Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Thirteenth

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:03 pm

Twelfth Thread : http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1008041
Eleventh Thread : http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=996298
Tenth Thread : http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=974783
Ninth Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=957607
Eighth Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=937577
Seventh Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=912613
Sixth Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=878165

Onwards and upwards !
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:52 pm

Great, new thread.

I have made an NPC and when he dies i want him to respawn again 12ingame hours later(or 24h if thats easier).. how?
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

I have made an NPC and when he dies i want him to respawn again 12ingame hours later.. how?
Attach this script to him :
begin gameMode	 if ( getDead )		 if ( getTimeDead >= 12 )			 set sStart to 1		 endIf	 endIf	 	 if ( sStart )		 if ( sStart == 1 )			 resurrect 1			 disable			 set sStart to 2		 elseIf ( sStart == 2 )			 enable			 set sStart to 0		 endIf	 end

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

Does that also remove his corpse? i forgot to write that it should dissapear so the place isnt full of corpses :P and do i need obse?
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 am

Does that also remove his corpse? i forgot to write that it should dissapear so the place isnt full of corpses :P and do i need obse?
In that case,
	 if ( sStart )		 if ( sStart == 1 )			 disable			 set sStart to 2		 elseIf ( sStart == 2 )			 placeAtMe zzNPCID 1 0 0			 set sStart to 0		 endIf	 end
Nope- It doesn't need OBSE.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

But the script you provided now doesn't have a resurrect command? do i connect them somehow? im sorry that im so noob lol, but i'll try to learn scripting myself when i get the time to do it.. (:
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 pm

But the script you provided now doesn't have a resurrect command? do i connect them somehow? im sorry that im so noob lol, but i'll try to learn scripting myself when i get the time to do it.. (:
Whoops ! Ignore my second post - The first one takes care of the corpse by it's own.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:49 pm

Whoops ! Ignore my second post - The first one takes care of the corpse by it's own.

Allright, Thanks alot! :)
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:28 am

What's the name of the vampire feed animation, and can I trigger it by way of a script whenever I want?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:26 pm

Is there a way to detect if a certain voice file is being played, or if a certain message is being displayed at the top of the screen? Specifically, I'm looking for a way to detect if the player has successfully yielded.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

There's the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsYielding function that returns 1 if the actor is currently in the yielding process. But I don't know about checking for a successful yield.

I have another question:
At one point in the Dark Brotherhood storyline, you're given the chance to wipe out everyone in the Brotherhood Cheydinhal sanctuary as part of a quest. But in the CS, Vicente Valtieri is marked as Essential. Now, IIRC, when you kill him during the quest, he does indeed stay dead. So, apparently his essential flag was set to 0 at some point. But does anyone know when that is, or what triggers it? I checked his attached script for anything essential related and found nothing. It does set the DarkVamp quest to either stage 115 or 116 that reference his being killed. But at what point did he cease to be essential and become killable?

EDIT: NM I found it. It's a result script in the 10th stage of the Dark10Sanctuary quest. setessential VicenteValtieri 0 I should've looked a little harder I guess.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

What is 'form bashing,' and what would cause an object to spontaneously form-bash when I haven't messed with that particular object in a long time? And how do I fix it?

Also, what are collision boxes and what do they do? Specifically, I'm looking for a way to keep my bookshelves safe. I've spent a good amount of time placing books on shelves in my library and just the thought of somebody bumping into them and causing a catastrophic avalanche is making me search for a way to make them stay put while still being able to read them, and without individually going through and creating a new version of the book with 'cannot be taken' checked.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 am

if im workin on a new mod then save it, creating a new esp file, then later want to combine it with another new mod i was working on (which wasnt originally part of the first new m,od cuz i wasnt sure if it would work out ) how do i do that? can i just load mod one in the cs along with mod 2 , set an acvtive file, then save , and both mods are now one in the saved file?
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:34 am

There's the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsYielding function that returns 1 if the actor is currently in the yielding process. But I don't know about checking for a successful yield.

I have another question:
At one point in the Dark Brotherhood storyline, you're given the chance to wipe out everyone in the Brotherhood Cheydinhal sanctuary as part of a quest. But in the CS, Vicente Valtieri is marked as Essential. Now, IIRC, when you kill him during the quest, he does indeed stay dead. So, apparently his essential flag was set to 0 at some point. But does anyone know when that is, or what triggers it? I checked his attached script for anything essential related and found nothing. It does set the DarkVamp quest to either stage 115 or 116 that reference his being killed. But at what point did he cease to be essential and become killable?

