Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Twelfth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 am

Is there a way to kick-start an NPCs AI packages. I have a disabled quest NPC who is to ride a horse from A to B. The AI works fine but after she is enabled it takes a long, long time to actually kick in, and in the meantime she just stands around frozen on the spot.
So is there a script line I can add to a quest stage to force start the AI right away?
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:23 pm

Where can I find information on how to mod the user interface?
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:41 pm

Is there a way to kick-start an NPCs AI packages. I have a disabled quest NPC who is to ride a horse from A to B. The AI works fine but after she is enabled it takes a long, long time to actually kick in, and in the meantime she just stands around frozen on the spot.
So is there a script line I can add to a quest stage to force start the AI right away?
Call http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/EvaluatePackage on the actor.

Where can I find information on how to mod the user interface?
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Bee Baby
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:09 pm

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:46 pm

Question: What is the proper syntax to test if an array index DOES NOT exist?

I've tried the following but they do not work as expected:
if testExpr ( aArray [ "key" ] == 0 )	printC "%a( 1 ) TEST EXPRESSION SUCCEEDED" 2									else	printC "%a( 1 ) TEST EXPRESSION FAILED" 2									endifif testExpr ( !aArray [ "key" ] ); Do not re-create key	printC "%a( 2 ) TEST EXPRESSION SUCCEEDED" 2									else	printC "%a( 2 ) TEST EXPRESSION FAILED" 2									endifif eval ( aArray [ "key" ] := 0 ); Do not re-create key	printC "%a( 1 ) EVAL EXPRESSION SUCCEEDED" 2									else	printC "%a( 1 ) EVAL EXPRESSION FAILED" 2									endif

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James Hate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 am

Question: What is the proper syntax to test if an array index DOES NOT exist?

IIRC, there was an example in the command doc. Did you try that out ?
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 am

The example is for checking if the element does exist:
if testexpr (array["INDEX"])

I'm trying to get the expression for if it does not exists. For some reason the expressions I tried in my post above evaluated false when it should evaluate true.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 am

Have you tried
if testexpr !(array["INDEX"])

Oh and := is used for assignment so it can't be used in an if/eval statement.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am


Hey, thanks for the link! I've read about XML now, and i'm comfortable with what it is and how it works. But ofcourse everything handles XML differently, so it doesnt help so much for oblivion related things. (Particularly creating a new menu in game).
I've looked at the wiki but i'm wondering if anyone has written some guides for people getting started? The problem with the wiki is it just throws lots of terms my way without working downwads into the detail or giving examples. So it becomes very hard to figure out how everything relates to one another and i'm just finding myself swimming through detail and not really learning anything. Just becoming confused.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 am

im new to the construction set. so far its very frustrating for me as i have no background in computers or game modding at all. ive been reading the construction set website but it is still hard for me to understand it. im not sure im doin anything right. then i just spent all night long , a good 12 hours straight, doin my best to figure out how to create an in game land mass to add to the game. i was reading over and over agin, combing the construction set website tryin to understand it and having no clue why my construction set kept crashing when i would try to import the file. ( i had been instructed by the site to download another program called fractal world exploror or something like that and how to set up generated landmasses, which i did ok but when it came time to export to my pc then to import to the construction set, every single time i tried, a good 50 times in a rtow, it cxrashed right away.) i even uninstalled and reinstalled the programs involved. anyone have any clue what is goin on here??? some help please before i go insane??
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 am

Is there a way to figure out if a message box is open?
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:31 am

I've looked at the wiki but i'm wondering if anyone has written some guides for people getting started? The problem with the wiki is it just throws lots of terms my way without working downwads into the detail or giving examples. So it becomes very hard to figure out how everything relates to one another and i'm just finding myself swimming through detail and not really learning anything. Just becoming confused.
Unfortunately, there aren't, to my knowledge, any tutorials on XML menu creation. kyoma has done a lot of work in that area lately; you could ask him for pointers. Someone's gonna hate me for saying this

Is there a way to figure out if a message box is open?
menuMode 1001
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 am

im new to the construction set. so far its very frustrating for me as i have no background in computers or game modding at all. ive been reading the construction set website but it is still hard for me to understand it. im not sure im doin anything right. then i just spent all night long , a good 12 hours straight, doin my best to figure out how to create an in game land mass to add to the game. i was reading over and over agin, combing the construction set website tryin to understand it and having no clue why my construction set kept crashing when i would try to import the file. ( i had been instructed by the site to download another program called fractal world exploror or something like that and how to set up generated landmasses, which i did ok but when it came time to export to my pc then to import to the construction set, every single time i tried, a good 50 times in a rtow, it cxrashed right away.) i even uninstalled and reinstalled the programs involved. anyone have any clue what is goin on here??? some help please before i go insane??

