConverter - Batch operations are a breeze.

Any chance you can post a link? I googled it and got several hits for several different apps, some free, some costing $, and none of which listed .dds as a supported file type.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 am

hey, i know i made a whole new thread for this but i thought i might get a faster answer here. anyways to sum things up, i looked on the cs wiki about scripting a creature, made said creature, now i want to create a summon spell for it, i've been searching on the wiki for nearly 20 minutes and can't find anything on summon spells so i was wondering if you know how i could go about that

I have no idea if this will work but i could imaging that you needed to use Placeatme try to search a little about it
i'm not a good scripter so this is just a thought

From the previous thread:
QUOTE (shademe)
Dump DDS Converter. Grab ImageConverter - Batch operations are a breeze.

Any chance you can post a link? I googled it and got several hits for several different apps, some free, some costing $, and none of which listed .dds as a supported file type.

I haven't checked your old tread but it seems like you're looking for something that converts your images into DDS. If you're using gimp then make this search on google

"Gimp DDS plugin"

then you should find it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

I want to attach some activator scripts and use proximity checks to activate them. What they will do is summon (moveto) a Leveled List to a location and spawn. Because I have to deactivate them in the holding cell, move them for the spawn and then deactivate it to move it back to the holding cell; how should this be done? Should I manage the individual spawns ( of course I don't want to have all these dead references laying around) or is it straightforward the LLC? Maybe all of the above?
Let's say all of the above that needs to be managed for cleaning the area. How would I check the newly spawn references to manage those?

Realized I didn't state that I am trying to summon leveled lists.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:00 am

hey, i know i made a whole new thread for this but i thought i might get a faster answer here. anyways to sum things up, i looked on the cs wiki about scripting a creature, made said creature, now i want to create a summon spell for it, i've been searching on the wiki for nearly 20 minutes and can't find anything on summon spells so i was wondering if you know how i could go about that

Alter to your fit. This code is for 3 summonings. Put your references in a separate holding spell.

scriptname TuSummonSpidersScriptfloat timerref meref spider01ref spider02ref spider03ref spiderX1ref spiderX2ref spiderX3Begin ScriptEffectStart	set timer to 0	set me to getself	if spider01.getdead == 1		spider01.resurrect	endif	spider01.moveto me 0 ,0, 0	spider01.enable	if spider02.getdead == 1		spider02.resurrect	endif	spider02.moveto me 0 ,0, 0	spider02.enable	if spider03.getdead == 1		spider03.resurrect	endif	spider03.moveto me 0 ,0, 0	spider03.enableEndBegin GameMode	if timer >= 0		set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed		endif		elseif timer >= 30		spider01.resethealth		spider02.resethealth		spider03.resethealth	endif		spider01.moveto spiderX1		spider01.disable		spider02.moveto spiderX2		spider02.disable		spider03.moveto spiderX3		spider03.disableEnd

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Danii Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 am

From the previous thread:

Any chance you can post a link? I googled it and got several hits for several different apps, some free, some costing $, and none of which listed .dds as a supported file type.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 am

Hi, i have been building a new mesh using pieces from different models, since many of the models i used were too big i used the scaling function of the nifskope, it worked perfectly i even added collision and it works great in game. However i realized that when i selected my object in the editor the "Selection box" (see the http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/4408/help2s.png please) remained as if my model wasn't scaled, no problem i though since the collision worked perfect in game, but when i put the object in my inventory and then drop it the game acts as if the player was hit with something and the item is dropped very far from me, at first i didn't understood what was happening but then i realized this only occurred in objects which had been scaled in nifskope, and show the big selection box in the editor. Is there a way to fix this? i've been working for days in a couple models and now they are pretty useless since they cant be dropped in game.

I'm pretty sure this problem is not caused by the collision boxes since changing them and even removing them doesn't seem to have an effect, the editor still shows an overly large "selection box".
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 am

IS there a script function that closes down your "tab" inventory?
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 am

IS there a script function that closes down your "tab" inventory?

if http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/MenuMode_%28Function%29 1 == 1
http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TapControl 15
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 am

Does anyone know if the Race Menu that pops up at the beginning of the game can be delayed? Seems like it's hard-coded in to when you click "New Game".
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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 am

if Menumode 1 == 1
TapControl 15

IS there a way to do it without OBSE?
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 am

IS there a way to do it without OBSE?
No. I usually mean well, but this trend of rejecting OBSE has me on a short leash. Pray tell why you don't want to use it ( as long as you haven't got the DD version of the game :P )
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

How do you set up a script to run when a book is read?
On activate makes a book impossible to pick up and on equip only works when the book is in your inventory.

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:25 pm

No. I usually mean well, but this trend of rejecting OBSE has me on a short leash. Pray tell why you don't want to use it ( as long as you haven't got the DD version of the game :P )

I have to agree with shadeMe here. Scripting anything useful and interesting in oblivion these days is pretty much impossible without OBSE. I might understand where you would be coming from if you said it's because you don't want your mod depending on something that the user has to go download along with your mod. But you'd be surprised how many people use OBSE, and it won't effect the number of downloads at all, at least from what I've seen. OBSE is dead simple to install anyways, and is pretty much required in any mod setup because of the number of mods that already use it.

But anyways, no, it is not possible without OBSE.

Sorry about my little rant, but I'm just a little annoyed that people won't see the tremendous value of the hard work put into OBSE. This is not necessarily aimed at anyone in particular, but at the modding community in a whole, cause I've seen many people refuse OBSE, and I just don't get it...
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:01 am

How do you set up a script to run when a book is read?
On activate makes a book impossible to pick up and on equip only works when the book is in your inventory.


