Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Thirteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:58 am

well, i started by right clicking the item in the object window and look for the duplicate option, like i would duplicate a cell before renaming it. but there is no duplicate option for these items. but i do see a "new" option. so i try to click that and i get the editor window for food items that wants me to start over creating the effects of the itewm and giving an icon and so on, which i guess i would expect since the option was to create "new" lol. but i was having trouble creating the new item this way cuz i couldnt find where the list of ingredient effects was (and i needed to list 4 effects). but if it is as simple as just renaming it in the object window then i will try that real quick, which i just did cuz im fast like ninja =o , and it works out great haha thanks!

Ah-hah! You don't have to "duplicate" first. Double-click the one you want, and change its editor ID to something unique to your mod. Then click OK. It will ask if you want to create a new form, click Yes. That will create a new copy of the items with a new name, but with all the same settings.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:21 pm


now to get bandit enemies and goblin enemies to co-exist in peace in the same dungeon >.>
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:52 am

I understand that the bright pink means the texture is missing, but what does it mean when it just doesn't show up at all? Like, I make a robe and send it to my brother, and now he's got floating heads and hands and feet walking around. Or the horses are invisible even though the .nif files are right where they're supposed to be (or so he swears; he's halfway across the country so I can't double-check). Why?
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:20 am

I understand that the bright pink means the texture is missing, but what does it mean when it just doesn't show up at all? Like, I make a robe and send it to my brother, and now he's got floating heads and hands and feet walking around. Or the horses are invisible even though the .nif files are right where they're supposed to be (or so he swears; he's halfway across the country so I can't double-check). Why?

Edit: Nevermind if you already read what I posted. It could be a missing mesh OR a missing normalmap that is making it go invisible - make she he's got the texture_n.dds with the texture.dds.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 am

anyone know where the human sized cages are in the object window? i cant seem to find it anywhere and i know they have them cuz theres a c age in hackdirt...

and once i find it, how would i get the door to swing open when its unlocked as opposed to teleport ? i cant find that in the wiki anywhere either...
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 am

Okay, the robe I can understand in that regard; I wanted to make it easier to find everything when I made him his mod, so I made copies of all the .nif files I wanted to use and I renamed them, names like MyMod.NifCreatorName.RobeShinyBlueStars_gnd.nif, stuff like that, and moved them to the MyMod folder. In my render window they still looked exactly as they should so I figured it would work for him if I sent him the Meshes/MyMod folder but sent him a whole smattering of Textures folders with their original folder- and file-names; obviously I was wrong. How are the meshes and textures linked together? Would putting the files in Textures/MyMod and renaming them things like MyMod.NifCreatorName.RobeShinyBlueStars.dds make it work, or are they linked with a certain program that I don't have (anything that's not the CS or Oblivion itself)?

Yeah, the robe I can understand. It's the horses I don't get, because I went through his mod and changed all the stock Oblivion horses to .nifs from Zira and AlienSlof, and I sent those to him as well. No filename changes involved there. And he swears he put them where they're supposed to go, but all the horses in his game are just as invisible as the clothes and weapons and armor and furniture that I sent him.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 am

anyone know where the human sized cages are in the object window? i cant seem to find it anywhere and i know they have them cuz theres a c age in hackdirt...

and once i find it, how would i get the door to swing open when its unlocked as opposed to teleport ? i cant find that in the wiki anywhere either...

The door I only lately learned myself. Open a cell from Castle Anvil that has a secret door and check out that setup; there's two parts, the door (an activator) and a switch (the other activator). The switch has a script attaching it to the door. See if you can't use that to set up your own cage/switch setup. The cage (and the switch) are most likely in the Activators section. Just remember to make copies of them for your own mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 am

thanks pandora ill check that out, that dshould help tons as i cant have bandits holdiong peeps hostage in opened cages XD
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 am

Okay, the robe I can understand in that regard; I wanted to make it easier to find everything when I made him his mod, so I made copies of all the .nif files I wanted to use and I renamed them, names like MyMod.NifCreatorName.RobeShinyBlueStars_gnd.nif, stuff like that, and moved them to the MyMod folder. In my render window they still looked exactly as they should so I figured it would work for him if I sent him the Meshes/MyMod folder but sent him a whole smattering of Textures folders with their original folder- and file-names; obviously I was wrong. How are the meshes and textures linked together? Would putting the files in Textures/MyMod and renaming them things like MyMod.NifCreatorName.RobeShinyBlueStars.dds make it work, or are they linked with a certain program that I don't have (anything that's not the CS or Oblivion itself)?

Yeah, the robe I can understand. It's the horses I don't get, because I went through his mod and changed all the stock Oblivion horses to .nifs from Zira and AlienSlof, and I sent those to him as well. No filename changes involved there. And he swears he put them where they're supposed to go, but all the horses in his game are just as invisible as the clothes and weapons and armor and furniture that I sent him.

