Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Thirteenth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:38 am

i was building a cave dungeon just now, and i cant seem to find how to add water and lava...also, if i did add a waterfall inside the cave how would i do that and how do i change it into a lava fall? (having trouble finding all the pieces in the cs for building too as they are named weird lol)
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:17 pm

I can't find beer or ale bottles anywhere in the items menu. Can anyone guide me to them? Can only find the static ones which are unusable.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 am

I can't find beer or ale bottles anywhere in the items menu. Can anyone guide me to them? Can only find the static ones which are unusable.

Look in the Magic section under Potions - they are named DrinkBeer, DrinkMead, etc...
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 am

Hey there!
yeah, sorry if this have been answered in one of the other posts. Just... I am a little too lazy to search for it =)

I got this quest, where I want the NPC's to spawn in a set quest stage. I then did a few things:
I made a new cell, I added an interior, which I named "AmbushersHomeREF" and I added my 3 Ambushers. Each with persistance-something and something-disabled checked.
I then added a script to my quest stage:

Ambusher 1.moveto Ambusher1TargetREFambusher2.MoveTo Ambusher2TargetREFAmbusher3.Moveto AMBUSHER3targetREF

then I added a script to each ambusher

if GetStage WeirdNote == 30enableelsemoveto AmbuusherHomeREFendifend

However, they never show up.
I havn't found any guide how to make an NPC show up in an special condition. There is one tutorial on how to summon one, but ... that script is quite a bit too much for me.

Any help would be appreciated =) Not just on the quest, but in general: How to Make an NPC spawn in an special condition, and then dissapear - disable after the condition is over.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 am


Any help would be appreciated =) Not just on the quest, but in general: How to Make an NPC spawn in an special condition, and then dissapear - disable after the condition is over.

Try enabling them in the script where you have your moveto, so it looks like this:

Ambusher1.moveto Ambusher1TargetREFambusher2.MoveTo Ambusher2TargetREFAmbusher3.Moveto AMBUSHER3targetREFAmbusher1.enableambusher2.enableAmbusher3.enable

instead of having the enable on the NPC's script itself.
Also note you've got a space in "Ambusher 1" in what you pasted here, but I bet you have your ref ID as Ambusher1.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

Try enabling them in the script where you have your moveto, so it looks like this:

Ambusher1.moveto Ambusher1TargetREFambusher2.MoveTo Ambusher2TargetREFAmbusher3.Moveto AMBUSHER3targetREFAmbusher1.enableambusher2.enableAmbusher3.enable

instead of having the enable on the NPC's script itself.
Also note you've got a space in "Ambusher 1" in what you pasted here, but I bet you have your ref ID as Ambusher1.

yes, the ref ID was Ambusher1. Small mistakes is always fun, no XD
Well, I will try that.
I still find myself clueless on this subject. So If I say.. um.. want a script where a battle would go on, where you would fight 10 mobs every 60 seconds. Then I would need to do

if timer <= 60 || Attackers == 10*10 different Monster/NPC ref*. moveto *where they are suppose to be disabled**same 10 NPC's*. disable*new 10 NPC*.moveto *the marker where the attack starts"

The "attacker" would be a global variable given to each NPC, adding a
Begin onDeadset attacker to attacker + 1

on each of them.

Would that work?
Or perhaps make them disable, or moveto, when they die...
meh, this is confusing XD
any help would still be apreciated!

then when I want them
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:12 am

Could anyone point me to a tutorial for skeleton editting? I feel like tinkering with this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26013.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:32 pm

I wasn't sure where to put this. It probably belongs somewhere else, but nowhere else did I see the convenience of a question answering thread.

I keep pressing the http://oblivion.wikia.com/wiki/Console_commands key. I want to get to the console. I've had Oblivion on my Xbox 360 for a relatively long time. I've played through the faction quests and main quest numerous times. I now have it on my computer as well. I read the page to which I've provided a link at the top of this post and became very excited.