I thnk you just need to place the Activate after what ever else you want to do in the script :

ie. something like this :

begin Onactivate	 do mystuff	 Activateend

That way it does your things and then does the norml activation so it can still be picked up !!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:44 am

I created a non armor "cloth" offhand version of http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20224 using the armor offhand version meshs already contained in the mod.
Now I experienced a couple of odd issues. Whenever the staff is removed and readded into my hand (because I summon a weapon, sit down or a script force unequips it, or just if I reload a savegame without restarting Oblivion) it won't show up in my hand but is shown as equipped in the inventory. Anyone know the reason for this behaviour?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:55 am

what i want is when my character drinks a potion and when the player does then he gets teleported to another cell, the problem is that if you have your menu opened then when you get teleported to the cell then you get teleported to 0z 0x 0y axis, then when you close the menu then you get teleported to the right place. But this looks a bit buggy ingame.

The reason i don't want to use OBSE is because First of all i don't have any experience with it, secondly (and most important) I don't want my mod to have OBSE as a required because a lot of gamers don't have OBSE installed and i want my mod to be possible for everyone to play.

I have no idea of what DD version of the game means so sorry if this explains something.

@ Critterman

I have not tried OBSE yet but i don't doubt all the work that the creators putted in to the mod.
I know that it is essential for a lot of modders to use it but i will try to, as long as i can, to maintain with the original script editor. Because opposite of you i think that a lot of people DO care if it is OBSE required or not.
For you guys who have downloaded OBSE then you know it's easy to install and all that but people who don't mod or haven't downloaded has no idea of what it takes to download and install therefor they won't download it and they will not try the mod.
I was one of those, i had no idea of what OBSE did before i got used to the community. That is the same reason why i still had not tried Wrye (or what it is called) because I have no idea of what it does and what the consequences is. "then you could go check it out" i'm just to lazy to do that because i don't see a reason to do it.
I'm probely going to download it and learn it anyway but at the moment i know how a lot of Mod downloaders feel so i want to satisfy them :D

If you understand?
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rolanda h
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm

@Awia, the DD version is simply the Oblivion version bought from www.direct2drive.com . OBSE doesn't work because D2D has a protection on the file which OBSE doesn't run with, and it goes against the D2D rules to replace the Oblivion.exe, circumventing their DRM.

For most people, OBSE isn't a problem, but I have the same mindframe as you, at least for a quest mod, and a larger one, you don't necessarily want to make OBSE a requirement, as there may well be some who won't be able to use it.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

what i want is when my character drinks a potion and when the player does then he gets teleported to another cell, the problem is that if you have your menu opened then when you get teleported to the cell then you get teleported to 0z 0x 0y axis, then when you close the menu then you get teleported to the right place. But this looks a bit buggy ingame.

The reason i don't want to use OBSE is because First of all i don't have any experience with it, secondly (and most important) I don't want my mod to have OBSE as a required because a lot of gamers don't have OBSE installed and i want my mod to be possible for everyone to play.

I have no idea of what DD version of the game means so sorry if this explains something.

@ Critterman

I have not tried OBSE yet but i don't doubt all the work that the creators putted in to the mod.
I know that it is essential for a lot of modders to use it but i will try to, as long as i can, to maintain with the original script editor. Because opposite of you i think that a lot of people DO care if it is OBSE required or not.
For you guys who have downloaded OBSE then you know it's easy to install and all that but people who don't mod or haven't downloaded has no idea of what it takes to download and install therefor they won't download it and they will not try the mod.
I was one of those, i had no idea of what OBSE did before i got used to the community. That is the same reason why i still had not tried Wrye (or what it is called) because I have no idea of what it does and what the consequences is. "then you could go check it out" i'm just to lazy to do that because i don't see a reason to do it.
I'm probely going to download it and learn it anyway but at the moment i know how a lot of Mod downloaders feel so i want to satisfy them :D

If you understand?

Thanks for explaining your point. I do understand, but from where I sit, I think the values of OBSE are too great to pass up. But that's just me...

Luckily I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished without OBSE. Just make a short variable in your script and make sure you have a Gamemode block and a Menumode block. Constantly set the variable to 1 in Gamemode and 0 in Menumode. Then, where you do your "moveto" commmand, put a check saying "if [variable] == 1" so that it will only happen when the player is in Gamemode. So the player will just have to exit the menu on their own and once they do they will be teleported.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:52 pm

Is there a quick way to get hand to hand damage of a player, without calculating it manually using game settings and player attributes?
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:09 am

Thanks for explaining your point. I do understand, but from where I sit, I think the values of OBSE are too great to pass up. But that's just me...

Luckily I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished without OBSE. Just make a short variable in your script and make sure you have a Gamemode block and a Menumode block. Constantly set the variable to 1 in Gamemode and 0 in Menumode. Then, where you do your "moveto" commmand, put a check saying "if [variable] == 1" so that it will only happen when the player is in Gamemode. So the player will just have to exit the menu on their own and once they do they will be teleported.

I'm glad that you understand me :D

Thank you for the script i will try to put it on my potion as soon as i get the time :D
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:19 am

Hopefully, a quick question. Is there a function that returns the X, Y coordinates of an object in the worldspace. I really just want to return the player's X Y coordinates.

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Andy durkan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 am

i fixed it ;P
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helen buchan
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