They are linked with a program you don't have - Nifskope! Google it and download it, it's free. Once you have it installed, double-clicking a .nif file will open it in Nifskope so you can see the model and change many of its properties - including the texture paths for various pieces of it. So if you send your brother these files:


you need to make sure that the robe's texture path in nifskope says, precisely, "Textures\MyMod\MyRobe.dds". Start by expanding each branch till you see a little nightshade icon, that's where the texture path is. You can either right-click the path and choose a new one via explorer, or manually edit the path by double-clicking. Once you're sure you've got every texture path right, save the .nif file, and you're done!

It's important to note that because the game's default textures are packed in a .bsa file, Nifskope will show any areas where you've left a default texture as white (meaning missing texture), but it will still work in game. Best way to playtest it is to make your upload package, then move all your working files from your Oblivion install into a temp folder, and then copy from your upload package. This way you can be sure everything is there and working.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 am

ive been lookin in the activator section of the object window for a while now , looking for the cage and its door but i still havnt found it =o closest thin i found was random fort ruin and castle door and secret doors. no human size cages with doors such as in hackdirt. is there a faster easier way to look for stuff? i would prefer to not have to put a fort gate as a door next to random mismatched iron bars but i may have to DX
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 am

ive been lookin in the activator section of the object window for a while now , looking for the cage and its door but i still havnt found it =o closest thin i found was random fort ruin and castle door and secret doors. no human size cages with doors such as in hackdirt. is there a faster easier way to look for stuff? i would prefer to not have to put a fort gate as a door next to random mismatched iron bars but i may have to DX

Look under Doors instead of Activators. :)
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Add Meeh
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:15 pm

haha thanks khettienna, i did that too tho...still cant find it.. i dont know if it has some weird name or what.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 am

View -> Find Text

Then type in what you're looking for
Should give you a brief idea of where it is
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 am

okies thanks , trying that now XD
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 am

Anyway to change how long Message text stays on screen? I have a situation where I need to transmit variables to the Player's HUD via a Message, but it doesn't update fast enough, even with duplication.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:10 am

I was wondering if anyone could post a script to make a spriggan resurrect three times before finally dying.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 am

Short TimesDiedBegin GameMode If ( GetDead == 1 )	If ( TimesDied < 3 )	  Set TimesDied to ( TimesDied + 1 )	  Resurrect 1	EndIf EndIfEnd

Should do it if attached to the Spriggian
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

Short TimesDiedBegin GameMode If ( GetDead == 1 )	If ( TimesDied < 3 )	  Set TimesDied to ( TimesDied + 1 )	  Resurrect 1	EndIf EndIfEnd

Should do it if attached to the Spriggian

Thank you...now its off to my solstheim mod :)
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Hilm Music
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 am

anyone know what the name of the in game script is to open a normal door that swings into the room when clicked and unlocked? i scrolled thru the scripts , which are named equaly confusingly to a noobie modder as the objects window items are, and i dont have a clue which one it is. do i need to duplicate it as well once i have it? thanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

It isn't a script: the door itself is animated, and not set to teleport anywhere. IF you go to World Objects-->Doors, you'll find all of them. I don't know which ones are which off-the-top of my head, but if they have a front and back texture, it is usually one of the animated ones.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 am

Hey all, I'm working with EMC plugin for OBSE
I'm trying to have custom music setup for a specific cell

I have everything working just fine, except that it does not save to a savegame when I save in the cell and then come back
It has changed back to default at that point, Is there a way to get around this? I'm using GetGameLoaded and GetGameRestarted but it isn't working out too well :( Would anyone with some more experience be able to assist?
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Still no one able to help me with the loading screen error?
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 pm

I'm trying to make a house mod and I used the modder resource: "More sofas and chairsets"
But whenever I place the chair/sofa and go in-game, it doesn't let me sit...
Am I supposed to place a furniture marker or something?
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:27 am

I'm trying to make a house mod and I used the modder resource: "More sofas and chairsets"
But whenever I place the chair/sofa and go in-game, it doesn't let me sit...
Am I supposed to place a furniture marker or something?

Try open up a vanilla furniture object (of the same type) and change the mesh to the other one. Don't forget to change the ID so you don't overwrite the original furniture though.


For my next installment of City Beautification I hope to work on Anvil. I would like to include some moving ships off on the horizon of the harbour, maybe even one ship that comes back to port every week or so. IS there a way to make those moving ships? and how FPS taxing would it be? I want to know the most FPS effective way since that is a main goal of this mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 am

Try open up a vanilla furniture object (of the same type) and change the mesh to the other one. Don't forget to change the ID so you don't overwrite the original furniture though.

Note that he said furniture object. Make sure you are making furniture, and not static objects.
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