once you have managed to steal something without being caught at that exact moment, and the item enters your inventory, or you are on the back of the horse riding it, is there a way at that point to flag that horse or object as yours from then on? (helpin to solve the psychic guard issue here)
Horse - can be done. You'll need to wait for activation and setOwnership accordingly.
if ( onControlDown 5 ) if ( getCrosshairRef.getCreatureType == 4 ) getCrosshairRef.setOwnership endIfendIf
OBSE needed for both cases. As for items, you'll ned to disable the mouse button, detect the mouse click, drop the item under the mouse,
setOwnership and add it to your inventory.
I'm starting to work on a smallish house mod as like breather project. I want to make a spell to teleport the player home and then the next time they cast that same (or a second teleport spell if needed) spell they return to where they previously cast the spell to get th house.