im new to the construction set. so far its very frustrating for me as i have no background in computers or game modding at all. ive been reading the construction set website but it is still hard for me to understand it. im not sure im doin anything right. then i just spent all night long , a good 12 hours straight, doin my best to figure out how to create an in game land mass to add to the game. i was reading over and over agin, combing the construction set website tryin to understand it and having no clue why my construction set kept crashing when i would try to import the file. ( i had been instructed by the site to download another program called fractal world exploror or something like that and how to set up generated landmasses, which i did ok but when it came time to export to my pc then to import to the construction set, every single time i tried, a good 50 times in a rtow, it cxrashed right away.) i even uninstalled and reinstalled the programs involved. anyone have any clue what is goin on here??? some help please before i go insane??
The CS crashes a lot during everything related to landmasses, more memory helps, but doesn't solve all the issues. I have hardly any experience with landmasses, but I can tell you that starting small is the key. Make sure you get the technique right first; you may be importing a landmass that's just too big. I know it's ridiculous for a program to crash because of that, but the CS is the only tool we have for this. :shrug:
I've looked at the wiki but i'm wondering if anyone has written some guides for people getting started? The problem with the wiki is it just throws lots of terms my way without working downwads into the detail or giving examples. So it becomes very hard to figure out how everything relates to one another and i'm just finding myself swimming through detail and not really learning anything. Just becoming confused.
Be thankful that there's something to start with. The tutorial is only two months old, before that you'd have to start from scratch.