EDIT: NM I found it. It's a result script in the 10th stage of the Dark10Sanctuary quest. setessential VicenteValtieri 0 I should've looked a little harder I guess.

The way i play animations in BloodLust for feed on awake ppl is to duplicate the animatio entries i need so i can setup my own conditionals. The feeding animations are in the Sleeping and Sitting groups. Just go down that branch and find the one you are looking for, take note of the KF file name and path.

go up the tree and create a child of the idles node, making sure it stays at the top of the tree (since your anims will only play on very specific conditions, it wont likely overidde any default game idles, whereas if it's the bottom of the tree, so idle may return true first and override your own... also careful when putting your anim group at the top of the tree(child of the main group) as all the siblings below will get an asterisk, this can be cleared later in the mod data menu, jsut ignore those changes)

create your new entry inside your new uniquely named group (example: RSanimgroup -> RSfeedanim)

uncheck the return file box on the group , but keep it on the anim

you'll probably be callign the anim fro ma script, so create a variable like "playfeed", on the group put a conditional to check if that variable is set to 1, so whenever you want to play it set that in the script to 1, call pickidle and then reset playfeed to 0 afterwards.

the anim should have 2 conditionals like if pcvampire == 1 && if actorid == player

If you need more details just gimme a holler, my feed on awake ppl works real well, all i have to work still is the correct positioning between player and victim ^^
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 am

if im workin on a new mod then save it, creating a new esp file, then later want to combine it with another new mod i was working on (which wasnt originally part of the first new m,od cuz i wasnt sure if it would work out ) how do i do that? can i just load mod one in the cs along with mod 2 , set an acvtive file, then save , and both mods are now one in the saved file?

Grab a free utility called TES4Gecko. You can use it to merge two .esp files into one very, very easily.

What you describe won't work (or would take longer than necessary), because the stuff in the non-active mod(s) won't get saved when you save unless you duplicate it all with new IDs and then reattach all the parent references, scripts, doors, etc.

Also, what are collision boxes and what do they do? Specifically, I'm looking for a way to keep my bookshelves safe. I've spent a good amount of time placing books on shelves in my library and just the thought of somebody bumping into them and causing a catastrophic avalanche is making me search for a way to make them stay put while still being able to read them, and without individually going through and creating a new version of the book with 'cannot be taken' checked.

Collision boxes are basically see-through static boxes. You can scale them and put them anywhere. But before you go doing that, I have a few recommendations:
-Get the mod "Better Book Collision". It makes it much less likely for shelves to explode by shrinking the actual collision shape of all books, so they will rest more tightly together. (I would recommend this to anyone really)
-Use the console command "resetinterior [cellname]" from outside your library and everything will go back to its original editor location.
-If these are books you hand-placed in game, not in the CS, you may want to consider the "Book Placement" mod.
-Either way, I don't think collision boxes are what you really want for this. I'm not even sure you can activate things through collision boxes, but give me a sec and I will check. (edit: you can)
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:37 am

What does Pc lvl offset flag?
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 am

What does Pc lvl offset flag?

If the actor scales (level set according to player level, in the limits given by min and max level) or if the actor has a static level. If the actor scales, his "level" becomes to the offset - i.e. "3" would then mean always 3 levels above the player, unless the limits has been reached.
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neil slattery
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:51 pm

Can local variables be assigned to things other than quests, such as items or actors?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 am

So if i want my Npc to always be 3 lvl's above me then in the Offset box should it say 3 and pc level offset flagged and calc min should be 1 and calc max be 100?
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u gone see
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:05 pm

Can local variables be assigned to things other than quests, such as items or actors?
Yes, they can.

However if you want to access them through other scripts, the objects need to be persistent (then it's RefID.VariableName). This however will lead to CTDs if used on objects you can pick up, so if you want to store variables of objects the player can take into his inventory, use a quest script or something similar to track them!

if i unflack the offset can i still make the actor 3 lvl fx above me all the time

"I don't want to paint my wall blue. Can I make it not blue and be blue?"

Either an actor scales, or he doesn't scale. Of course you can scale him through a script (and risk CTDs by doing so), but that's like painting a room blue by using dynamite and blue powder.