I've tried pressing the tilde key very quickly. I've tried pressing it in repetition. I've tried holding it down briefly. I've tried holding it down for over a minute.

I then when to a word program to make sure it still worked. It did, but I was reminded that in order to get the actual tilde to appear you had to press shift. So then I tried pressing it while holding shift: nothing. I tried all of those same things again while holding shift: still nothing.

I keep consulting the page on the wiki to make sure all you had to do was press the tilde key.

Is there something I don't know about getting this to work?
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 am

Find the ring of console mod on the nexus
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sexy zara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 am

Try all buttons, ?~ etc, i see no reason for your console key to be disabled
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 am

Is there something I don't know about getting this to work?

One possibility is that you may be using the wrong key

The key to open the console is the one below "Esc", to the left of the "1" key.
It is usually referred as the tilde (~) key.
Different keyboard languages have different symbols on that key (mine is ")
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 am

Try all buttons, ?~ etc, i see no reason for your console key to be disabled

I tried every button when couldn't figure out how to go faster (odd that it took me so long to figure out it was caps lock and shift) and none of them opened up the console then, either. It seems I'll be needing to use the mod I was directed to (it says it's a problem with vista, which I have). So far the only mod that seems to have been successfully installed is the universal voice one (although we haven't tried very many). The computer that has oblivion on it doesn't get internet because AT&T U-Verse doesn't work on a Vista (the computer I'm using to ask the question is a Mac) and until my father visits I won't have the means to transfer the mod to the computer that needs it... and last, but not least, my father won't have the means to visit me for awhile.

It's a good thing I'm extremely patient.

(QQuix, yes, that's where my "~" key is: below "Esc" and to the left of "1".)

Thank you, everyone.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 am

Here's another one for you guys. I'm wondering if there is a way to make a quest script that whenever the player eats an item flagged as food it restores a certain amount of hunger based on how much the item weighs. I'm quite so I can get the hunger stuff itself done it's just starting the script whenever the player uses a food item. I know there is a IsFood function which I would but I'm not sure how it would like like to begin the script.

begin onequip playerif (equipeditem) isfood(Restore hunger stuff in proportion to weight)endifend

Maybe? If not how should I begin the script? Also how do I determine the "(equipeditem)" bit and how could I factor in weight?

Note: Adding a script to the item itself isn't possible as I want this work with mod added foods. Unless there is a way with scripts to add a script to a food flagged items.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:07 am

To get the wieght of the item you could use the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetWeight function

An onEquip block is probably not the best idea for what you're trying to do. An onEquip block has to be attached directly to an item in order for it to function
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 am

Uglulyx, do you mean whenever an NPC eats an item flagged as food? I've never heard of a player being hungry.

You probably know more about this than I do, though.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 am

To get the wieght of the item you could use the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetWeight function

So something like:

begin onequip playerif (equipeditem) isfoodRestorehungervariables x (Equipeditem).Getweight x 4endifend

I want to use x 4 so 2 weight items like venison and beef restore 8 units like in Real Hunger.

Uglulyx, do you mean whenever an NPC eats an item flagged as food? I've never heard of a player being hungry.

You probably know more about this than I do, though.

No I mean for a hunger mod. I would just like to know if it's possible to create one that works with all mod added foods. I found the IsFood function so I know there must be a way to. The only way it might not work is if a modder forgets to use the food flag on their food items.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

He's trying to make a hunger mod so that if the player doesn't eat, something bad happens

Edit: This would work better

Ref MeShort WeightBegin OnEquip PlayerSet Me to GetSelfIf Me.IsFood   Set Weight to (Me.GetWeight * 4))   Set HungerVariable to (HungerVariable + Weight)Endifend

but you still run into the onEquip problems
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:02 pm

He's trying to make a hunger mod so that if the player doesn't eat, something bad happens