The CS crashes a lot during everything related to landmasses, more memory helps, but doesn't solve all the issues. I have hardly any experience with landmasses, but I can tell you that starting small is the key. Make sure you get the technique right first; you may be importing a landmass that's just too big. I know it's ridiculous for a program to crash because of that, but the CS is the only tool we have for this. :shrug:

I've looked at the wiki but i'm wondering if anyone has written some guides for people getting started? The problem with the wiki is it just throws lots of terms my way without working downwads into the detail or giving examples. So it becomes very hard to figure out how everything relates to one another and i'm just finding myself swimming through detail and not really learning anything. Just becoming confused.

Be thankful that there's something to start with. The tutorial is only two months old, before that you'd have to start from scratch. :ooo:
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:49 pm

Be thankful that there's something to start with. The tutorial is only two months old, before that you'd have to start from scratch. :ooo:
Forgot to mention that ...
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 am

how do i move a generated landmass, that i have already imported with the fwe into the construction set, to place the land where i want it? and what if i want to place it where original land already exists? ( i am planning on vastly enlarging the oblivion world and am lookin for the best and easiest way to do so.)
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 am

Have you tried
if testexpr !(array["INDEX"])

Oh and := is used for assignment so it can't be used in an if/eval statement.

Thanks for the reply. I just tested this and can confirm that it does not work. The syntax results in an OBSE console error. Weird..
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 am

When looping through an actor's spells using OBSE, how do you perform a test to see if a spell reference is a certain spell? For instance, I need to loop until I get a spell "DisYellowTick" (yellow tick disease).
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:49 am

is there a way to use monsters and specially textured items or horses etc , from other mods by other people in my own mod which would expand on the mod by the other people and integrate it with my own? after always giving due credit of course to any contributors in such a merger of mods XD
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

Is there a function that returns the cell that the player is in?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

I think you can do:
ref cellstring_var to cellnameset cell to player.GetParentCellset cellname to cell.GetName

But if you want to test if the player is in a certain cell, you're looking for http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GetInCell.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

Thanks for the reply. I just tested this and can confirm that it does not work. The syntax results in an OBSE console error. Weird..
Try this : if eval (testexpr (array["INDEX"])) == 0

When looping through an actor's spells using OBSE, how do you perform a test to see if a spell reference is a certain spell? For instance, I need to loop until I get a spell "DisYellowTick" (yellow tick disease).
Set a reference variable to the editorID of your disease and then compare the actor's spell with it.

is there a way to use monsters and specially textured items or horses etc , from other mods by other people in my own mod which would expand on the mod by the other people and integrate it with my own? after always giving due credit of course to any contributors in such a merger of mods XD
You mean you want to merge another mod into your own ? Use TES4Gecko to do the job - Guide lines should be lying around in the mod forums.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:09 am

Thanks! That's weird as I'm used to programming languages where I can just deref something to compare! Never thought of doing the opposite :)
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

thankyou shademe i will look into thAt when i get the chance. and yes i meant addin thier mod to my own. such as how i am adding a landmass to the game but will need to populate it with the sdame monsters in other parts of the game world that already existed before my mod but that i also wanted to add monsters from another mod, such as "mmm monster mod" or whatever its called, and the horse textures from tjhe horse dreamland and the ic horse ranch.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 am

thankyou shademe i will look into thAt when i get the chance. and yes i meant addin thier mod to my own. such as how i am adding a landmass to the game but will need to populate it with the sdame monsters in other parts of the game world that already existed before my mod but that i also wanted to add monsters from another mod, such as "mmm monster mod" or whatever its called, and the horse textures from tjhe horse dreamland and the ic horse ranch.
I advise against merging huge mod's like MMM. You can master your plugin as an alternative. Once mastered, you're plugin will need MMM to be installed and you can use it's assets in your mod directly. Here's how - http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/De-Isolation_Tutorial
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:22 am

thankyou shademe i will look into thAt when i get the chance. and yes i meant addin thier mod to my own. such as how i am adding a landmass to the game but will need to populate it with the sdame monsters in other parts of the game world that already existed before my mod but that i also wanted to add monsters from another mod, such as "mmm monster mod" or whatever its called, and the horse textures from tjhe horse dreamland and the ic horse ranch.

MMM contains a master file. If that contains the creature definitions you only have to select that to load along with Oblivion.esm. Try it and see if you can find MMM's creatures.
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