Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Thirteenth

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:19 pm

i don't care about what the merchant sells i just want my merchant and trainer to be leveled.

i can't set which items the npc shall sell when the Pc Lvl Offset i activated?

Okay... so you are having trouble setting what your merchant sells and your trainer trains? Make sure the first is a merchant class for the particular types of wares you want, and the trainer is a trainer class for the type of training you want him to do. You can also make new classes if you don't see precisely what you need.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:09 pm

thats why i 'm asking i want to have a trainer and merchant and the npc's lvl needs to be lvl'ed so he still got a change against me at the high lvl's But when you flag the Pc level Offset then you loose the ability to custimize what wares and what skill the npc sells and train. How do i fix that?
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 am

thats why i 'm asking i want to have a trainer and merchant and the npc's lvl needs to be lvl'ed so he still got a change against me at the high lvl's But when you flag the Pc level Offset then you loose the ability to custimize what wares and what skill the npc sells and train. How do i fix that?

Create a new class which provides the services you want and make your npc of that class.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 am

Ah Thanks :D
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:42 am

Yes, they can.

However if you want to access them through other scripts, the objects need to be persistent (then it's RefID.VariableName). This however will lead to CTDs if used on objects you can pick up, so if you want to store variables of objects the player can take into his inventory, use a quest script or something similar to track them!

Thank you.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

I have a question: I am trying to edit a custom race to suite my needs. How can I lock the skin tone of the body, so it's easier for me to match the head skin tone with the bodies skin tone? I've seen this on races before but can't figure out how to implement it.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:21 pm

Is there a way to detect if a certain voice file is being played, or if a certain message is being displayed at the top of the screen? Specifically, I'm looking for a way to detect if the player has successfully yielded.
Pretty sure OBSE's getSoundPlaying detects voice files too. But should most probably (only)work in gameMode.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 am

thankyou kettiana (spelling? lol sorry) i will download that and check it out then...but what about using things from already created mods from other people and then saving that? like if i opened the cs and loaded my own mod with active save file, and loaded another mod from someone else i had downloaded such as mmm monster mod, and wanted to add those monsters in to my own mod in various places, would i just drag them into rez positions in my mod like i would original oblivion monsters? and then save it to my active file and they would be save on my mod now?here more to that?
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 am

Whenever I add a bed or bedroll I can't activate it to sleep in it. Is there something else I need to do?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 am

Whenever I add a bed or bedroll I can't activate it to sleep in it. Is there something else I need to do?

Make sure you're using the objects under FURNITURE and not under STATIC. The ones under STATIC are just dummies. :)

but what about using things from already created mods from other people and then saving that? like if i opened the cs and loaded my own mod with active save file, and loaded another mod from someone else i had downloaded such as mmm monster mod, and wanted to add those monsters in to my own mod in various places, would i just drag them into rez positions in my mod like i would original oblivion monsters? and then save it to my active file and they would be save on my mod now?here more to that?

When you want to use stuff from another mod, load them both into the CS with your mod as active. Then double-click on the object from the other mod in the object list, click Edit Base, and change the ID. Click OK. When asked if you want to create a new form, CLICK YES. That part is super important. NOW you have a copy of that object in your mod, and changes you make to the copy, and any references to it, will stick in your mod.

Just make sure if the object has a script attached that you either remove it or duplicate it also. If you need to duplicate it, copy the whole thing into a new script with a new name - renaming the one that's there won't make a new one.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

Ohh the one with the mesh guy in it. That makes more sense

Thanks :)
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:31 pm

I have a question: I am trying to edit a custom race to suite my needs. How can I lock the skin tone of the body, so it's easier for me to match the head skin tone with the bodies skin tone? I've seen this on races before but can't figure out how to implement it.

Best bet, make new skin and head textures match in color that is best way..to get them match better..
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:57 am

How does one turn an .esp into an .esm? And is it possible to take an .esm file and temporarily change it to an .esp in order to modify it? I discovered that my 'object library' mod's not gonna work unless I maintain the load order, so I want to put together the object-library mod and load it with base objects of a whole lot of furniture and static objects and containers I've gotten from other mods as well as cells containing things I've spent a lot of time putting together (like my bookshelves filled with individually placed books). I then want to make it an .esm so I don't have to keep creating new objects every time I start building a new mod, and just keep it as a master file. But I still want to be able to change it whenever I find something new I like.