//edit: Your new post got it correctly :).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:57 am

but then how do i make a custom merchant or trainer a lvling npc? i can't set which items the npc shall sell when the Pc Lvl Offset i activated?
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:44 am

You gotta add leveled vendor lists to the merchant's vendor chest if you want his goods to scale with the player's level. Look in the leveled list category, most of them are named in such a way that it's pretty obvious which is what. The ones with "vendor" in the name are probably the ones you want.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:44 pm

Collision boxes are basically see-through static boxes. You can scale them and put them anywhere. But before you go doing that, I have a few recommendations:
-Get the mod "Better Book Collision". It makes it much less likely for shelves to explode by shrinking the actual collision shape of all books, so they will rest more tightly together. (I would recommend this to anyone really)
-Use the console command "resetinterior [cellname]" from outside your library and everything will go back to its original editor location.
-If these are books you hand-placed in game, not in the CS, you may want to consider the "Book Placement" mod.
-Either way, I don't think collision boxes are what you really want for this. I'm not even sure you can activate things through collision boxes, but give me a sec and I will check. (edit: you can)

I'll try that, thanks.

They're books I'm placing in the CS, and obviously a lot of time has been spent doing so when I've completely filled two Upper-Class Wall Shelves (the huge divided ones) with books, each one unique so there's no multiple copies. They're even sorted by subject, for cryin' out loud. I've grabbed all the books from the game (including making non-quest item / non-scripted books out of volumes like Necromancer's Moon so taking 'em off the shelf won't help in the quest), gotten mods adding books from Morrowind and Daggerfall, and even went on the Imperial Library website and copied several Obscure Texts. I'm something of an amateur loremistress, and I'm a firm believer in having a big library. Unfortunately it's a VERY time-consuming job to place them all, and I'd like to make sure there are no book-explosions.

I playtested a mod earlier today, and I'm having problems getting my factions to cooperate. How does one set up 'guard animals'? I kinda like the idea of having a pet mountain lion guarding the path leading up to my castle, or having a wolf follow around a custom NPC whenever he has to go outside, so I set up a faction where that faction loves itself, the player, and the player as a vampire. I added that faction to my guard-lion and also to the lion I got from the Oblivion Mount Project. Unfortunately the moment I arrived at my castle, the two lions started attacking each other. What gives?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 pm

I'll try that, thanks.

They're books I'm placing in the CS, and obviously a lot of time has been spent doing so when I've completely filled two Upper-Class Wall Shelves (the huge divided ones) with books, each one unique so there's no multiple copies. They're even sorted by subject, for cryin' out loud. I've grabbed all the books from the game (including making non-quest item / non-scripted books out of volumes like Necromancer's Moon so taking 'em off the shelf won't help in the quest), gotten mods adding books from Morrowind and Daggerfall, and even went on the Imperial Library website and copied several Obscure Texts. I'm something of an amateur loremistress, and I'm a firm believer in having a big library. Unfortunately it's a VERY time-consuming job to place them all, and I'd like to make sure there are no book-explosions.

Well, it would be a pain in the butt, but you could also make each book static if you are so dedicated. I'm horribly sorry I forgot who posted this, but here are the instructions (I saved them):

If it is really a static apple that you want, I mean, a static like a wall, you can do the following:go for NifSkope 1.0.16 and load apple NIF filein Block List expand all nodessearch for: 4 bhkRigidBody and left click on itpress F3 or go to menu View -> Block Detailsin Block Details search for "Motion System" and change it to MO_SYS_FIXEDin Block Details search for "Quality Type" and change it to MO_QUAL_FIXED(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer" and change it OL_STATIC(not necessary) in Block Details search for "Layer Copy" and change it to OL_STATICsave the NIF file in Oblivion\Data\meshes\your_mod_name (or sth like that) and close the NifSkopeopen CS, load your plugin, make a new Static and as a model choose the NIF file that was just created in NifSkope"Not necessary" steps are only for a proper color of a layer, that can be seen in CS and in game, when you toggle collision geometry. Now you should have a static apple.

Edit: I still recommend you just reset interior. You can make an activator just outside the library, name it "Clean Up Library", and have it run the command for you if don't want to fiddle with the console.

I playtested a mod earlier today, and I'm having problems getting my factions to cooperate. How does one set up 'guard animals'? I kinda like the idea of having a pet mountain lion guarding the path leading up to my castle, or having a wolf follow around a custom NPC whenever he has to go outside, so I set up a faction where that faction loves itself, the player, and the player as a vampire. I added that faction to my guard-lion and also to the lion I got from the Oblivion Mount Project. Unfortunately the moment I arrived at my castle, the two lions started attacking each other. What gives?

Try adding them both to the player faction, either as well as your faction or removing all other factions. That's how companions are usually set up.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:09 am

i don't care about what the merchant sells i just want my merchant and trainer to be leveled.
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lisa nuttall
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