Hopefully, a quick question. Is there a function that returns the X, Y coordinates of an object in the worldspace. I really just want to return the player's X Y coordinates.

set xPosX to player.getpos X set xPosY to player.getpos Y set xCol to xPosX / 4096 if xPosX < 0 set xCol to xCol - 1 endif set xRow to xPosY / 4096 if xPosY < 0 set xRow to xRow - 1 endif messageex "You are in cell %g, %g" xCol xRow
set xPosX to player.getpos X set xPosY to player.getpos Y set xCol to xPosX / 4096 if xPosX < 0 set xCol to xCol - 1 endif set xRow to xPosY / 4096 if xPosY < 0 set xRow to xRow - 1 endif messageex "You are in cell %g, %g" xCol xRow
r.activate player 1doesn't result in a guard recognizing a crime has been committed, when r is a reference to a stolen object, but
r.activate playerdoes?
short closedBegin OnActivateif ( closed == 0 ) set closed to 1 ActivateEndBegin Gamemodeif ( closed == 1 ) do stuff set closed to -1; Or set closed back to 0 if you want this done after every time the container is closed.endifEnd
r.activate player 1doesn't result in a guard recognizing a crime has been committed, when r is a reference to a stolen object, but
r.activate playerdoes?
set result to 100 - 5 * 2 ;this is 100 - 10 = 90set result to (100 - 5) * 2 ;this is 95 * 2 = 190Alot of modders always use it, either due to habbit from other scripting languages or cause they like how it looks. In the end it all depends on the modder.