There's a cell in my castle mod that always crashes upon entering it when I playtest it, and sometimes if I happen to move too fast in the render window in that cell, then the CS will crash. I do have a hideously crappy graphics card, and my CS doesn't seem to like whenever I modify the size of some of Zym's curtains that I download (unless I scroll back a lot and do it from a 'distance'). So how do I find out what's making it crash?

And if I accidentally marked one of my 'warp pads' as a low-level lock rather than officially NEEDING a key, then why in Oblivion are guards and random castle staff coming to my place and then just wandering around the castle rather than using the castle as a shortcut? I mean, don't NPCs tend to avoid wandering around in places where they'd have to work to get in?
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 am

How does one turn an .esp into an .esm? And is it possible to take an .esm file and temporarily change it to an .esp in order to modify it?

Yes. Use TES4Gecko to do the job.

There's a cell in my castle mod that always crashes upon entering it when I playtest it, and sometimes if I happen to move too fast in the render window in that cell, then the CS will crash. I do have a hideously crappy graphics card, and my CS doesn't seem to like whenever I modify the size of some of Zym's curtains that I download (unless I scroll back a lot and do it from a 'distance'). So how do I find out what's making it crash?

And if I accidentally marked one of my 'warp pads' as a low-level lock rather than officially NEEDING a key, then why in Oblivion are guards and random castle staff coming to my place and then just wandering around the castle rather than using the castle as a shortcut? I mean, don't NPCs tend to avoid wandering around in places where they'd have to work to get in?
You said so yourself - Most probably your graphic card.

Is your warp pad flagged with "Minimal Use" ?
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Robert Jr
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:38 pm

Yes. Use TES4Gecko to do the job.

You said so yourself - Most probably your graphic card.

Is your warp pad flagged with "Minimal Use" ?

My knowledge of the CS is primarily limited to building houses and furnishing them and adding some really nice weapons and armor and stuff. I've only recently started plying my hand at making NPCs; horses, guard dogs, the occasional person. I have yet to complete a functional script/AI package that makes a horse GoHome to where I want it to rather than just copying a PCHorseScript and having to walk for a while to get from my house to the nearest city stable. First time I made an NPC with a schedule and that would show up at the Battle of Bruma, well, it didn't turn out so well.

So, uh... *ahem* What is flagging and how do I do it? I've been thinking about so many things that I'd love to create, quests and factions and dialogue and awesome things like that, but uh, like I said. I build houses and that's pretty much the scope of my CS skills.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:24 am

So, uh... *ahem* What is flagging and how do I do it? I've been thinking about so many things that I'd love to create, quests and factions and dialogue and awesome things like that, but uh, like I said. I build houses and that's pretty much the scope of my CS skills.
In that case, let me cheer you up - I simply can't make houses :) The minimal use flag is set on doors. If the flag is set, then actors will not consider using it while pathfinding. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Door
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:41 pm

I've added a building exterior, teleport door and map marker to a cell in Tamriel - Wilderness but now I cant fast travel whilst I'm in that area. What could be causing this?
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daniel royle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:26 am

Also how do I add a marker to teleport to from indoors to outdoors like most ruins, aka VilverinEXTERIOR?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

Also how do I add a marker to teleport to from indoors to outdoors like most ruins, aka VilverinEXTERIOR?

If you're looking to link an outdoor and indoor cell, then what you want to do is find a door file and place it in the game world where you want it. Double-click it in the render window so the window pops up that has all the x,y,z coordinates. At the top, in the blank, write something like MyDoor. Also memorize either the cell coordinates or the name of the cell, like if it's in the parent worldspace Tamriel and the cell's named VilverinExterior. Now go inside the interior cell and put another door there and double-click it, and under the teleport tab, check it and then scroll down the list until you find VilverinExterior, and click on the door that has "MyDoor" next to the formID. Hit okay, place the Door Marker so your players won't enter the new cell halfway inside the door, then double-click it again and go back to the Teleport tab and hit View Linked Door, and fix that door marker too. Congrads, your doors are now linked. Don't worry, I felt the same way when I first got it to work.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

In that case, let me cheer you up - I simply can't make houses :) The minimal use flag is set on doors. If the flag is set, then actors will not consider using it while pathfinding. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Door

So... you're good with questing and scripts and dialogue and stuff? But not with houses? I'm... confused as to how that is, but we've all got our strengths and weaknesses.

