Ok, got all my stuff working on my own. Only having a problem with a spell script right now. The spell is a Ressurect spell on the target, with an area effect since my trap is firing above the dead npc. Only problem is, the Ressurect 1 command causes a CTD if it hits the player. So I tried scripting the spell so that it doesn't effect the player.
It was working at first, then I noticed it was having another effect on me. It was resurrecting the npc, but it was also unequipping my bow and arrows. They didn't show as unequipped in my inventory, but they were. Then when testing again the spell caused me to CTD again. Here's the script, any ideas?
SCN TestRessurectSpell ref targetref meBegin ScriptEffectStart set me to GetSelf if target == me return else Resurrect 1 endifEnd