Edit: This would work better

Ref MeShort WeightBegin OnEquip PlayerSet Me to GetSelfIf Me.IsFood   Set Weight to (Me.GetWeight * 4))   Set HungerVariable to (HungerVariable + Weight)Endifend

but you still run into the onEquip problems

So this script would have to be attached to the item to be eaten. Is there a way to add a script by using a script? I guess you'd probably need to find a way to make sure you don't change the script if the item already has one too.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:39 pm

This might work, although it is the first time trying to make a loop

Ref FoodRef ScriptBegin GamemodeSet Script to <Your onequip Script Here>Set food to GetFirstRef 70 1  If food != 0	 If Food.IsFood && Food.IsScripted == 0	   Food.SetScript Script	   RunScriptLine "Player."	 Endif  EndifSet Food to GetNextRef 70 1End

I highly doubt this will work. SetScript is an untested function
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 am

I tried every button when couldn't figure out how to go faster (odd that it took me so long to figure out it was caps lock and shift) and none of them opened up the console then, either. It seems I'll be needing to use the mod I was directed to (it says it's a problem with vista, which I have). So far the only mod that seems to have been successfully installed is the universal voice one (although we haven't tried very many). The computer that has oblivion on it doesn't get internet because AT&T U-Verse doesn't work on a Vista (the computer I'm using to ask the question is a Mac) and until my father visits I won't have the means to transfer the mod to the computer that needs it... and last, but not least, my father won't have the means to visit me for awhile.

It's a good thing I'm extremely patient.

(QQuix, yes, that's where my "~" key is: below "Esc" and to the left of "1".)

Thank you, everyone.

I use Vista too, and there is one.. driver thingy, which disable cheat menu. it needs to eb be disabled, but it does reinstall/enable itself when you restart the computer. it is the microsoft ehome infrared trandceiver.
There is a few tutorials on youtube how to disable it, kinda hard for me to explain - seing my computer is not in english =/

I havn't found anything negative, or so, happening when that thing is disabled.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 am

I use Vista too, and there is one.. driver thingy, which disable cheat menu. it needs to eb be disabled, but it does reinstall/enable itself when you restart the computer. it is the microsoft ehome infrared trandceiver.
There is a few tutorials on youtube how to disable it, kinda hard for me to explain - seing my computer is not in english =/

I havn't found anything negative, or so, happening when that thing is disabled.

Thank you. I will look for the tutorials. I may have some difficulty because I'm not sure what the fourth word was you were trying to type. I got "microsoft home infrared". I'm not sure what fourth word you were meaning.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 am

This might work, although it is the first time trying to make a loop

Ref FoodRef ScriptBegin GamemodeSet Script to <Your onequip Script Here>Set food to GetFirstRef 70 1  If food != 0	 If Food.IsFood && Food.IsScripted == 0	   Food.SetScript Script	   RunScriptLine "Player."	 Endif  EndifSet Food to GetNextRef 70 1End

I highly doubt this will work. SetScript is an untested function

Well atleast it's a step in the right direction.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am

Is there a way to add an infinite amount of a certain item to an NPC's inventory? (food, drink, ect.)
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:51 pm

Thank you. I will look for the tutorials. I may have some difficulty because I'm not sure what the fourth word was you were trying to type. I got "microsoft home infrared". I'm not sure what fourth word you were meaning.

My pc is not english, so that might be a reason.
But you are out after the Ehome thingy. It asks you to restart, but then it will just re-install back. So uninstall it, then disable it. The next time you restart, it is back on- for whatever reason it is there.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:11 am

Is there a way to add an infinite amount of a certain item to an NPC's inventory? (food, drink, ect.)

That would have infinite encumbrance, so you don't want to do that.

The closest would be the "inexhaustible supply" - i.e. you detect the removal and add one to replace it every time, so there's always at least one remaining - and then why have more than one?

There's a bad Irish/Polish/etc. joke about guy granted three wishes. His first is for a bottle of ale that's never empty. After using it a few times, he uses his other two wishes asking for two more of those bottles.
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