My castle mod, I basically copied most of Castle Anvil's architecture and then knocked down a wall here, added a room there, basically did some massively hardcoe remodeling. I noticed that the secret doors (which I want to keep) have two components: the big brick wall, which is an activator, and the lever also with an activator and also with a script. I figure that I can make it work if I copy the scripts (different one for each individual door/lever combo) and change the references to match what they're supposed to. I just see the script and it baffles me. It's all gibberish to me and I wonder why in the hell all that text is necessary to make a friggin' door open when the other animating doors don't need all that. *shakes head* But that'll work, right? Copy the scripts and go through them to make the references match my door rather than Anvil's door?
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:18 pm

If you're looking to link an outdoor and indoor cell, then what you want to do is find a door file and place it in the game world where you want it. Double-click it in the render window so the window pops up that has all the x,y,z coordinates. At the top, in the blank, write something like MyDoor. Also memorize either the cell coordinates or the name of the cell, like if it's in the parent worldspace Tamriel and the cell's named VilverinExterior. Now go inside the interior cell and put another door there and double-click it, and under the teleport tab, check it and then scroll down the list until you find VilverinExterior, and click on the door that has "MyDoor" next to the formID. Hit okay, place the Door Marker so your players won't enter the new cell halfway inside the door, then double-click it again and go back to the Teleport tab and hit View Linked Door, and fix that door marker too. Congrads, your doors are now linked. Don't worry, I felt the same way when I first got it to work.

I can't see exterior cells in the tab though, only interior
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

I can't see exterior cells in the tab though, only interior

Sure you can. They're all there, interior and exterior. You just have to scroll through and find them. Helps if you know the cell's exact name, or to give it one if it doesn't already have one. Or what you COULD do is once you've got both doors place and you have them marked (with the fill-in-the-blank) as MyDoorExterior and MyDoorInterior, what you can do is go to the exterior one and link it to the interior, if it makes it easier to find.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

Sure you can. They're all there, interior and exterior. You just have to scroll through and find them. Helps if you know the cell's exact name, or to give it one if it doesn't already have one. Or what you COULD do is once you've got both doors place and you have them marked (with the fill-in-the-blank) as MyDoorExterior and MyDoorInterior, what you can do is go to the exterior one and link it to the interior, if it makes it easier to find.

Ya I did the second thing, wroked a charm :)

Also another, sorry for all the questions, I've only just started with the set and I can't find the answers on the wiki. When I'm equipping an NPC, and I give them the wrong item by accident, I can't take it off them for some reason. I can remove it from their inventory menu, but they're still wearing it in the preview and in the game when I test the mod. Anything I can do about this?
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:16 pm

Ya I did the second thing, wroked a charm :)

Also another, sorry for all the questions, I've only just started with the set and I can't find the answers on the wiki. When I'm equipping an NPC, and I give them the wrong item by accident, I can't take it off them for some reason. I can remove it from their inventory menu, but they're still wearing it in the preview and in the game when I test the mod. Anything I can do about this?

Sometimes you just need to 'refresh' them by deleting them from the render window, fixing up their inventory how you want it, and then re-placing them. They're a little cranky like that sometimes.

Hey, if you don't ask then you'll never learn. I'm asking questions too. Once I've mastered (or at least gotten better at) building houses, I'm gonna try to start graduating to AI packages, then adding quests with scripts, then dialogue, then hopefully be able to write my own faction questline. I've got the beginning stages kinda-sorta planned out in my head, but I don't even know where to BEGIN to make them happen.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

Sometimes you just need to 'refresh' them by deleting them from the render window, fixing up their inventory how you want it, and then re-placing them. They're a little cranky like that sometimes.

Hey, if you don't ask then you'll never learn. I'm asking questions too. Once I've mastered (or at least gotten better at) building houses, I'm gonna try to start graduating to AI packages, then adding quests with scripts, then dialogue, then hopefully be able to write my own faction questline. I've got the beginning stages kinda-sorta planned out in my head, but I don't even know where to BEGIN to make them happen.

Oh ditto. I've got a thousand and one ideas but I'm still working on placing objects that don't fall over or explode upon interaction.
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